It was an AMAZING trip.. I did not want to leave today. I haven't slept yet..
I drank more than I think I ever have in my entire life.. I bought two of these souvenir cups, and just kept refilling them.. Sunday night, that lead to me doing my own little Vegas bar crawl. Unfortunately, I can't really tell ya'll much about that night.. That may be a good thing..
The concert was wonderful. The theatre there in the casino is much nicer than so many other venues, and the fact that it was rather small made it even better.. Saul Williams opening, which I wasn't too terribly crazy about, but it wasn't too bad or anything.. The idiot next to us was kicked out for trying to tape the show.. I had lots to drink, and I bought several souvenirs.. Oh, and I have a NIN cookie that the operer gave me..
The Cirque show was great, too.. Actually, I had a fantastic time there.. It's kinda expensive, but I would still highly recommend it to people.. Parts of it are really funny, and parts are just HOT.. It's in a special theatre, and it's very intimate.. I do mean VERY intimate.. People in the audience are used a LOT, unless they ask not to be.. ~grins~ Needless to say, I didn't make that request..
We did tons of other little things.. I did lots of shopping.. I lost $6.00 on slots, and that made me sad, ao I moved to the tables and won there.. I like the tables.. ~grins~ We rode the coaster around our hotel a few times.. We went to the Monet exhibit at the Bellagio (yeah, I love artsy stuff, too..). Oh, and I drank even more.. ~laughs~ That, of course, lead to spending time standing in line with 400 of my new friends that I'd met the night before at the bar, waiting to all buy our headache meds for our hangovers..
It was SO much fun, and I want to go again.. At the airport, I started planning the next trip, only to get the look from my other half as we waited to board the plan.. Then again, he was on his computer, looking over the credit card statements at the time..
Missed ya'll.. ~grins~
~whispers to my p.i.m.p and fans myself~
need you
dream you
find you
taste you
fuck you
use you
scar you
break you
lose me
hate me
smash me
erase me