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Announcements and Events / Re: PYRE FOR RAGNAR!!!
« Last post by Yvonne on November 30, 2023, 06:24:19 AM »
This board is still giving me fits. For anyone whom also can't see or use the link to the post,

Here is the information from Thorarin Bloodaxe: 

Ragnar will be given a Torvaldslander pyre on December 2, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. CST at the Inlet of Green Cliffs. The Inlet will be a safe zone for all for one hour prior to the pyre until one hour after the pyre ends.

Google Inlet of Green Cliffs to get the site name. I believer the original post is being automatically blocked because of the link to the other site.


(cross-posted so non`Tuchuks might see this)
Many thanks, Kemma.

I will pass word to a couple of Gorean friends I have on Facebook, in case they wish to also attend.

I wish you well,
CW Tuchuks
Announcements and Events / PYRE FOR RAGNAR!!!
« Last post by kemma on November 29, 2023, 02:50:44 PM »
This board is still giving me fits. For anyone whom also can't see or use the link to the post,

Here is the information from Thorarin Bloodaxe: 

Ragnar will be given a Torvaldslander pyre on December 2, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. CST at the Inlet of Green Cliffs. The Inlet will be a safe zone for all for one hour prior to the pyre until one hour after the pyre ends.

Google Inlet of Green Cliffs to get the site name. I believer the original post is being automatically blocked because of the link to the other site.


(cross-posted so non`Tuchuks might see this)
Gorean Roleplay General Discussions / PYRE FOR RAGNAR!!!
« Last post by kemma on November 29, 2023, 02:49:28 PM »
This board is still giving me fits. For anyone whom also can't see or use the link to the post,

Here is the information from Thorarin Bloodaxe: 

Ragnar will be given a Torvaldslander pyre on December 2, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. CST at the Inlet of Green Cliffs. The Inlet will be a safe zone for all for one hour prior to the pyre until one hour after the pyre ends.

Google Inlet of Green Cliffs to get the site name. I believe the original post is being automatically blocked because of the link to the other site.


MTC OOC / Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Last post by Izee on November 28, 2023, 02:05:46 AM »
...Pavane... :)

My main cello is named 'Pavane'.  She was made by a really 'madwoman' in South Africa.  I met her at an International Cello Congress in Salt Lake City.  I was a struggling accountant, but I got my Husband to let me drive and stay for the week.  So, I drove from the SF Bay Area to SLT in our old VW 'Bug'.  No air-conditioning, so I was a total mess when I arrived at the College Campus.  We didn't have much money, so I signed up to stay in a Campus Dorm Room.  My cello 'Catherine' was with me. 

I settled into the little dorm, bringing back memories of when I was a student, and I worked with the other women on the floor to use the shower and such. 

My Private Teacher from H.S. was there, she stayed in a nice hotel, and we attended a lot of the events together.  We would go to the area where people were selling stuff, and I bought some music and a REALLY NEAT FOLD UP STAND.  So, that exhausted my spending money.  I ate the rather lousy food that the Event provided, and would steal rolls and cupcakes for my breakfast. 

But, my teacher kept getting me to look at a cello that a woman from South Africa was selling.  She was a 'luthier', she had MADE it...and it was pretty.  I tried it out, but $25,000 was WAY BEYOND my budget.   :P  Plus, it didn't sound all that good.  But, my teacher kept pestering me to look at it, and I did borrow it for an hour to play with a Quartet.  I heard that YANOS STARKER had tried out the cello, and liked it, and said that he would tell his students to buy her cellos.

So, at the end of the Event, I drove back home, with my cello strapped down in the back seats of my VW bug, and the new $20,000 cello strapped in the front passenger seat.  I had got the Luthier to lower the price a bit. 

I had a bit of explaining to do when I got home... ::)

But, Pavane woke up as I played her.  Once, during a private lesson, my Teacher took Pavane from me, and played part of a Sonata we were working on.  He told me, "That is how you need to play this."  I was sitting, slack jawed, and asked, "Did you hear all of the Overtones my cello was making?"  He stopped, and nodded, and carefully handed Pavane back to me and said, "This cello is developing very well."

