This list is read by over 800 people who are either local, or somewhat local in the Minnesota kink scene...There had been some jabs at Gor, and Gorean lifestylers so this was my retort.
I've been roleplaying on Gor for almost 7 years now, and while there
is on occasion those who speak in the third person, I don't find it
common, nor the preferred colloquial speech of a solid majority of
those I interact with. However, when a person is who chooses (yes,
even in Gorean chat rooms there is consent, and implied consent), to
be enslaved, they put themselves at the whim of their owner. If their
owner prefers them to use lower case letters when referring to
themselves, then they do so.
I understand that there is perhaps some predjudice, or distaste for
those who have a Gorean outlook, or whom choose to model in whatever
degree of their kink aspects of the Gorean mindset, or perspective.
I feel as if after each and every attack on the ideals, and culture of
Gorean society that I, and others who are honorable, and well
respected members of the community are being struck by the very
community we love and support. I understand it is not your kink, but
I thought "my kink was ok."
If you have questions about Gor, or the Gorean lifestyle, I invite you
to ask them, and I will happily correspond with you about the matter.
I feel that if perhaps there was more clarity about what exactly Gor
is, and stands for, perhaps the distaste for it will lessen.
~Knight of Pentacles~
~Min-Ky Moderator~