I was hoping that I would make it through the proby period before disappearing for one of my stretches...but my situation warrants that r/t will be taking over sooner than I planned...this coming Friday, I hit the road....
Things finally coming together and a lot more swiftly, we will be missing one of the biggest money makers for my partner and I, but we will be doing a long three week stretch that will prolly take a lot out of me, as I am the only one with a license to drive....long story...don't ask...*LOL*...and not to mention me doin' my 'hustle'...I'm going to be having a blast, and prolly getting to see a lot more bewbies than I'm prepared to handle...*devilish grin*...so don't worry about me...just know that I will be back when time permits, if only to poke and prod a little on the MB for a little while...
It's time for me to get out there and make MINE!!!...as I know most of you gotta be thinking what the hell does this woman do that she is always on the computer and always in the room?....Heh...believe me when I say....when I work hard..I play just as hard...*grins and laughs a touch maniacally*.....
((*adds a little extra calrification to this comment*)) So, this coming week, I will prolly be quite spotty at best, before going completely off the grid...but know that I am not ever disappearing forever...*nods lots and lots*...ya'll are becoming the Family I never had!...
P.S...and thank you, Raz for getting me some of the books...they will give me something to do when I can't find the time to r/p...*blows a kiss*...