...Cataract surgery is pretty routine, flame, I have had such in both eyes. I wasn't even sedated during the procedure, they used a local anesthetic and propped my eye open for the ten minutes it takes. They had me hooked up to a heart monitor, so I tried to relax and breath deeply and evenly...it was interesting that that it caused my heartbeat to slow. They then put a patch over my eye which I wore for one day, and they also ordered me to wear a plastic cover over my eye when I slept, and to take it easy for a week. The day after the surgery I was fine, and my vision had been corrected to almost 20/20...I also have astigmatism, so a lens replacement doesn't fix that. I was astonished, too, at how bright the world was. Sheet music suddenly was white, where before it had been a tan color.
I will send you healing prayers and thoughts, hun...*S*