Author Topic: Judged Spars  (Read 5400 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Judged Spars
« on: February 15, 2006, 02:50:05 AM »
only Judged spars are to be posted here.

please ask any questions on the other thread requiring the training spars.

Offline RAGNAR

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Dylan vs Michael
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2006, 02:59:42 AM »
three post, time in effect, Judged by RAGNAR

(00:30:49 )

| | | | ~Dylan~ | | | |


Warrior Poet


says to Michael Clan of Kaiila T: …Standing 6’2”, 250 pounds, I wear the scarlet of the Caste of Warriors, with black leathers, around My waist is the master belt of the Men of Torvaldsland, on My left hip hangs an empty sheath, on My right hip hangs a 22” short sword made in the glorious city of Ar, in My right hand is a short sword of 22”, held waist high the blade perpendicular with My body about six inches out from My hip, the tip pointed towards Your chest, a Torvie round shield 36 inches in diameter, bossed and rimmed in Steel, is strapped tightly to My left forearm, the shield hangs covering from My left shoulder to just above My left knee, on My master belt hangs two 12” throwing quiva, My feet are a shoulder’s length apart, My knees are bent, left foot forward, toe pointed forwards, I allow You to set the distance between Us…

physical description present
ss on right hip
ss in right hand
Torvie shield in left (Torvie shields are held in hand, naught strapped to arm)
2 quiva on belt (where?)

(00:36:26 )

Clan of Kaiila Trainer
He who has no Honor is My Enemy
says to | | | | ~Dylan~ | | | |: -Michael stands 6 ft 8 and around 280 lbs give or take a few pounds. Attached to His belt upon the right, a single throwing quiva. Neither shield is shealthed, He is carrying them both, two 22 inch swords, forged By His own craftmensship as His days of a Weapons Maker, before He camp to the Wagon life. In His right hand of course is one, held with the right elbow bended in a v formation, bringing the blade a little higher than Midrange, while the left One, tilting downward but still at Midrange. He is but a few paces directly in front of You, His feet are equal length from The Shoulders, neither foot forward, and He is standing upright. Making Mental note of what He is seeing from You, He waits-

physical description present
belted quiva on right
shields? sheathed? (lost me bro. carrying two shields i guess from your post. what type and how?)
two swords (what type?)
sword in right
sword in left (seems no shields now? typo?)
a few paces (how many? one pace=3 feet)

ROUND ONE=========================

(00:42:52 )

| | | | ~Dylan~ | | | |


Warrior Poet


says to Michael Clan of Kaiila T: …taking note of how tall You are, and where Your weapons are, and how You stand and 1) clearing the distance between Us to a two feet, keeping Your blades away from Me, I 2) bring My sword up and to My right Your left, and then down right to left, in a loop towards that of Your left calf, the blade’s slash thrown a solid foot deep into Your stance, hoping to catch one or both of Your legs, and then 3) bringing the sword’s momentum across My body, and snapping My wrist up and to My right towards that of Your right shoulder, and then taking into account Your movements I 4) bring the blade up and to My right in a loop over Your head, and down in a slash towards that of Your left knee, and then 5) I bring the short sword back to it’s starting place 6” from My right hip, My shield covering My left shoulder, and just above My knee…

-1...(1)... his swords are nearly two feet in length. add his arm and that is a distance greater than the distance you allowed between the two of you with your advance. also be specific in how you keep his blades away from you.
-1...(2)... opponent's legs are even with his shoulders. getting both legs would require actually going through his left leg. better to just take the left leg and naught try for the right in this position.
-1...(3)... now here we have a couple things you must consider. the first is your shield still in front of you... and more importantly your opponent's swords are still in there at this close range. you have a shield... perhaps it would have been wiser to drive it into your opponent or something to get his weapons out of the way or even block his vision before striking low on his torso?
-0...(4)... taking into accounts his movements? as yet opponent has naught moved persay. otherwise clean.
-0...(5)... clean



(00:52:28 )

Clan of Kaiila Trainer
He who has no Honor is My Enemy
says to | | | | ~Dylan~ | | | | : -Watching You close in the Distance, Eyeing the shoulder area, watching the movement, looping fashion of Your Right sword in a loop fashion, and as You do, My left blade drops low, clashing with steel, feeling the push at you would be dipping in deep (1) The movement of the blade, in the momentum, causing Him to draw Up The Right blade, tilting with a twist of the wrist, wherethat the flat end would Hit against it (2), Assuming Your using the same Blade, as there was no mention of a change, watching the looping Motion aim towards His left knee, the left blade Merely lifts up in its movements a foot, drilling into steel again (3). The right blade which the flat end was facing you, twists with His hands bringing the sharp end back into focus, as part of a loop that swung fully around and down towards Your left knee (4), coming in with His left foot, stomping downwards towards Your right foot, hoping to knock You offbalanced(5)-

-0...(1)... clean
-1...(2)... this rather unclear. what momentum of whose or what blade causes your right blade to move? how does the blade tilt and what flat end of a sword? it has the flat of the blade, but i am unaware of a sword having a flat end. this needs to be worded much better and cleaner.
-1...(3)... no need to state an assumption here of opponent using the same blade. it only clutters the post and wastes time in posting. a bit weal in sword positioning description. is the blade vertical with tip down... as i assume it to be? is it horizontal or angled in some way to intercept the strike? add just enough detail to your post to paint an accurate picture without being so technical as to require slide rule judging. the less you leave to judge's and opponent's conjecture the less chance of deductions and errors on your part. place yourself and your weapons where you wish them... naught where your opponent may wish them to be. leave no doubt or open window for opinion.
-1...(4)... we covered the flat end aspect already. the focus aspect is really no matter if it comes into focus. if it were me i would already know the tip is there. need to state where the blade is coming around... meaning a point of view (POV), clockwise your pov which would be outside or counter clockwise inside your pov. this seems minor but it makes a great deal of difference in possibility and feasibility as would the inside or outside of opponent's knee. one can usually serve both purposes by stating at least one of the two mechanics stated, but again... stating both leaves nothing to chance. it is the small details at times that make all the difference. just know where to place the details and which are really important to the movement and post.
-0...(5)... i can see the foot stomp but how will it knock him off balance? sore foot yes. iffy but will allow as it does naught seem to be a match maker or breaker.



