ok sunday evening i was at masters and took a bad angina attack master called 999 and i was taken into the hospital near him, i was put on the norm drips and given lots of tablets and jabs in the belly and moved to a ward, monday my pulse hit 0 and they couldnt wake me up, my breathing was next to nothing they put a tube up my nose to help with this, still they could not wake me untill 12 hours later when i told them to get damn tube out of my nose, i got home tonight my time but have to go back for new tests this hospital seem to be doing more then the one i go to all the time which is a good thing, they are also going to scan the lumps on my neck as some have moved up into the base of my head and they are wondering if this caused the sleep problem, at the moment i am ok if a bit weak and love you all so very much