In my own words, to be a Gorean Male is to know how to carry yourself, to not pay attention to the wants of a women, as it regards a FM. The FM, Has his duty, his Honor, and his own Courage. Those are rights that are instilled into him from birth. In my own point of view those are driving points in a FM's way of Life. For him to let or have any other reason become a driving force would weaken his own sense as a male. Case In point. A FM could see an FW doing a task or Duty incorrectly, but does not act for his own benefit. He should correct the FW, slave thrall, whomever in any capacity, but he doesnt as a benefit to himself. That is weakening Ones self and unbecoming of a FM. His Duty is his Life, His Honor would be shaken, His Courage lessened. Women are of the best in Gor In our own Family, but as a whole, in the world of Gor, we cannot think as Such. To expect women to carry themselves as we have been accustomed to in MTC. They Are of a higher regard. So to Show weakness by changing oneself to whim of a women weakens the Male in his own morals and thoughts, In that he is just as lowly as the thrall or slave that brings him his water, or food. He must be true to himself and his family in every way possible. by doing that he will Honor those that have given him the birthright he has. Being true to the women whom brought him into this world. Being true to the Healers that heal him. To Be himself is honing his birthright and therefore serving his camp and family in the best way he can.. So to give up his own birthright, is a way for an FM to not be true to himself, and leads down a path of becoming something other than a true FM of Gor.
In ending, by keeping to an FM's Birthright as the way of Truelly being himself.