ROUND TWO============================

(01:00:26 )

| | | | ~Dylan~ | | | |


Warrior Poet


says to Michael Clan of Kaiila T: ….I watched You parry My blows, My blade had been moved back to My right hip area and as Your right short sword looped down at My left knee I 1) dropped My shield down a foot to cover My knee, the tilt of the shield such that Your blow would be deflected and as You stepped in almost a pace to stomp at My foot I thought You were kicking at Me, and 2) Brought My right leg up so My knee is bent in towards My body and seeing You more then face to face, Your left blade up in the air, and Your right having been deflected, I 3) drive My knee in towards Your groin, You already soooo close, and then I 4) bring My blade from it’s place at My hip in a thrust up and towards Your exposed left shoulder, and then 5) I break My wrist on My right hand, and drive My right fist towards that of Your nose, looking to knock You out My blade now out to My right, My shield lowered protecting more of My knee, and My chest…

-0...(1)... shield move clean.
-1...(2)... i see his left blade low around his left knee area after dealing with your strike. careful with these distances. it is rather difficult for two bodies to occupy the same space.
-0...(3)... clean
-0...(4)... clean but again watch the distance issue. it is extremely difficult to maneuver a sword for s thrust at such close promimity.
-1...(5)... you did what? well... if you did just strike for his nose from the thrust position, keeping your blade out to your right... it is a great possibility you may have in fact broke your wrist. perhaps thrusting your shield forward into your opponent still keeping it in front of you to guard trying to create a bit more distance between you may be a better option.



(01:13:53 )

Clan of Kaiila Trainer
He who has no Honor is My Enemy
says to | | | | ~Dylan~ | | | | : -Your right knee would have been bent foward thinking I was kicking at You, With My Left foot foward, the hit to somewhere was bound to happen, however having enough Mind in the situation He was able to turn His body clockwise to Him, Counterclockwise to You, bringing His left side a little more into contact with the knee, saving His groan for the most part, a very little of the momemtum may have gotten through (1) His left blade swinging upwards to try to hit off some of the mommentum from the imcoming sword shot, hoping to hit more of the blade, verses what He might have taken otherwise.. but alas, there is a hit, as it too seemed nearly avoidable, a flesh wound, perhaps a tad deeper as there was some contact of steel and steel (2) His body however Side Steps to the right, HIs right Your left missing the aim of the hit to His nose (3), as He does, He swings His right sword around in a loop, starting High then ending low aiming for Your left leg, digging in a good foot in the process (4)..His left blade swings around in a single loop from Low to High aiming for Your right shoulder should it hit, it would come right across the top and hit on the downward swing (5)-

-1...(1)... by turning clockwise you are turning to your right. for your opponent it is still clockwise and you still turn to your right. directional error. did take the hit to your thigh/upper leg area.
-1...(2)... how are you bringing your blade up to defend? just raising it from its current postion is of no use. need more detail here.
-0...(3)... clean but you really only need one pov.
-1...(4)... right sword was low. what part of the leg and you would need to get it high before striking from the high position.
-0...(5)... clean.

-1... broke time



ROUND THREE==========================

(01:24:29 )

| | | | ~Dylan~ | | | |


Warrior Poet


says to Michael Clan of Kaiila T: …You had turned counterclockwise to Me, taking some damage to Your left side, and to Your left left shoulder and as You side stepped the punch to the nose I noted the attack from Your short sword in Your right hand as it came attacking towards My leg, I didn’t know what part as You hadn’t said and as My shield was already down covering low to protect My knee, I just let the blade whack into the shield, My short sword was out to My right and as I saw the loop as it came I 1) Brought My right arm in towards My body the pommel of the blade at My chest the tip of the blade off at a 15 degree angle to keep Your blade from burying itself into My right shoulder 2) Attempting to push Your left short sword up with Mine and 3) slide parrying down the length of Your blade in a slashing motion with My right short sword towards that of Your left arm pit 4) We were still far to close together and I threw up and out towards that of Your nose, looking to bloody it and then 5) bringing My shield back to cover again My left shoulder, just above the knee, My right short sword out in front of Me to My right, Your left…

-0...(1)... no... his directionals were in error. he in fact turned clockwise... but you are correct in that he was struck on the left
-1...(2)... bad bad bad technique. at this angle any deflection of the opponent's blade has nowhere to go but along the length of the blade into the side of your neck or collarbone. better to bring your sword up to angle the other way to deflect his strike away from your head.
-1...(3)... the way you set this up, i can naught really see this happening. your arm is at such an awkward angle with your sword that this is just naught really possible. which way are you slashing? your swordarm is way out of position in this movement.
-1...(4)... okies... what was thrown where? shield? sword? did you just hurl all over him expelling chunks at such high velocity they would break his nose?
-0...(5)... looks good... but no need to state what direction it is for your opponent. no sense in helping the enemy. state your pov and that is good enough.

-1... broke time



(01:34:34 )

Clan of Kaiila Trainer
He who has no Honor is My Enemy
says to | | | | ~Dylan~ | | | | : -Feeling the sliding Motion of the blade, I tilt My body back about 20 degrees to My left causing Your mommetum to disrupt and as such would never hit HIs armpit (1) And You threw up and out towards His nose? Which hand? Weapon? Shield? The only thing He sees is You coming foward and He steps back a good pace, feeling the air of whatever would have come at Him, but Missed His face (2).. Watching You Move Your shield and sword, as You paced Yourself to My left and Your right and now about a pace away, He closely in the short distance (3) as He swings His Left Blade around from His left to Right, Your right to Left, but swinging low hoping to His Your right knee from Your right to left (4) Swinging His right elbow around hopping to His Your nose dead on (5)-

-0...(1)... clean
-0...(2)... clean under the circumstances
-1...(3)... closing in three feet with two foot blades is just no good here. too close for swords being used in this fashion. you would be running into his shield one another's blades, etc. wasted move. strike from where you are. you have a blade nearly two feet long and arms roughly three feet long. use that.
-0...(4)... a bit too much directional stuff. it muddies up the clean movement we seek in this system of combat. it becomes confusing.
-0...(5)... clean under the circumstances, but do try to seek moves that would allow you to strike more decisively from better position.

-1... broke time



FINAL DEFENSE POST================

(01:40:38 )

**defense post**

| | | | ~Dylan~ | | | |


Warrior Poet


says to Michael Clan of Kaiila T: …My blade was out from the slide parry/slash, and as You swung it down towards that of My right knee which was still a shoulder length apart, I 1) brought it down left to right in a slashing loop to parry Your blade out to Your left, My right, and 2) as Your elbow came flying for My head, I ducked My head behind My shield protecting it from the hard elbow…

all clean, but recommend raising shield to take the blow instead of trying to duck your head behind it.

