(sent you a PM back and hopefully I will get together with you and we can continue on with this soon)
I got word from george, when he came out to the outer circle medical wagon with a list of supplies from the inner circle medical wagons... Frowning slightly as I must have just missed you, as I had come back to my wagon to gather up a few extra supplies I had, mostly in the form of blankets, furs, and other necessities that were in need in the outer circle wagons... As I sat at the counter writing a report that I would be giving to Raziel when I saw him next, as well as a copy to Amber and Kelsey when I was able to catch up with them as well, as all three would need to know the status of the medical wagon out here as well as what I had found out about the supplies in the inner circle medical, surgical and medical freight wagons, the cold weather has caused a bit of trouble for us, though I might have thought I caught it in time, I hadn't...
I thank george and send him back to the inner circle to find kiah to give her the message that I would be returning to the inner circle wagons this night and that I would need her assistance again as well... I turn back to writing the report up as george exits the wagon, grabbing the heavy cloak gifted to him for this winter season, as I had done with all my other slaves as well, too keep them from getting too cold while they helped out with camp chores for the upcoming migration.