Once, the Manager of the local Symphony called me, and asked to borrow Pavane.  The visiting Soloist's cello had had an accident, and he needed a good cello to play.  So, I brought Pavane to the Hall, and handed her over to the Guest Artist.  He played the Dvorak very well...and I giggled as I drove back from the Concert.  My CELLO had played that wonderful work...I tried to get up to that level of performance.

So, D. Haddad did a wonderful work...cutting and shaping wood...and "Pavane" was born.
Webmaze General Discussions / Re: Ragnar update and Gathering
« Last post by Yvonne on November 27, 2023, 10:04:44 PM »
I bring some very sad news indeed.  He will be incredibly missed. He has some wonderful friends here on this site, my deepest condolences to all of you.
 This message is per Thorarin Bloodaxe;

Ragnar, passed away Friday (Oct 13, 2023). He was a good man, friend and brother. Gor is a little poorer for his absence. He will be sorely missed.

This is truly heartbreaking news.

Thank you for passing the word, helga.

Rest easy, Ubar.   It was an honor to call you FRIEND!

Chat Whisper Tuchuks
MTC OOC / Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Last post by Izee on November 27, 2023, 06:39:58 AM »
...Cutting up... ::)

At Conservatory, I was a bit of a cut up...and...I was VERY PERSUASIVE.  I hauled anyone I could to 'help me out'.  (I figured that spreading the blame would take attention from me.)  So, as I reported, I did get the members of my String Quartet to participate.

But, playing the piano, I was LOST!  I mean, I always set my 'cut ups' to appear that it was someone other than me AT FAULT!!! I mean, I was a GOOD GIRL, when strange stuff happened, well, don't point your finger at ME!  But, when it was just me sitting my butt on the stool in front of the piano, there wasn't much that I could do.

But, after watching a Marx Bros Movie...I got an inspiration.   ;D

I was going to play a Rachmaninoff is a difficult piece.  It was going to be at 'Solo Class', a no credit Course on Tuesday afternoons that we Music Majors HAD to attend.  Looking back, it was a brilliant idea by the Dean.  We Music Majors really did need to hear music and instruments that we were not familiar with in order to learn, and being a Music Major was more than just sawing on a cello...a Graduate should be familiar with ALL SORTS of music...and what different instruments sound like and what they can do.  The Trombone can be a very eloquent and expressive horn when played well.

So, I walked out in my 'Major Performance' gown, and stood by the piano, and curtsied.  After the applause and howls of lust from the men gown was very low cut...I settled in...and immediately...

...I SUCKED!!!!!!!!  The music sounded like Hell.  I stopped, and tried playing again...but...I STILL SUCKED!!!

Then the 'Old Concert Hall Maintenance Guy' (He REALLY WAS an old man) emerged from the wings, and walked over to me.  He reached, and turned the music score in front of me a half turn, and set it back in the rack.  (The music had been upside down on the piano... ;))  He then walked off...

I looked at him, and then at the musical score, and played the work well.

I got 5 Curtain Calls...I think the guys wanted to see my cleavage as a curtsied...No way could I bow in my tits would have fallen out.  I would have been summoned to the Dean's Office again.   :P

The Professor of Piano, who gave me my private lessons...was NOT AMUSED!