Dylan....... 21/30
Michael..... 21/30

overall recommendations:

watch the distances. allow yourself room to move and wield your weapons effectively. if your opponent wishes to be closer than you desire, then drive them back or move to where you can wield and move effectively. try to make your opponent fight your type of fight.

less confuzzling directionals. state your directions from your pov and let your opponent figure it out for himself. remember... this is training for actual combat. you will be trying to defeat your enemy. there is no reason to help him as he tries to defeat you.

be clearer on your choice of weapons and how they are being used. state which is being used. ailing to do so will earn you a deduction as well as allowing your opponent to make use of the situation to their best advantage. this once again assists the enemy in defeating you.

i see breaking time as a factor. i think when each of you clean up and use only the directionals necessary, this will also help in keeping time.

there is really nothing here that a few more spars will naught knock the rust off of. most of the deductions were for the above reasons.

tie match. i can see a rematch already. *S*

Offline RAGNAR

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Pheonix vs Danial
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 06:54:19 PM »
okies... three alternating using traditional combat standards with stance and no time. Judged by RAGNAR

(02:25:10 )

says to Phoenix KnightMTCCourtin: *sreps into the pit 6 feet 4 inches 235 lbs with tow short swards and a qiva at my let hip*

physical sizes okies
two shorts... where are they positioned? need a brief but accurate description here to create a mental image. what is their length?
quiva okies... recommend stating a 12" quiva just for acuracy.

Phoenix Knight

Courting Taryn Iona
| Warrior |
says to DanialBrewerMTC: ((how are you standing all I know is you have 2 short swords and a quiva what is your stance like~

(02:29:49 )

says to Phoenix KnightMTCCourtin: *standing with bth feet squaire to you knees slightly bent for balance*

be sure to combine this with your initial stance. also you still need to state where your swords are held.

(02:31:06 )

Phoenix Knight

Courting Taryn Iona
| Warrior |
says to DanialBrewerMTC: ~he stands about 5' 10" and about 230 with 2 short swords also one armed in his right hand and the other armed in his left his left leg back about a quarter of a pace from his right his right sword in front of the left in the shape of an X wich is a defencive position he also has a quiva at his right hip he stands about 4 paces in front of you redied~

physical size okies
short sword in each hand... what is their length?
left foot 9" behind right
quiva on right hip... also state 12" just for accuracy.
as posted do try to state sword positioning where you state the swords. it will assist you in maintaining a more complete post and make the post much clearer.
12 feet away

(02:32:18 )

Phoenix Knight

Courting Taryn Iona
| Warrior |
says to DanialBrewerMTC: your first

ROUND ONE**********

(02:35:10 )

says to Phoenix KnightMTCCourtin: Charges forward toward you left sword slashes out toward your mid section while the right thrusta toward your left thigh

-0... (1)... charges to close in...okies
-1... (2)... left sword strike. you stated your intended target but failed to state from where the strike originated and it's direction of attack.
-0... (3)... right sword thrust clean but very vague and weak.
-0... (4)... no forth move. your choice to utilise the opportunity or naught. i would redommend using it at least to recover from your stikes and get into a position to defend rather than just wasting it at the very least.
-0... (5)... no fifth move. your choice to utilise the opportunity or naught. i would redommend using it at least to recover from your stikes and get into a position to defend rather than just wasting it at the very least.

this is a very weak and very vague post for traditional combat posting. work on adding just a bit more description without going overboard. there should be just enough to obtain a very clear mental image. it may be clear to you in your mind, but bear in mind it must also be so in the minds of your opponent and judge.



(02:43:54 )

Phoenix Knight

Courting Taryn Iona
| Warrior |
says to DanialBrewerMTC: ~1)as you charge forward reclessley with your right sword twords my mid secton and your left twords my left thigh I simply parry to the right bringing down my right sword to knock both your swords tords the ground2)when might right sword goes down my i swing my left sword to connect with your mid section in mid parrey...3)spinning now behind you i bring my right sword from your blades and place it to your back.. 4)bringing following after the slash attempt I bring my left sword back to the front of me still with my right to your back and my left now in a deffencive possition...~ you want to just call it now I could of just killed you in one move you have the option to quit now...

-3... (1)... avoid stating your opponent charged recklessly. as stated it is naught a forced post but avoid getting in the habit of doing such or you will find yourself force posting very soon. no ded. for this. right sword struck at your left thigh naught midsection... 1 ded. left sword struck at your midsection naught left thigh... 1 ded. parrying with your right sword as posted will never be successful. this is a very weak defense. it may at best tend to the strike at your midsection but it will naught deal with both... 1 ded. very sloppy.
-1... (2)... how does your sword move to accomplish this? you need to state such. is it a thrust, a right to left slash, left to right slash, etc?
-1... (3)... okies super cyclone... how did you manage this? no directionals, no footing, you seem to bring your sword from his AFTER you move behind him. this will never fly bro. show some description in such a way to make this at least seem possible.
-2... (4)... again you bring your sword from where it was AFTER you have already moved...ded. what is the defensive position of the left sword now? you need to state it's position for a mental image... ded.
-0... (5)... no fifth move. wasted. recommend using it to better try and describe your previous moves. you are too focused on trying to end the fight rather than focusing on being in a position to properly attack and defend yourself. this sort of thing will either get you laughed at... get you killed... or both.



(02:45:45 )

Phoenix Knight

Courting Taryn Iona
| Warrior |
says to LadyMuse ~First Healer~^: ~callls out to you~ Can we just call this spar I would have just killed him in one move...


