Author Topic: 1999: Getting My Ears Pierced  (Read 2341 times)

Offline Kimba~

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1999: Getting My Ears Pierced
« on: March 21, 2010, 03:05:47 PM »
I had read the early books when I was about 15.  And my mom wouldn't let me get my ears pierced.  I didn't actually get it done until I was about 39.  And the rush of feelings I had when she did it, was incredible.  It was just an imaginary symbolic meaning, but it really made me think how really powerful that would be to a Gorean woman.

Oh yeah....  it's very sexy, once you understand what it means.  What did you feel when it happened?

Yeah, but understanding is one thing.  Feeling it was something else entirely.  It's one of those memories that's so vivid, I can see the whole scene in my mind's eye like I was right there.

It was at the mall, on a slow April afternoon.  I was teaching, and had taken a personal day.  Kimba: I had bought some summer clothes, and was feeling kinda hot and sexy, and I walked towards a little accessory shop, and they had a free ear piercing promotion, and this pretty blonde 22 yearoldish girl was doing it.  And I was pretty straight, but she was bored and lonely and I had nothing better to do, and always had been just a little bit too busy to actually get it done.

This was 11 years ago.  There was no Gor at all, in my life.  The books had stopped being published, weren't available in stores.  I had stopped doing IRC Gor, two years before that.  I had not discovered HTML-chat Gor yet....  I was not thinking about Gor, in any way.

They had this comfy high leather chair, with a footrest.  I put my packages down, sat down, tried to relax.  I was thinking of it like getting a shot, or giving blood.  I am just trying not to get upset, or shake or wince.  And the girl reaches out and takes gentle hold of my right earlobe, and says, "Where do you want it,  Do you want it centered, or off-center?"

In my Mind's Ear she wasn't asking me, she was asking my Master.

Just in that microsecond, I was transported to Gor.

Some people think I am nuts, when I say Gor is real.

The fundamental question of reality is, to prove something exists; you have to find where does it reside, and how does it manifest.

Gor is real by that measure, in that it resides in our psyches, and it manifests in the real world by how we react to it.

It really was the whole setting was there, not just the voices.  I could smell the damp straw in the cages, hear the clanking of scabbards and cage doors.

And I literally felt naked.  Like when you dream that you are naked in school, and you can't really see yourself, you just feel naked.  And I could feel my body respond.  My boobs were aching to be squeezed, my nipples were blowing up like a balloon attached to a helium tank.  My groin was on fire.  And I was just dimly aware that I was sitting in a chair, not even in a store, but in the mall, with people walking by, completely unaware of what inner drama was playing out beneath my clothes.

As if naked slaves being pierced was an everyday occurrence, for them.

I could feel what it was to be an object in their eyes, just like the chair I was sitting in.

Did you have your eyes closed?  did you see Gor in your mind's eye?

Kimba: I think when she touched my ear, I closed my eyes.  Not sure, because I remember seeing what I imagined, as if I really saw it.

what happened next?

I knew I was taking a long time to answer the girl, and I managed to say, "Put it where you usually do."

But, when I spoke, I really felt like a slave speaking humbly to a FW.  My voice didn't come out right.

trina: i wonder if she noticed your arousal and your submission?

She had to.  I can't imagine she didn't.  And I think she didn't know what was happening, but was digging it anyway.

She had a machine like a gun, that put the stud earring straight in.  And I almost came when that steel pierced my flesh.

oh wow oh god

It was like I had just had sex with a man who didn't make me cum, but I still felt sated.

And then she tested the earring, to make sure it was snug enough and loose enough, and would spin around inside of the hole she had  put in the slave body I was just a passenger in.

i am getting wet, Mistress

Kimba:And when she had done that, she ran her finger - you want me to stop so you can concentrate on your essay?

No, Mistress!

I warned you that I feared to distract you, but you said, "Oh no!  I can still concentrate."  *chuckles*  I guess you are more the slut that you are willing to admit to yourself, mine.

yes, Mistress... i am your slut

She ran her finger, from my earlobe, across the back of my neck.  Not in a straight line, but in an arc, to the other ear.

she knew, she knew...  she sensed that you were a slave!

Yeah she did.  She probably knew it the minute our eyes met, before I even thought about getting my ears pierced.  She may have commanded me silently with her eyes to take a seat in her chair.

She took that earlobe between her thumb and forefinger and just kneaded it, like it was my nipple.

You are not the only one aroused, btw. I hope you get into roleplay soon.  *winks*


She did the other ear, and manipulated the earring, and then went back to check the first one, make sure blood was flowing around the earring in the rest of the earlobe, pinching it white with her fingernail, and watching to see the color return.

she pinched you

I was afraid I was gonna leave a wet spot when I got up from that chair.

were you still in Gor?

Oh yeah.

Then she gave me instructions on how to keep the piercing from getting infected, and turned the earring around in place again, stressing how important it was that the studs could move freely within the hole.

So the Mistress instructed the slave girl on how to keep her Master's property in good condition

And if men in funny clothes would have then come over and taken me by the arm to lead me to the silver ship, I would have obediently done whatever they told me do.

and been a slave girl for centuries thereafter

And probably quite content in collar.

what happened next, Mistress?

I don't know what broke the spell.  I was just walking away.  I still felt naked.  I wanted to turn around and look back.  But I was just another slave, and she had other business, and she would have forgot I existed as soon as I was on my way.  So I didn't turn around to see how little she cared what I was feeling.

what wonderful thing to experience, Mistress
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 03:12:53 PM by Forest Bird »
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

We have it in our power to begin the world over again.~
Thomas Paine