inanimate objects exist, ppl who merely breath exist.. to live is different. To live is more than to breathe.. to live is more than just walking through each day. To live is to feel, to touch, emotions, others, then the feeling inside is what lets you know You live... ( no gutter thoughts here Im being serious lols ) .. a smile, given and returned, a touch of a hand, extended or taken... a word spoken or heard, to live is to love, to see, touch, hear. To live one must know that outside of Yourself there is a world and not just step into it but become part of it, each light we carry is what shows we live, the light may dim, flicker to burn like a bright tourch but in it, as long as that light shines, we live. To exist would simply mean walking blindly, deafly unfeeling untouched and unfelt by others... if You merely exist, then You are merely there. Living is knowing that all You do effects others, by doing this, encouraging others not to exist but to live.