(02:46:34 )


~First Healer~

^^Intended to Terran^^




is at the main fire and says to Phoenix KnightMTCCourtin: nope..keep goign practice spars don;t count for any wounds....and Ubar wants to see how Each is and suggest what Each needs to learn *S*


(02:46:54 )

Phoenix Knight

Courting Taryn Iona
| Warrior |
says to LadyMuse ~First Healer~^: ~aye~

ROUND TWO*********

(02:55:31 )

says to Phoenix KnightMTCCourtin: right sweeps up to aviod the mid section strike2. then reverseing the grip on my left I step to the left and thrusrt back at your mid 3. spinning to come face to face with you once more 4.swords crossed in front of me5.stepping back

-1... (1)... your right sword can be used to defend his left strike... but you need to describe how it does so. how does it move, in what direction, where it ends up, etc.
-0... (2)... reversing your grip on your weapon would be a move. so now it is held in an inverted grip.
-0...(3)... now stepping to your left would be your third movement.
-1...(4)... thrusting which sword or what at opponent? you left this vague. you need to state it was your left clearly. i know what you mean but most judges would naught or at the least nail you for being unclear. anyway, if opponent was behind you and you stepped to your left and thrust behind you, i see your thrust as missing far to your left. thrusting your right back for his midsection after stepping left would be more appropriate to line up his body with your thrust.
-1... (5)... which way do you spin? what is your footing? very vague and unclear in action though obviously clear in your intent. get you moves to match your intent in a clear way.
-1... (6)... too many moves... no ded for first one according to Traditional Combat Rules. however... how are you crossing your swords with your left still inverted?
-1... (7)... stepping back is a move and is now a ded. again very vague.



(03:01:57 )

Phoenix Knight

Courting Taryn Iona
| Warrior |
says to DanialBrewerMTC: ((with the automatic oppertunity of attack because of your rekless charge that would not be possible))

say what??!!!

(03:02:10 )

Phoenix Knight

Courting Taryn Iona
| Warrior |
says to DanialBrewerMTC: ((but anyways))

(03:12:48 )

Phoenix Knight

Courting Taryn Iona
| Warrior |
says to DanialBrewerMTC: 1)as my right sword connects with your two swords pushing them down and away from me and my left comming across your mid section i do naught cut into your sking but i do manage to cut your leathers so your pants are down at your ankels2)as you turn mind you your pants are at your ankels you turn slow enough I take my right sword wich was at your back at the end of the last post I change grip on m'sword...3)bringing the same sword that I had just changed grip on my left still in front of me to deffend I lift my right hand up and swing the blunt side of the sword up and a side ways motion attempting to thwack you in the side of your head4)i then step back and bring m'sword back infront of m'other knees bent slightly my right leg in front of m'left in a deffencibe possition...

-3... (1)... how is your sword connecting with opponents...ded. how is your left coming across his midsection...ded. cutting and stating the result is a forced post...ded.
-2... (2)... now you are backposting...ded. how has your grip changed? very vague and unclear...ded. seems your right sowrd is now inverted with the blade along your forearm perhaps?
-2... (3)... which side of opponent's head are you swinging for...ded.  with the grip change you would miss unless you stepped forward... ded. remember... opponent stepped back. so that is one pace plus whatever distance existed between you when you had the swordtip at his back before. this would at least be three feet from the pace plus possibly two feet or more leaving a distance of five feet beween you. you do naught have five foot plus arm length unless you are a kur.
-0... (4)... stepping back a move. vague but still...
-0... (5)... okies... now you have your left sword gripped traditionally, right sword gripped inverted and crossed in front of you. just as your opponent... a very odd system you have.


ROUND THREE**********

(03:21:50 )

says to Phoenix KnightMTCCourtin: 1. work better without pants anyway and a head shot on this old rock will likely break your blade 2.3.steping forward then I drop to one knee and thrust up with my left under your guard into your gut 4. driveing the other sword at your foot riseing and stepping back one pace bringing the swords to a defenceive position at my front

-1... (1)... amusing but unrealistic.
-3... (2,3)... at this point the distance between you is too great to pull this off. remember to post intent and naught direct result. which knee?
-2... (4)... thrusting right sword for  what foot? distance still too great for this.
-0... (5)... rising is its own move.
-0... (6)... stepping back is a move. another warning on excessive moves.
-2... (7)... moving your swords again is a move. how are they positioned?



(03:28:57 )

Phoenix Knight

Courting Taryn Iona
| Warrior |
says to DanialBrewerMTC: 123) with m'quickness and alertness i see you drop to one knee as you drop down I bring m'right sword down on your hand blunt side in attempt to knock them out of your hand or just twords the ground I step quickly back words wich would make it impossible to strike ither of my feet not knowing wich foot you are talking about I take m'left and bring it down to about m'knees to make shure m'legs were protected....~

-1... (1)... still too far away to be doing this.
-0... (2)... perhaps you could send your opponent a gor-a-gram letting him know of your reply at such a distance away. it was already impossible to hit you.
-1...(3)... protected how? no details of positioning given.
-0...(4)... forth move wasted.
-0...(5)... fifth move wasted.



very sloppy and vague for both combatants. this is supposed to close quarters combat. from what i have seen you two would need gorean transit passes to get close enough to fight. sheesh.....
no final defense post and just as well.... nothing to defend.


Danial gets the win

Offline RAGNAR

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Dylan vs Haldir
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2006, 02:30:43 AM »
Traditional Combat... three alternating... 10 min time limit.

(23:19:09 )

| | | | ~Dylan~ | | | |


Warrior Poet


says to \\-Haldir-//-MTC-Haruspe: …I stand 6’2”, 250 pounds, I wore the scarlet of the Caste of Warriors, and black leathers, in My right hand was the Gorean war spear, its head tapered of bronze, the head 18” in length, it’s shaft more than an inch, and a half in thickness, more then six feet in length, the spear was held in My right hand held shoulder high the bulk of the shaft behind Me, on My right hip hung a 22” gorean short sword, on My left hip hung a 12” quiva, made in the glorious city of Ar, on My head hung the face chained helmet of the Wagon People, the multi-colored chains chimed against one another, My left foot was forward, My right foot shoulder length behind Me, My knees bent, I looked towards You, standing 3 paces from You…

physical description good
right hand spear... recommend stating t least in approximate terms where you grip the spear just for specifics in the stance post.
short sword on right hip
quiva on left hip
helmet of the Wagons
stance good
nine feet away

(23:21:40 )

Outrider Orman
says to | | | | ~Dylan~ | | | | : ~..blinks looking at the spear as I walk into the pit ..I stand 7'4'' and weigh my right hand I hold a 36'' spatha blade aimed at Your My left hand I hold a round Torvie sheild with a 10''boss center at My shoulders hight..I wear black pants and tunic..My boots are black as well in My boots are two 16'' quiva's..on My Masters belt I hold a tomahawk..My right foot faces you..My left foot back at 90 degrees...I stand about 3 paces from You.. ready for Your attack..~

physical desription good
right hand spatha
left hand Torvie shield... should spcify diameter as done with the boss.
a quiva in each boot. recommend shortening them a bit. they are about a foot in length btb.
canhpi in belt... located where?
stance good. recommend losing the 90 degree stuff and stating it more simply unless you wish to start facing opponents stating everything in dgrees requiring you to keep a compass, protractor, sliderule, etc as tools for online combat.
nine feet away

