Author Topic: KFC Grilled Chicken.  (Read 3060 times)

Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: KFC Grilled Chicken.
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2009, 09:28:04 AM »
"Be moderate in everything, including moderation."

Horace Porter

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Offline familure{TD}

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Re: KFC Grilled Chicken.
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2009, 12:22:49 PM »
Though my favorite meat is a nice, bloody prime rib... ~sighs~ There used to be a restaurant in Las Vegas that would actually cook our prime rib rare, which is an oddity, as most places have to cook it to either medium or medium well, so they don't end up causing you getting sick from undercooked meat... Again, I used to sneak hamburger meat before was it made into patties, add a bit of salt or season salt for seasoning, and eat the raw ground beef... my bro-in-law was blamed for me doing such... and the lecture that followed was not fun... but I don't do that anymore, as I don't trust the meat that comes out anymore, until it's cooked that is..

every state and local health code dictates what temps beef may be served at restaurants. for Indiana, no ground beef product may be sold at anything less than 160 degrees (Medium) for anyone over the age of consent-though for children...all ground beef must be cooked to well. however any other beef products (all those yummy steaks, including prime rib) can be sold at what ever temp. the customer requests. a certain county in central Illinois...if the customer asks...they can still get a rare burger, and it's legal. really. though i would never advise that at any restaurant that doesn't grind it's own burger now days....and you dont personally know how it's being handled, levels of cleanliness and sanitation, ect ect ect

« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 12:31:58 PM by familure{AD/TD} »

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Re: KFC Grilled Chicken.
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2009, 01:32:05 PM »
Yeah, unless they grow their own beef, I will take it medium rare, just to be on the safe side... and of course I had to go and say prime rib, and have been craving it since I posted... ~laughs~ and there are no good places out here that make prime rib, at least not the type I am thinking of... the small cut was an inch thick, then the queen which was about an inch and a half, and the king cut was two of the queen cuts put together, and yes, guy and gals that is 3 inches thick... so wish they were around still, but sadly, as they were in North Las Vegas, they didn't get many people there for the food, unless it was faire weekend, to which they literally went through an entire cow or two, as word got around.... ~sighs~ leave it to a blind man to take us there...

But all in all, I do understand the reasons behind the whys restaurants cook their meat the way they do, and I am actually grateful that they take those steps, though some customers tend to get really bitchy over it, but I don't think they would like to enjoy a beautiful and delicious meal and end up in the hospital either in a few hours to a day later because the food was tainted and not cooked thoroughly... and neither would the restaurant... ~winks~


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Re: KFC Grilled Chicken.
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2009, 05:00:59 PM »
Here is another simple rule to follow.

The less preservatives and additives in your food the better.  Basically cut down on the processed food products.  They may be convenient, but they are not good for you.

As those at the gathering found out, the first thing the nutritionist at the American Cancer Society told me was no lunchmeat, hotdogs, ham.  All are high in nitrates and are bad, bad.  Also on the bad list is artificial sweetners, which again are mostly chemicals. 

And definitely, as Buddha said, balance your diet. 