The Dean did tell me that he was sorry to see me leave as a Music Major, but I did stay and played in Instrumental Classes.  He said that he was always trying not to laugh as he scolded me over something.
MTC OOC / Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Last post by Izee on November 12, 2023, 06:11:47 PM »
...Soaring with the Eagles!!!!   ;D

When I was flying sailplanes, I was ALWAYS very attentive to what was going on around me...especially when I was in the trainer.  The cockpit was in the nose of the fuselage, and the big honking wing was on top, so you couldn't see behind you.  There actually were mirrors, but I just didn't like them.  The little HP sailplane had the cockpit on TOP of the fuselage, and the canopy was clear, so you could see ALL around you.  I was in the trainer, and had found a good thermal, and got up to 8,000 feet.  The thermal then wimped out, and I straightened out from circling, and looked around.  I was watching for other aircraft, and also looking for hawks and eagles.  They find thermals very easily, Scientists actually think that they may be able to sense or actually see them.  Seeing birds like that circling means that they found one.  Next time you see hawks or eagles circling, watch them...they are not flapping their wings...but they are staying up.  They are in a thermal. 

So, I spotted a pair, about 1,000 yards away, and flew towards them.  I only lost about 500 feet of altitude, and entered the thermal.  In a sailplane, you know when you enter a thermal, even without looking at the rate of climb meter.  If a wing enters it, thermals are tight columns of rising air, it gets pushed up, and so you turn the plane on it's side, and turn towards the rising wing, and circle.  If you blunder straight into a thermal, well, you butt tells you, you feel a HUGH push from below, and you can turn in either direction.  If you turn away from the thermal, you immediately know, the air flows down around a thermal, you feel it and the rate of climb meter lets you know, so you haul on the rudder and the joystick and do a hard turn in the other direction, and usually you can find the thermal.

Anyway, I settled into a gentle circle, not banked too steep, and after a few turns, the eagles joined me.  I guess they were curious, or wondering if they could get to the 'snack' inside the big white bird.  That was a wonderful moment...we circled for about five minutes...and they left.  They were right beside my cockpit while we soared, I smiled and waved and spoke to them as we flew.  Soaring was so much fun.

Later in life, I let a client talk me into letting him give me flying lessons in return for my legal services.  That didn't last too long...quite frankly...I did NOT enjoy flying a little single prop plane.  It was noisy, and you had to wear a set of headphones and hear chatter, and you just flew straight.  I got scolded a lot when I first started doing turns, I did a turn like I was in a sailplane and turned the plane on it's side, pointing the wing at the ground as I pressed on the rudder.  My Instructor SHOUTED...

...HANDS OFF!!!!... >:(

And so I let go, and pulled my feet off the rudders.  He straightened the plane out and asked me..."What the HELL were you doing?"  I was nervous, and I said, "Turning the plane".  He calmed down, and said, "We are not in a dogfight, this is how you turn", and did a very gentle turn, the wings were almost level.  I said, "OK", and after that flew that way.  But, as I said, it was boring, so I told him that I did not want to get a flying license.

Good thing that I never became a Commercial Pilot...flying a Boing 747 like a Schroeder 1-26 would have gotten me thrown in jail... ::)
MTC OOC / Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Last post by Izee on November 08, 2023, 01:24:15 AM »
...'Fingering' the cello... ::)

There you are, with the chunk of lumber between your legs, and you have to figure out which finger on your left hand to use to play a note.  So, for instance, on the A String you can play a B, C, and D naturals in the first position.  You just drop your 1st, 2nd, and 4th finger.  You can also slightly move a finger to make a note sound sharper or flatter.  To play higher notes on the A string, you have to move your hand down the neck of the cello.  The most common higher position is 5th Position, your thumb is at the base of the neck, and the bottom side of your hand is actually touching the shoulder of the cello.  Then, comes "Thumb Position", where you move your whole hand onto the fingerboard, and lay the side of your thumb on a note, often the A natural, and the fingers can do their stuff.

But, when playing a passage, which finger do you place on a note?  That is where you have to figure out how to 'finger' a passage.  And, being cellists, we need to be reminded of how to play a passage.  So, we would write the numbers from 1 to 4 above the note to tell us which finger to use.  In fast passages, you REALLY had to plan what to do, because you wanted to get the notes in tune, and also to keep that hand in the same place on the neck of the cello so you just didn't wander away into 'Out of TUNE LAND'. 