ROUND ONE**********

(23:28:52 )

| | | | ~Dylan~ | | | |


Warrior Poet


says to \\-Haldir-//-MTC-Haruspe: …taking note of Your weapon and shield positioning, I 1) take off in a run towards You, clearing the distance to a single pace between Us, moving a bit to Your left keeping Your spatha from Me, and 2) Dropping the spear letting it roll off My shoulder I 3) Duck low into a crouch, and 4) Drawing the short sword from My right hip into My left hand I 5) continue with the momentum of the drawing of the short sword and slash towards that of Your right knee, looking to incapacitate You completely…

-0... (1)... ummm... how much of a run is two steps bro? recommend wording this another way in case a judge who is prick ever judges your match. his spatha is three feet long. a pace is judged as three feet. this is really cutting it close.
-0... (2)... dropping a weapon is naught considered a move. you wasted this move. no deduction as it is yours to waste.
-0... (3)... clean
-0... (4)... clean
-0... (5)... clean


(23:35:47 )

Outrider Orman
says to | | | | ~Dylan~ | | | | : ~ I watch You drop the spear~ 1) I move back and try to counter You with My sheild drawing down and to My right..2) I take time to re-group and fall back a 2 paces..3) faceing You again...4) I swing the flat end of the blade towards Your head..5) rasing My sheild back to My chest...~ trying figure out why Your trying to cripple Me~

-1... (1)... you move back how far? try to be more specific where/how you use shield to defend.
-0... (2)... how much time do you think you have bro? this is h2h combat. forget the "taking time" aspect of the post in the future. falling back two paces. distance is now at nine feet plus since you already moved back.
-1... (3)... recommend stating how you come to face him again. do you step to the right, pivot, etc?
-1... (4)... too far back for this strike. you fall at least three feet short with it.
-0... (5)... clean. (recomend reading the thread on the wall bro. none of these wounds are permanent.)


ROUND TWO**********

(23:43:11 )

| | | | ~Dylan~ | | | |


Warrior Poet


says to \\-Haldir-//-MTC-Haruspe: …I was still in a crouch, and as You backed off the two paces, and then swung the flat of Your blade towards one side or another of My head I 1) twisted My body backwards, pulling My head back away from Your blade, knowing You were stretching Your reach from that distance and then 2) Drawing My quiva into My right hand, from My left hip, I 3) Rise back to My standing position, and 4) Take aim, and throw the quiva towards that of Your right shin, and 5) lifting My left foot up from the sands kicking dirt towards that of Your face…

-1... (1)... twisted or just pulled back? unclear as typed.
-0... (2)... clean
-0... (3)... clean
-1... (4)... here i have an issue. taking aim and throwing the quiva is fine... but you need to specify how it is thrown. if thrown from the draw it is a clean single move. if raised in the more usual style of throwing overhand you would have to relocate the quiva in order to do so. that would also require another movement to achieve position.
-0... (5)... clean


(23:52:00 )

Outrider Orman
says to | | | | ~Dylan~ | | | | : ~I watched You slip by.My swing fruitless~ 1) I jump back and trun My head to the right shuting My eyes to block out the sand...2) My flash steel blue I launch the round shield for Your head from My left hand.3) I reached behind Me and drawed out My tomahawk from the belt..4) I move in fast ..I swing the tomahawk up to My shoulders..takeing aim for Your chest((collar bone))..5) I step back about 4 paces..

-1... (1)... never defended against the quiva throw. jump back how far? turning your head would be an extra move, warning.
-1... (2)... what is flashing? unclear.
-0... (3)... i take it you grabbed the canhpi with your left and that it was located in the back of your belt. recommend stating you did so with your left hand in the future.
-0... (4)... moving in is a move.
-1... (5)... swinging the canhpi is a movement. which shoulder are you swinging it up to? which side of opponent's chest (collarbone) are you steiking for?
-1... (6)... clean. distance now at twelve feet plus. extra move now deducted for.


ROUND THREE**********

(00:00:40 )

| | | | ~Dylan~ | | | |


Warrior Poet


says to \\-Haldir-//-MTC-Haruspe: …You hadn’t defended against the quiva as it had flown for Your shin, so I thought it must have been embedded in You, and as You jumped back a pace or so (?), there was a huge Frisbee style shield headed towards My head, and I 1) swing My short sword left to right to parry it away from My head to My right, 2) watching You come in towards Me with Your tomahawk in Your left hand I’m assuming since You chucked the shield from that one, and You have a spatha, I’m not sure how close You get but I swing My short sword in My left hand from right to left and up to parry the tomahawk axe up and away from My chest while I 3) step to My left, hoping the blade will now find empty space, 4) I reach down and pick up the previously dropped spear , and seeing four paces away I 5) take aim, and throw the spear towards that of Your chest…

-0... (1)... clean
-0... (2)... he is close enough to swing his tomahawk. LOL clean.
-0... (3)... clean
-0... (4)... recommend stating you pick up your spear with your right hand in the future as well as how it is gripped.
-1... (5)... again i have an issue here. you stated no positioning of the spear after picking it up.


(00:11:30 )

Outrider Orman
: ~tricky .tricky..grins~ knowing that you have perryed My attack I take note You picked up Your spear..Me with No shield..1) I just droped to the ground hopeing it misses Me..2) on My knees in the sand I take aim with the tomahawk in My left hand and fling it towards Your chest.3) I also take aim with My spatha and aim for Your chest..4) pulling the blade out of My calf.(lower leg)) ..5) I fling that also towards Your chest..~ any where is a good hit~

-1... (1)... how did you drop to the ground? this would suggest you "hit the dirt" so to speak. this has a direct affect on your next move.
-1... (2)... did you land on your knees? rise to your knees? unclear. careful with the tomahawk throw. had your weapon naught been parried up to your right by your opponent you would likely have been nailed for naught positioning it for the throw. as it is it is sort of a diagonally thrown weapon from your high right with your left hand.
-1... (3)... you need to position your spatha for the throw. why you would throw away a perfectly good spatha is beyond me. given enough posts in this fight we may have been subjected to the horrors of you stripping down and throwing your clothing as well. LOL *W*
-1... (4)... which hand is doing this?
-1... (5)... again the positioning to throw... or state you throw it underhanded from your position of removing it from your right shin.

