Okay the other night like sunday or monday night When Mae was in comments were made by Ragnar and others that I reat Mae as a slave. That bothered me deeply.
the words spoken should naught bother you nearly as much as the way you treat your Woman should.
You know I dont ever say anything to anyone about anything and I come in and rp when someone chooses to rp with me which isnt offen.
perhaps looking deeper into yourself and looking at your rp may shed some light on why this is...
Regardless That hurt my feelings.
grow a thicker skin and look into why the comments were made. correct your behavior and begin dealing with Mae as a Tuchuk Man would instead of how you currently are. if Mae is, how she was when you took her as your Woman... then it should still be good enough for you. if naught... then she should have been chained to the ring in your wagon and reminded of her place. in either case... a Tuchuk Man would naught be whining, unable to handle his Woman.
You know how Mae and I rp things is our way. I dont tell you how to treat your mates, beasts or otherwise.. I dont think it was right..
i would like to see you try. what you do within the privacy of your wagon is none of my concern. but it sickens me and has a negative affect on Tuchuk the way you whine and tantrum throw, unable to be the Man you are expected to be.
and you know what else.. I know everyones rt is nuts but i think you have had plenty of time to look over my posts and stuff and had ample time to consider whether or not I get my full tags.. Id do more in the camp if I knew ifI was going to stay.. like aquiring more slaves or whatever.. so anyway thats whats on my mind.
we have our ways and we move in our own time. what you "think" really has no bearing on what myself and council thinks. the "i would do this" or "I would do that" is a load of dung. either do it or do naught. it is that simple. however... just to set the record straight... you have been under review by myself and council for quite some time now. you certainly are naught furthering your cause with your actions and mouth.
After those comments by Rags and others I just dont feel like the room is home anymore.. I was deeply hurt. so thats my say.. for whatever its worth.. Im taking a few days off from the room.
while gone i will give you a few things to think on. Mae is a strong and spirited woman. granted she is rough around the edges and seems as if she could be a handful if she got the notion to be. but she is, as she is. this is one of those cases, rare though they may be, that i would be looking at the Man to rise up and meet the challenge of handling his wagon instead of seeming to whine and beg his Woman to be what he wishes she would be. give Mae reason to respect you above just being born a Free Man on Gor. before a Man can Master slaves, create subservience to only him in his Woman, he must first reach a certain level of self mastery in himself. there is no scale in this to measure one's self against as each Man and female is different. but rather measure yourself against yourself and how best to apply it to your situation. also note this will forever be changing as life progresses. each new challenge is met and in time should be overcome. it is expected that times and situations will arise in which naught just you... but all Men will falter and struggle against both themselves and what they face. it is good to face such challenges as only through these trials to we grow and gain what is needed to meet the next challenge.
at times these trials suck. that is the plain truth of the matter. but do naught scream against the challenges... but rather look deeper into yourself for the means to meet them, understand then, embrace them, and to triumph over them and continue to grow and fulfill your destiny as a Tuchuk... as a Gorean... as a MAN!!!
to fail to meet these challenges is to die. to fail to overcome these trials is to die. that is simply the way it is. do naught confuse this with simple rp and as meaning your char will die. this goes much deeper. this reaches deep within you more than anything else. never give up. never fail to get back up when you fall down or are knocked down. so long as you live you have hope even though at times it may seem differently. you still have the ability t fight and overcome the obstacles that are in your path.
in regards to rp... if Mae is strong... be stronger. naught physically... but mentally and in strength of will. weigh the value she holds against those things you do naught admire so much. which is greater?
if washing your laundry is an issue and Mae does naught wish to do it... then simply make her responsible for seeing you have clean clothing. how this is done is her responsibility wether she does it herself or has a slave do it. you have said "see i have clean clothes to wear." the matter rests on her as to how this is accomplished.
you wish fresh bosk milk to drink. tell her "I wish fresh bosk milk". leave it to her to see you recieve what you wish... be it by her getting it or seeing it is brought for you.
if you tell your Woman to walk or ride with you and she does naught... make inquiry as to what her reasons are that she does naught do so. remember... she is after all a FW of Gor... but you are the head of your wagon. weigh what she says well. give respect to her views be they right or wrong in your eyes. then make the decision as to whether or naught her reasons are founded or naught and go from there.
never forget she is a FW... but that she is subservient to you.
words of caution that apply to both you and Mae... "be careful what you wish for".
you see... what you seek and wish in whole is naught wrong for a Man. but the way you go about gaining what you wish needs some work. it is both a rp matter as well as a learning exercise in life. rt and vt a great many things Gor offers can apply if you choose to apply it.
you can buck and fight the system every step of the way and lose everything in the end... or you can open your eyes and see how best to meet the challenge and accomplish the objective as efficiently as possible within acceptable standards.
your call bro.