Well as some of you know and do not kow I have had a rough few days.
My daughter is 16 months old and Thursday at noonish, I had the other child I watch my 11 year old and 16 month old around. The one I watch was down for a nap. My son was looking for glue. I decided to run to bathroom cause well ya have to at some point. Well little did I know that my 11 year old had unlocked the child lock under the sink.
Next thing I hear is my son yelling..I come out..trying to pull pants up at same time and see my daughter covere with orance scented lysol. As well as Cascade dishwasher gel out on the floor. Now alot had gone on her clothes and such bu7t she had swallowed some ( still an unknown amount). SO I immediatly call poison control (1-800-222-1222 yea I have it memorized) And they askw hats she staken.. I explain the situation and they tell me to wash her off. She gets intot h4e tub and they also tell me that the stuff she has swallowed is not the worse thing she could have swallowed. They say to wait 45 min and they will call back....yea wait..uh huh. Well I do and by that time shes drooling and not wanting to drink.
So its up to the ER for her..where they barely look at her and then tranfer us to a diff hospital and the peds unit..in special care unit. She is hooked up to everything by this point and not liking it. shes fussy her tummy hurting and well then the diarrhea starts..reallyt bad. shes put on a clear liquid diet and Im tol the next day ( yesterday) shes to be taken to OR for a scope procedure. well that night is when I got to finally contact some people. And I kinda broke down a few times...specially when they wouldnt let me sleep in the special care unit and I had to leave her.
ASk Ubar I do not think I slep much...cried alot and checked on her alot. The procedure the nexr day went well. Longest freakin hour of my life... very little irritation in the esopogous ((sp)) and a bit more in the stomach. SHe still was eating too well and her throat was now more irriatated formt he scope procedure they also took a small biopsy from her colon to check for infection because of the slight swelling and redness.
My battery on my phone by this time had died so thats why I didnt get to call back...no internet either so I was screwed on contacting. We got our own room and slept another night and this day we got to come home. SHe on steroids fr another day...and then an acid reducer for a few weeks with very frequent doctors visits.
I have been lectured TONS about being careful with chemicals ( duh like I already didnt know))..but other than that am just glad to be home right now...extremely tired while my little diva runs around just happy to be free of tubes ivs and monitors.
I thank you all for all yout positive thoughts and prayers. They were an immense help. RIght now I am going to finiahs washing up and HOPEFULLY get my angel down for a nap so mommy can have one too. Thank again all.
The typist behind Kassia