-1... time violation


DEFENSE POST**********

(00:19:02 )

| | | | ~Dylan~ | | | |


Warrior Poet


says to \\-Haldir-//-MTC-Haruspe: ….holy hell, You dropped to Your knees, and just started tossing shit at Me, seeing first the tomahawk come flying from the ground at Me, I 1) Dive to My left, hoping the huge tomahawk misses Me, seeing the spatha fly soon behind it, over My head, 2) The quiva was flying for My chest, but I rolled a bit and it sliced a bit into My right shoulder as I rolled…

-0... (1)... dive is fine... the miss of the spatha is rather weak as he did state he was aiming. will accept but try something better next time.
-1... (2)... which way did you roll?



Dylan winner

work on positioning for throwing. overall naught too bad. the score does naught actually tell the tale of the fight.

i see much improvement in Haldir's fighting. much better in movement counting, but still some work to do in this aspect. be more clear in your movements. there is a need to maintain time but that will come with experience. pay more attention to the small details. i can see what you are trying to do, just state it with more clarity. soon it will become second nature and once it does you will be able to concentrate more on naught breaking time again with the few added descriptive details. you are certainly on the right track. keep it up.

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Re: Judged Spars
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2006, 06:35:10 PM »
Traditional Combat... time limit in effect

(23:28:18 )
~First Healer~
^^Intended to Terran^^
says to Casca LonginouseClan of : *ndos* so be it *smiels and drops MY staff on the rack on the side of the pit...movig into the
sands I start to slowly streach out My muscles as I wait on You* 3 posts each...5 actions per post...10 minute time limit. agreed? *S*   
(23:29:10 )
Casca Longinouse
Clan of Hunters
MTC tp
says to LadyMuse~First Healer~^^: So be it please start *moves to the sands stretching*   
(23:32:47 )
~First Healer~
^^Intended to Terran^^
says to Casca LonginouseClan of : *moving into teh middle of the sands....My leahter clad body lithe and nimble after the quick warm up.......5'1" tall 130lb frame......long blond hair braded down My back bouncing over short sleeved leather vest I wear alogn with tight leather pants......setting My feet about shoudler witdth apart My knees slightly bent facing You My hands loose at My sides*   

physical description good
stance good
no weapons
no distance apart stated

(23:36:48 )
Casca Longinouse
Clan of Hunters
MTC tp
says to LadyMuse~First Healer~^^: *moves to the middle of the sands my body stands 6'1 tal 145 pounds long brown hair tied in the back no vest on just my loose leather pants my body is turned to the side my head turned to the left to face you knees bent shoulder length apart my weight supported on my right leg further from you*   

physical description good
stance good except for location of hands
no weapons
no distance apart stated

ROUND ONE**********

(23:41:36 )
~First Healer~
^^Intended to Terran^^
says to Casca LonginouseClan of : *grins evilly and suddnly there is dirt flying in the air as I drop into a foreward tumble just off to Your right side (1) as I roll past teh sand flying up My arm snakes out and attemtps to grasp Your right ankle and knock You on Your ass(2)landing on My ass I quickly jump to My feet and spin aroudn to face You once more(3+4) and step back a pace returning to My orgional stance(5)*

-1... (1)... dirt flying? from what? did an incomming round just detonate somewhere i am unware of 
-2... (2)... still unclear what is causing the sand to fly. is it just added affect to your post as a result of your movements or is it intended to be a direct result of your action intended to be a hinderence to your opponent in some way? just grasping opponent's ankle would naught knock him on his ass. this would require some sort of action that would take his balance away. recommend the grasp attempt following through with your motion intending to cause opponent to lose balance etc.
-0... (3)... clean
-1... (4)... which way do you spin to face opponent?
-0... (5)... clean since your stance had no actual placement of anything except your footing. well thought out or just typical uncanny Muse type luck? *G*


(23:49:57 )
Casca Longinouse
Clan of Hunters
MTC tp
says to LadyMuse~First Healer~^^: *(1) you roll to my right putting your body directly infront of mine I thrust my right leg up to avoid your grasp and towards your head(2) my right leg still in the air I thrust my body foroward to send my foot into your chest as you jump up (3) Steps forward one pace to be in close range of you (4) thrusts my left arm towards your throat as you are at your original position my body is again turned away from you(5) steps back one pace to my original position   

-1... (1)... your weight was distributed on your right foot from your stance post. you just lifted that right foot without any shifting of your stance. can we say "Casca went boom?" will look at your thrust toward opponent's head as directional rather than a strike. otherwise it would be a backpost.
-1... (2)... discounting the error of your first movement results... this is a backpost by traditional combat rules.
-0... (3)... clean, but would recommend stating you step a pace towards opponent. it would clear up the movement somewhat as you posted your original stance as having your left side facing forward at your opponent. this could be taken as you taking that direction and would alter your location.
-1... (4)... now we have a problem. you stepped forward and did your moves. now you are back in your original stance. this was naught posted as to how you accomplished this. you need to clean up and be more accurate on your location and stance when posting.
-0... (5)... so now you are back to your original position. left side leading forward with opponent to your right which places her square with your body while you look where opponent was in her original stance. bad positioning. you are wide open for a world of pain if opponent can take advantage of it. however... you can stand as you wish and enjoy masochistic tendencies if you desire. *G*


ROUND TWO**********

(23:56:14 )
~First Healer~
^^Intended to Terran^^
says to Casca LonginouseClan of : *rolls off to teh side as I see Your foot coming down....then jumping back to My feet with a soft growl...sand caoting Me....which puts Me well out of the direction of Yrou hand comgin for My thraot as well (1+2).....seeing You have resumed Yoru origanal position and knowing Your eyes will never leave My form I drop down into a crouch and tos sup a handful of sand directly towards Yrou eyes in teh hopes of momentarily blinding You(3+4) I then swing My leg out fast and hard towards Your left leg..hoping to unbalance You*   

-1... (1)... which direction do you roll?
-0... (2)... good, but try to post it more fluidly such as rolling to my right to avoid etc, allowing the momentum of my roll to bring me to my feet again etc. it flows much better.
-0... (3)... clean
-1... (4)... which hand did the sand tossing?
-0... (5)... difficult from the crouched position but naught impossible.


