the mercenary ship sailed out to open waters, still being followed by one of our naval ships. once at sea, they tried to lose the tail but failed. they continued sailing away from the coast toward a neighbouring village's harbour. our naval ship stopped outside of the harbour but kept an eye on the mercenary vessel. for a few days nothing seemed to happen but suddenly there was a flurry of activity around the ship they changed their flag, repainted the vessel and name, then put false trimmings on it to make it appear to be another vessel. once the paint dried the ship once again tried to sail back toward our coast. once it cleared the harbour, our naval dhip cut it off. the captsin protested claiming to be someone else. the captain of our vessel told him they had observed the changes to their ship and if it tried to head to our coast, they would be sunk and told them to return to their normal flag and leave. caught in his lie, the captain of the mercenary vessel withdrew and headed away from our lands, still being followed by our ship.