...It is usually very clear, in music...who is the performer. We people, sit at a rock concert, a concert hall, or a cafe and just listen.
We enjoy what we hear, and walk out.
But, an English Composer, Benjamin Britten, decided that...that was all wrong. He also wanted to compose a work where musicians of various skill levels could perform...and he composed a short Opera. He specified that there would be a professional string quartet, and two of the adult lead singers had to be skilled...but all of the rest of the performers could be 'moderately skilled'. He also called for unusual percussion...
...a line of coffee mugs to strike. He also called for a HUGE childrens chorus...and you ALL know what that sounds like.
He ALSO said that it should not be performed on a stage, but, best, in a church.
I performed this , I was the 'professional cellist'...but the Church did give me $50 for 6 rehearsals and 4 performances...if anyone asks me if I can be bought 'for cheap', I will just nod my head.
I enjoyed playing the cello solo as the 'raven' flew around the congregation, looking for land. I memorized it, and watched her as she danced, and would hold a note until she moved on...at times the conductor glared at me.
But, the best part was when the 'Ark' was being tossed in the angry seas that God had inflicted on Humankind...those of you familiar with those brave Men who have served us so well will recognize the music we played.
Part of the cast sings the first verse...then the Conductor turns to the Audience, and they join the second verse...then the entire cast joins with the audience...and everyone finishes the last verse. Britten wrote the opera in 1948...the "Verses" had been written many years before.
Please enjoy...