(00:07:32 )
Casca Longinouse
Clan of Hunters
MTC tp
says to LadyMuse~First Healer~^^: *(1)sees you crouch I spin 360 spinnig my left leg out half the highting of my body feel the sand hit my back avoiding your attack to my left leg and to aim at your head once again (2) as my body has reached full cirlce I notice you are still crouch my leg still in the air I send it down towards the top of your head (3)I step in one pace my body inches from yours (4)I reach down with my left hand for your braided hair like a rope (5)Sends my right knee hard and fast towards your face   

-1... (1)... which way do you spin? have we been watching kung fu theater again?
-1... (2)... you spun around aiming your left leg for her head. now you decide to stop and just send your leg down towards the top of her head. this would be a mid momentum change and would be almost impossible to perform given the speed these moves would be taking place. it is more realistic to see your left leg overshooting her head since you had to drop it down to seek her head with this second movement.
-0... (3)... okies
-0... (4)... okies
-0... (5)... clean

time violation -1


ROUND THREE**********

(00:14:59 )
~First Healer~
^^Intended to Terran^^
says to Casca LonginouseClan of : *seeing My attacks miss and Your foot heading towards My head...I propell My body forewards into a quick littel summersault off to Your right......Your hand just skimming over My braid as I tumbled(1) growlign as I feel the slight tug on My hair* alright enough is enough! *voice raising as I regain My feet from the tumble just in time to spin around (2+3) I then launch Myself towards Your waist...comign from Your right side hoping to plow into the raised knee and bring You down to the sand with Me(4) My own right knee rising hoping to get You in the gut(5)*    
-0... (1)... rather close for this move but the angle you take may allow just enough room to pull it off if going under oppoent's oncomming kick. do naught make a habit of such risky moves. you will eventually get nailed.
-0... (2)... okies... though pretty vague if looked at as a single movement. but as it is coupled wih another move where it is more fully developed  will accept.
-1... (3)... again... which direction do you spin?
-0... (4)... owies... this could be painful to you. high risk move but it is your body. masochistic people... i swear... sheeesh....
-1... (5)... i am unable to see this happening with his leg already raised for his knee strike. your knee would at best connect with his right leg in the process.


(00:22:57 )
Casca Longinouse
Clan of Hunters
MTC tp
says to LadyMuse~First Healer~^^: Its about time (1)allows you to get closer extended the right leg out to crash into you stopping you from tackeling me (2) reaching down for the top of your head pushing down towards the ground if the leg was dodged (3)Spinning 360 degrees again raises my right leg high into the air (4) send on my weight down on the right leg towards your left shoulder (5) steps back 3 paces   

-1... (1)... extending your leg would place its extension to where she was before since your knee was already directed towards that point. now it extends only to empty airspace. you would have to change it's direction for this move to do any good.
-1... (2)... reaching with which hand?
-1... (3)... even pushing her head downward would still result in her hitting you while on one leg. perhaps naught your waist, but at least your left knee of somewhere in that area. you would have to direct her tackle downwards to the ground at least, or better yet away from you in some way or be smart and get out of the way of her attack.
-1... (4)... too late. opponent's attack would have taken you off your feet rendering this move impossible.
-1... (5)... hard to step away when on the ground.



(00:26:40 )
~First Healer~
^^Intended to Terran^^
says to Casca LonginouseClan of : *lets out a loud curse as I come to a sudden stop and land on My ass as Your leg halts the attempted tackle.......with a glare I roll to My left dodgeing Your leg totally and jumping back to My feet as You back off(1+2+3) starts to dust off My sand covered backside with a grin* Well Fought ...Brother *S*   

-0... (1)... a giveaway on your part sis. very kind of you.
-0... (2)... finally we have a direction!!! YAY!!!
-0... (3)... good enough.
-0... (4)... good enough.



Muse winner

this was a very difficult match to judge given the fact there were so few references given to directions and distances as a whole. need less bruce lee moves and more down to earth fighting. spinning and such will only get you buried against a well skilled Warrior in combat. remember... to spin you are turning your back on your enemy.

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Danial vs Haldir
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2006, 04:46:16 PM »
Traditional Combat all rules in effect

(04:29:55 )

Outrider Orman
says to Danial Clan of Brewers, : ...moving to the Pit, standing 5 paces from You, I stood at7'4'’ 345 lbs of Solid Torvie Muscle, in My left hand I held a 32 inch shield with a 8 inch boss center, I held it slightly to My left in front of Me, in My right hand I held a 33 inch Scimitar, My hand gripped it firmly, the tip was pointed to the ground to My right at a 90 degree angle, the blade was pointed away from You, in each boot was two 12 inch Quiva, on My left hip held by My Masterbelt was a 18 inch tomahawk, My feet were in the 3 o'clock position with My left foot leading,... My knees were slightly bent, awaiting Your attack

15 feet away from opponent
physical description good
shield in left hand
scimitar in right hand
a quiva in each boot
tomahawk on left hip
unsure by what having your feet in three o'clock position means.

04:30:30 )

Outrider Orman
says to Danial Clan of Brewers, : 3 rounds is fine...

(04:30:40 )

Clan of Brewers, Clan Elder
says to \\-Haldir-//-MTC-Haruspe: Standing 6'4" 245lbs with steelblue eyes that refect a dead cold calm with 32 inch round shield on my right forearm that is 0f Tuchuk origin black and red in color and a 40 inch bladed long sword in my left hand the tip up at a 30 degree angle at my waist are two quiva's with12 inch blades and killing knives of the same length standing with right foot slightly forward knees flexed for blance. 

physical description good
Tuchuk shield on right forearm (my personal opinion is this may be a bit large for a Tuchuk shield, but as the books never gave an actual size of the Wagon People's shield i will allow.  bear in mind though most combat done by the Wagon people was done mounted. this includes using the lance, hornbow, rope, etc, and that the size of the shield would come into play when moving one's arms during these functions. too small and it offers very lil protection. too large and it would hinder the Warrior.)
longsword in left hand
two quivas at waist but where?
two killing knives at waist but where?
stance good

ROUND ONE**********

(04:35:35 )

Outrider Orman
says to Danial Clan of Brewers, : ~ takeing note of Your weapons..and stance~...1) I moved in fast swinging the the large blade down and the left to cut Your chest.2) with My shield I swing for Your rib cage hopeing to strike You and double You over..3)..steping back ..4 paces with shield covering MY chest and right sword arm pointed at You chest..

