Author Topic: Cracking up laughing  (Read 1566 times)

Offline Kimba~

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Cracking up laughing
« on: March 07, 2010, 08:56:16 AM »
Just to be clear.  I'm joking about what these morons are saying for real.

I think you guys should know that you don't really live where you think you live.  The following quote is from lannie, who runs PG these days.  Carole owns it, but lannie runs it.  

According to the map on PG:

If you traveled along the Cartius River you'd come out near Kasra and Kataii lands.....not Tuchuk who were closer to Turia.
To get to Tuchuk lands you'd have to go over the Ta-Thassa Mountains or along the coast of Thassa then inland.

If you have issues with this, you will have to take it up with Inukshuk, the thrall who made these maps.

And the script of our roleplay was removed from the PG Boards because it was invalid, due to the geographic confusion.

A kajira runs the place, and a thrall tells everybody where to live.  And now, to complete the set, I have just been informed by the slavegirl Hura (who is also a Mod), that it doesn't matter if I won that tournament, because Ragnar judged it, and Ragnar is "not qualified to judge anything."  It's a good thing we don't have combat rules written by a thrall, or combat judged by one.  Oh wait, yeah we do.  Never mind.

Get your shits together.  I am tired of the way you keep dragging down my reputation!  Making me look bad by not knowing where you really live, or being able to judge which one of two FW fighting with broomsticks and spatulas is the winner.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 09:45:13 AM by Kater »
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Raziel

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Re: Cracking up laughing
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2010, 11:29:46 AM »
Indeed, it must be so if slaves say it is.  Pure indeed, we cannot argue with that reasoning.



Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Cracking up laughing
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2010, 06:29:47 PM »
I do not care what others think.

I do what I know is right.

Offline Sidagny Fiersdóttir

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Re: Cracking up laughing
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2010, 07:27:16 PM »
I thought name calling wasn't allowed on WM boards but here is Kimba calling people morons just because they disagree with her on a message board and calling them other names. I am sure Inashuk likes being called a thrall which is a torvie male slave and lanie isn't a kajira in real life to my knowledge. You are confusing roleplay to their real time site jobs it seems. And actually Kimba/Giannia hura isn't even a mod at pg and lanie was asking a question about travel and to have it clarified in which route you and your party took to Tuchuk. I notice you forgot the No? at the end of her post. No one was bashing Ragnar in her post either:

The answers to the questions raised on this thread are:

1.Nobody remembers the exact date of the tournament.  Probably 5 years ago maybe 6.
2.Morning made a challenge, which was accepted.  Morning did not set a date and eventually changed her mind about the challenge.
3.The Crimson Spear League Board is full of OOC spars.
4.The Section does not say South Sea Islands.  PTJ is on the Thassa coast.  We felt the South Sea Section was where our Home should be located.
5.When Caranda says what she thinks is false, that can be answered.
6.Check the map.  We went all the way through the jungle to the Cartius river, where we met MTC, where the jungle meets the plains.  Travel roleplay is posted on the SigRoleplay board.
7.I am one of the members of PTJ who wants the truth about our Home to be to told.

According to the map on PG:

If you traveled along the Cartius River you'd come out near Kasra and Kataii lands.....not Tuchuk who were closer to Turia.
To get to Tuchuk lands you'd have to go over the Ta-Thassa Mountains or along the coast of Thassa then inland.....No?

Saddens me to see this on this board. I know Ragnar to be an honorable Gorean man.

Offline Raziel

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Re: Cracking up laughing
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2010, 08:19:59 PM »
I thought name calling wasn't allowed on WM boards but here is Kimba calling people morons just because they disagree with her on a message board and calling them other names. I am sure Inashuk likes being called a thrall which is a torvie male slave and lanie isn't a kajira in real life to my knowledge. You are confusing roleplay to their real time site jobs it seems. And actually Kimba/Giannia hura isn't even a mod at pg and lanie was asking a question about travel and to have it clarified in which route you and your party took to Tuchuk. I notice you forgot the No? at the end of her post. No one was bashing Ragnar in her post either:

The answers to the questions raised on this thread are:

1.Nobody remembers the exact date of the tournament.  Probably 5 years ago maybe 6.
2.Morning made a challenge, which was accepted.  Morning did not set a date and eventually changed her mind about the challenge.
3.The Crimson Spear League Board is full of OOC spars.
4.The Section does not say South Sea Islands.  PTJ is on the Thassa coast.  We felt the South Sea Section was where our Home should be located.
5.When Caranda says what she thinks is false, that can be answered.
6.Check the map.  We went all the way through the jungle to the Cartius river, where we met MTC, where the jungle meets the plains.  Travel roleplay is posted on the SigRoleplay board.
7.I am one of the members of PTJ who wants the truth about our Home to be to told.

According to the map on PG:

If you traveled along the Cartius River you'd come out near Kasra and Kataii lands.....not Tuchuk who were closer to Turia.
To get to Tuchuk lands you'd have to go over the Ta-Thassa Mountains or along the coast of Thassa then inland.....No?

Saddens me to see this on this board. I know Ragnar to be an honorable Gorean man.

You see, here is a problem.

PG uses their own map...perhaps we use another and another site uses their own...

So the main point in all of this was the fact that someone was suggesting different routes taken to Tuchuk, but perhaps those who were traveling took a route that would fit the site they were going to to make their rp more realistic for that site?

To each their own, and their use of "Online" maps is up to them.  If any one wants a true map of Gor, then go ask Norman.  Bet he will give a whole different one that those I have seen.

Thank you for your input on the matter.


Offline Sidagny Fiersdóttir

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Re: Cracking up laughing
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2010, 05:47:31 AM »
I totally agree Raziel, there are more maps of gor than you can shake a stick at. I was just pointing out that it was a question about travel and maybe this was the only map that is known to the person so they asked how the travel was done out of curiousity due to the map they had. It was posed as a question to kimba.

my thanks

Offline RickBulow74

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Re: Cracking up laughing
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2010, 06:40:22 AM »
I know that I personally use a whole variety of maps in order to roleplay myself, and in fact had a couple of arguments with one person about the location of the Sardar mountains which she claims are south of the Vosk based on one description in Players (which I do not have in book form and had not read as of yet) and I claim (and even seen among a few other maps) are north of the Vosk flanking the Forests based on Books 2 and 3 where Tarl claimed to travel north and east to the Sardar from first Koroba and then Tharna. Now I know that we hear that Gor changes from the earlier books, but those differences can only be settled by speaking with the man himself to find out where things are.

I know I had a few people tell me the travel is unrealistic but then too, I do not think in my study of Nomads Norman specified just WHERE in the Plains each particular wagon camp was. I mean, for all we know they could have been as close as say San Francisco is to Oakland or as far away as New York is to Miami. It is those things which really seek to divide Gor as it is, and as I had pointed out in my blog post where I reprinted Marcus' paper  on Factionalism this should not be the case
OOC - Rick