Take care of you, we will be here when you return... ~huggles~ You do know that duct tape is wonderful thing for "teenage" problems ~winks~ If you need someone to vent to, I am only a click away, just send me a note on the boards PM and vent away... ~smiles and huggles you again and also leaves you two rice packs, that you can heat up in the microwave to heat them up, then use them as heating pads for your wrists~
Ray, my husband, had those when he was going through his fun time with carpal tunnel, though you are dealing with a slightly different aspect of hand issues, this heating pad is great even for small joints, especially after those retched cortisone injections.. ~shudders~ am looking at possibly one more in my hip and if that causes me nothing but pain as soon as the "local" wears off, I am demanding a different treatment until they fix the damn problem, even if it means the last resort, surgery... ~sends you huggles again as I know the pain you are dealing with, though in a larger aspect~
Just take care of you and your family, but know you are loved and missed each and every day that you are away from your family at MTC!