1. What time is it? 8/27 pm.
2. What do you do for a living? this girl is licensed as an attorney and a cpa, and works as a trial attorney. <she is very good at taking tests...smiles>.
3. Known nicknames. r/t, 'punkin', or 'bottoms' (my husband calls me that); 'mad bitch' (the people i deal with). 'amanda', or sometimes 'priscella' in v/t.
4. Piercing. ears only, double pierced.
5. What is the most recent movie you have seen in the theatre? "The Soloist".
6. Eye color. green.
7. Place of birth. Walnut Creek, CA.
8. Favorite foods. Seafood, especially crab and calamari.
9. Ever been to Africa? no.
10. Ever been toilet papering? no, but have been the recipient several times.
11. Love someone so much it made you cry? yes, many times, it still happens, thankfully.
12. Ever been in a car accident? yes, several, but wasn't hurt very badly.
13. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits, you betcha, love that tarsk!
14. Favorite day of the week. Friday.
15. Favorite restaurant. Aliotos #8 in San Francisco.
16. Favorite flower. rose.
17. Favorite sport to watch. football...yes...i like football.
18. Favorite drink. i like good coffee, and i also like good white chablis.
19. Favorite ice cream. mint chocolate chip.
20. Disney or Warner Brothers? i like the W/B cartoons the best..."animaniacs"...LOL.
21. Favorite fast food restaurant. Quiznos...the prime rib sammiches are to die for.
22. What color is your bedroom carpet? taupe.
23. How many times did you fail your drivers test? blushes...(i guess that there are some tests that i am not good at). i aced the written, but flunked the actual driving test three times.
24. What State/Country do you live in. Foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, CA.
25. Which store would you max out your credit card? Macys.
26. What do you do most often when you are bored? get crabby, and then eat comfort food after everyone around me tells me to leave.
27. Bedtime. depends on my schedule for the next day. it can be between 9:00 pm and 1:00 am.
28. Favorite TV shows or channels. i like the history and learning channels.
29. Last person you went to dinner with. my hubby.
30. Favorite car. i lust after a Mustang Shelby GT. my hubby says...NO!
31. What are you listening to right now? Schuberts Quintet for two violins, viola, and two cellos.
32. Favorite type of music? mostly classical, but i do like the Carpenters, Bonny Hampton, Pink Floyd, Meatloaf, and Celtic Women. i also adore most musicals.
33. What is your favorite color? green, emerald green.
34. Lake, ocean or river? i find lakes most soothing, but love all areas where there is water.
35. How many tattoos do you have? none.
36. When was your last vacation, and where did you go? last weekend, my husband and i went to Monterey, CA.
37. What is your favorite thing about {MTC}. my Master, Master Ubar. He encourages me, and always helps me up when i stumble. i am learning a lot about myself.
38. Time you finished this. 9:13 pm.