-1... (1)... moving in is a move. swinging your sword is another move. your sword was pointed low and would have to be raised before striking in this way.
-1... (2)... state what side of ribcage you are swinging for. right side... okies. left side... problem. sternum area, etc, inquiring minds want to know.
-0... (3)... distance isnow 12 feet


(04:43:21 )

Clan of Brewers, Clan Elder
says to \\-Haldir-//-MTC-Haruspe: -seeeing you charge!I parry your blde off to my right 2. my sheild blocks your swing towards my ribs 3. Stepning quickly 3 forward 4. slashiing towards your right arm 5 steping back 3 in a defensive stance

-1... (1)... state what you are doing and how you are doing it with your parry.
-1... (2)... how does your shield block his. state that you hold it in place allowing his to strike it and where... if you move your shield somehow... etc.
-1... (3)... stepping 3 forward what? three feet? three paces? makes a huge difference.
-1... (4)... be more descriptive with your slash. use directionals. from where to where.
-1... (5)... again, three what?  what is the stance? you have over two minutes left to post. you can add some description.


ROUND TWO**********

(04:50:38 )

Outrider Orman
says to Danial Clan of Brewers, : ~grining~...1) steping in low I swing My shield towards Your head..2) with My sword I raise it ..and bring it down across Your chest...3) still moveing in ..I kick at Your sheild..4) I reach out to grab You droping My shield to hold You by the back if the neck...5) I head butt You in the nose....~eyes wild like a mad Man~

-1... (1)... you two are tall. how low do you think you can go? describe the path of your shield using directionals. how far you step in i suppose is dependent upon the distance between you, and it was left vague... so will accept and see what happens.
-1... (2)... raising sword is a move. striking with it is a move. warning! use descriptive directionals. from where to where does your sword strike?
-1... (3)... still moving in? to where? if you were close enough to swing your shield and sword at opponent just how much closer can you get to kick?
-1... (4)... add "intending" to grab etc. dropping shield is naught a move so that is fine. picking it up or drawing another weapon will be a move if it takes place.
-1... (5)... recommend using, "drives my head for your nose attempting to land a solid headbutt" or something along those lines.


(05:03:00 )

Clan of Brewers, Clan Elder
says to \\-Haldir-//-MTC-Haruspe: --1. with you sheild up I thrust my long sword toward you gut 2.then blocking the strike of you shield with mine 3.step out of your reach to my right.4 smashing my sheild into you face 5 and thrust the sword into you ungarded right thigh

-1... (1)... in Traditional Combat this is a backpost.
-1... (2)... again, how is the block accomplished?
-1... (3)... how far is out of opponent's reach?
-1... (4)... odds are high that if you are out of opponent's reach you are also out of range to reach him.
-1... (5)... same thing. watch the distances.

time violation -1


ROUND THREE**********

(05:11:36 )

Outrider Orman
says to Danial Clan of Brewers, : ~takeing My tomahawk from My belt I hold it in My left hand~...1) I felt the blade run across My leg ...2) steping back 3 paces...3) I raise My tomahawk and fling it towards Your chest in the middle..4) pulling out My boot knife I fling that also towards Your right thigh...5) I rushed in on You this time full speed My left hand doubled up in a fist facking with My left..I swing My sword hand down and to the right strikeing You in the collar bone....~ knowing if I hit My targets and all was on time...You'll die from Your wounds....efg~

-0... (1)... will accept
-1... (2)... if you are going to accept a hit, please accept it with some style. it was a thrust. did it puncture you? just graze you and if so why/how? what degree of damage was done?
-1... (3)... getting your tomahawk in position is clean but be more specific. how high, etc. throwing it is an action. this time you get popped for the extra action.
-1... (4)... using your left hand? state such. how did you fling it? did you do a smooth draw and followthrough release underhanded? draw it then throw it? makes a big difference as it means one smooth action or becomes two actions.
-4... (5)... egawds bro.... you just go terminator on us here or what? rushing in is an action. the fake... iffy. the sword strike is an action. no directional description... which collarbone? sheeesh... almost an entire post in one action. nice try i will give you that but holy moley bro! *W* LOL


(05:22:36 )

Clan of Brewers, Clan Elder
says to \\-Haldir-//-MTC-Haruspe: ---aware of the everpresant danger 1.I lift my sheild to block the tomahawk 2 steps right a half a step the blade misses 3.the sword greats you as you charge onto the blade sheild again stricks you in you face 5. Jups three ful to my right as the fists fan the air

-0... (1)... will accept but also try to add where on your shield you take the hit. will give us an idea if you can still see over the top edge, etc.
-1... (2)... the target was your right thigh. if you step right you now end up taking the hit possibly in your man-marbles, or left thigh. try moving the other way next time. you may have brass balls but why tempt fate.
-0... (3)... the blade was still extended after the strike for his thigh so i can still see it as being out there. recommend something along the lines of "never having repositioned my sword, i watch you charge into me allowing you to run the tip into your (whichever thigh)" or something like this. but yes... he did just run into your sword.
-1... (4)... did he run into your shield or did you strike with it? describe actions or lack thereof.
-1... (5)... three what?

-1... and what about his collarbone strike? just letting it land or what bro?

time violation -1



Haldir gets the win

most of the deductions were simply due to lack of description in your posts. no need to use a sliderule description but some very clear basic directionals and such are a necessity. here are some examples...

what you are doing... "swinging my sword for your collarbone."

what i would be doing... "my longsword at high right i bring it down at an angle to mid left seeking to strike your left collarbone splitting you open to mid chest if successful."

what you are doing... "hits you in the face with my shield."

what i would be doing... "my shield at mid guard i thrust the center boss for your face seeking to break your nose, knock out teeth, swell your eyes shut to impair your vision, causing as much damage as possible if succesful."

Haldir.... watch it with your drawing and throwing all in one action. you are getting nailed for this.

Danial... you have the actions down. now just start describing them better.

i recommend the two of you read this over and note the errors. take a ride into the territory and look at this spar and re-enact it... but do naught re-write it... adding descriptions where needed and cleaning it up. naturally there will be no time limits involved... but do this exercise and then compare the two scripts for clarity. then you will see just how much difference directionals make, how much easier it is to gain a mental image of what is taking place, etc.

then next time you engage in combat use what you have learned and you both will see your deductions vanishing greatly. *S*