I am donated two 2 stone bags of blackwine beans that I got last time I was in Turia. One for camp use one to go to the medical compound for distribution to the medical wagons.
kadi will be making them up into pre-measured bags. Note that this will put the blackwine at half strength to stretch it further.
Just a note...blackwine of two 2 stone bags is equivalent to 16 lbs on earth. Thats two 8 pound bags among thousands of wagons and hundreds of thousands among them which is much like a full city of wagons.
Then again we can also take into consideration this quote...
I had heard of black wine, but had never had any. It is drunk in Thentis, but I had never heard of it being much drunk in other Gorean cities...Then I picked up one of the thick, heavy clay bowls...It was extremely strong, and bitter, but it was hot, and, unmistakably, it was coffee."---Assassins of Gor, p 106
Meaning that very few among the wagon peoples would know or even drink of such things, so, we can pinpoint the donation to within the inner wagons. With that in mind, the way it appears that people in camp drink blackwine all day and for virutally every drink they have, and I wont name names now, that those bags will last perhaps a few days, depending how it is brewed.