Once, I was feeling very ornery.  I knew that my Private Cello Teacher, Alan, who was the Professor of Cello, would sit with me at a Concert.  I was the Principal Cellist, but the Conductor would bring Alan in to strengthen the section.  I agreed with his decision, the other five cellists were rank amateurs who didn't practice enough.  So, on a Respigi Overture, I wrote in the most RIDICULOUS fingerings I could think of.   ::)  He came to the Rehearsal, and we got into the work.  The Conductor stopped the Orchestra at times, to work with a section, and Alan STARED  at me.  "Ah, are you REALLY playing those measure like that?" he whispered.  I smiled, and whispered back, "Yes, I think it sounds more expressive."  It was a bunch of 16th notes, in a quick tempo, so you really didn't hear them, you just heard some noise.

*SIGHS*   ???  He 'PULLED RANK ' on me, and took the music with him and wrote in more correct fingerings.  I pretended to have trouble with how he had fingered it, and he just growled..."You need a two hour lesson on this work, and I will charge my higher rates."

I followed his fingerings... ::)
MTC OOC / Re: ...Izee's Thread
« Last post by Izee on November 06, 2023, 03:55:24 AM »
...WAFFLES!!!!  Just gotta talk about WAFFLES!!!

As a young child, I was VERY fussy about what I ate, so I didn't eat very much.  So, I was very skinny, the School Nurses would look me over to see if I had a problem.  Mom would pack me a healthy lunch, and I would just eat the carrots and celery and throw the rest away.  I was always looking forward to Wednesday...the school lunch was a HAMBURGER!!  I would eat the hamburger, and throw away the rest.  I would feel ashamed, Mom would scold me about how grateful I should be over having nice food, but being a just didn't register on me.

But, on weekends, Dad would make WAFFLES!!!  I would get up early and wait in the kitchen, in my pajamas, and be happy when he brought out the waffle iron.  I would sit, and offer to help, but he wouldn't let me do much.  So, I just watched. 

The first waffle was for the birds, back then you had to put oil on the iron so the batter wouldn't stick, and the first waffle wasn't very good.  But, I would help peel the second waffle off the iron, and set it on my plate.  Butter and syrup followed, and well...nothing more was needed.  Mom would say I should add fruit and jellies, but NO!!!  Butter and syrup was enough...I eagerly ate the waffle.  So, I always had a nice breakfast on the weekends.

Dad was well aware of my love for his waffles, so, when I came home from breaks at College...I got waffles.   :)  It even extended to when I got married, and visited with my H and my children.  He would pull the waffle iron out, mix the batter, and make waffles for me and my family. 

... ::)...He tried to teach me to make waffles, and I even carefully watched him, and wrote out a recipe.  I made them for my roommates in college, and they LOVED them...but I didn't think that they tasted quite right.  So, I was ALWAYS happy to visit, and get a waffle.  I seriously think that we don't perceive reality.  I think that there is an 'energy side' of us that registers things that our blood and muscle bodies just can't sense.  And, we can transfer that energy, and receive that energy from others.  So, Dad was putting HIS energy into the waffles.  That may explain Chefs...they can fix the same dish with the same ingredients...but some taste MUCH better.

A dear memory to me...

Dad got brain cancer, and he stayed at home.  I visited as much as I could...but...not as much as I wanted to.  I had a family, and lived in another town, and was a busy Trial Lawyer, and very active in Classical Music and 4-H.  So, the weekends got far apart.  I could see him failing...he was VERY strong, and refused to go into a Clinic, and was busy in the house.

Then, came that last weekend.  He was very weak, and didn't talk or visit much.  But...on Sunday morning...

...He brought out the waffle iron.  He waved me away when I said I could make it, and I just sat, and watched.  And...

...He made me a waffle!!!   :)

I was delighted, and put butter and syrup on it, and ate it, and hugged and kissed him, and cleaned things up.

I cried when he passed...and part of it was because he wouldn't ever make me a waffle again.

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