~sends my dearly missed Sister a thousand and one huggggggggggles~
I am so happy to hear that you are doing much better in the past year, and though I had hoped that you would be making a return is more than likely not going to happen anytime soon or if at all. Just that you are taking on life in a way that makes you happy, that is all any one of us could wish for you to have or do. I would love to stay in contact with you, as I will be adding you to my MSN and when I am able, add you to my list of friends on Facebook, which I will send you the information through the IM feature on this board, as I am really picky who I want to know who I am on there. As Ray, my husband and I are planning on going to Germany in a few years, as I have family roots there, as I was informed of by my mom, who has been tracing back our family tree, and finding about one section of our family coming from Germany was a great find for my mom, who with my dad, got to explore the area our family started at, the Black Forest. Mom told me it was a section of Germany that absolutely breathtaking, and since seeing the pictures that she took while they were there, just made us want to go there and visit the land, as well as take a tour of other countries, including Scotland, where my mom was able to trace my husband's family tree back to as well.
So when are able to take this trip, I would be delighted to meet up with you while we are there, and maybe you could give us a tour of your homeland, from the point of view of someone who has lived their life there. Though is a time off, as we have to be able to have the money to do such a trip, but we will get there before too much time. ~smiles~
Take care of yourself, Sister, keep updating us as to how you are doing, as I for one have been thinking of you lately and trying to find a way of finding out how you and your family were doing. May this year bring you more happiness and much less days of sadness. And maybe someday soon you might feel like coming in for a night, to spend with your family, be it to role play or just to sit on the sidelines and enjoy the antics of our home, and I will have a clothespin ready for you, for when Rags just can't help himself and welcomes you back with one of his famous release of gas from his rear end, you can take my word for it that I have and am still in the process of finding a way to cut the stench that comes from those releases, so he doesn't try and knock the entire home out cold each and every time he does them.
Anyway, as I have said before, take care of yourself, I are thinking of you often and are never far from my thoughts and prayers for not only you, but for your entire family. You are loved Sis, I think even more than you realize.
~sends you a thousand and one more hugggggggggggggggggggggles~