Author Topic: life in general  (Read 2212 times)


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life in general
« on: August 20, 2006, 03:59:55 PM »
has taken an odd turn......and I've asked Mum to keep hush hush about it because I've been trying to deal with this.....but now I think I can tell Y/you A/all, and may be in a better mood and more prepared to come back and play Karanis.....

Y/you see...on top of the already busy holy shit schedule I have.....40 hours of work, clearing the land, working on the car, two boys on two different football squads with two different practice and game schedules, and another boy with a music schedule, a new kitten, and all the usual bs that goes with multiple schedules, it seems my health is turning a bit sour, but its fixable....

so ....I havent been Myself for quite a few months now because of all the tests and doctors appointments, more tests, more appointments, more check ups, med changes, hormone therapy, iron therapy, a few more tests, an exploratory surgery, more tests, more playing the hurry up and wait game........

it turns out I need two operations.......but the good news is they both can be done at once....My big bone with the whole things is that I'm only 33 years old....these things arent supposed to be happening till I'm in My 60's or 70's......I have to have a complete hysterectomy.....and a bladder tack....seems My bladder hangs way to low, and they have to reattach it somewhere higher....we're not sure exactly when its going to be yet, but probably within the next few weeks........this on top of starting up school again with the boys and they're schedules....

and one other lil bonus....some know the history with My ex husband, the father of My child, and some dont, to make a long story short, we do NOT get along for more than five minutes at a time, and sometimes even that is pushing it.....and we're supposed to have 50/50 shared custody, well, it hasnt been 50/50 in about 4-6 years give or I'm taking him to court to have it in black in white what the situation has been like, in other words, me being primary and him having visitation and every other weekend holiday blahblahblah, in other words like 70/30........he WIGGED on Me when I told him we were going to court.....but I got the meanest.....cough cough cough, I mean snakiest, cough cough cough, I mean best lawyer in the state, she cost a pretty penny but its worth it,......but this is stressing me out too because this is another hurry up and wait game.....

and all of you know how much I LOVE to wait for things......screw delayed gratification, I want something done NOW dammit *kinda chuckles*......

so anyway, I didnt want to deal with the pity and the oh Mistress we're so worried you'll be fine how are you how are you feeling blah blah blah stuff....I cant stand it......I realize it would have been nicer to know before now.......but well, I wasnt ready....

let Me work out a few more kinks and work few a more things through, and I'll bring Kar back in.....but the typist Gretchen isnt really in Kar mode, you see where I'm going with this, I need to get to a place where I can still maintain Kar's standards, modes, attitudes etc....and right now, I'm lucky if I remember to eat........

I hate admitting weakness and sickness.....and lack of this took alot to put down.......just know that I have the best surgical team, the best doctors, and I'm in good hands, and have a super support neckwork with a very understanding husband ((and Momma LOL, She's staying up here till after the surgery and I can walk the main floor by Myself))....

anyway, I love you guys so much, and do miss you.....

and Rags.....You know Kar loves You more than She loves anything, and loves Her family, and woobie, there's no one that warms toes and gives a Woman hugs when She needs them....

Scott, I'm very sorry to have disappointed You with My lack of being here, and lack of looking at My responsibilities here.....I have just had a lot on My plate, and I'm sorry I've left so much time for You to run things on Your Own.....that lil voice in Your head and in Your ear by the Name of Kar will be back soon....have faith....

I love You guys,


Offline prism {*RgR*1*}

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Re: life in general
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2006, 04:29:58 PM »
you have an IM.. love you..
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

'Oh shit....she's awake!!'



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Re: life in general
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2006, 06:49:29 AM »
love you Gretch/Kar......we wil look forward to your return.....I know Momma will kick your butt if you don;t behave.....thoughts and prayers

love Kels

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Re: life in general
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2006, 03:48:34 PM »
Mistress.. I understand fully the feelin of worry re the complete removal of this... I had to have one done the day after my 30th bd... they wanted to do it on my bd but i begged an pleaded to have at least one day to get use to bein 30 before well so i thought turned old.. but ya know what.. is great.. no mess no fuss no havin to run in the middle of the nite to buy those damn feminin stuffys cause i didn't realize was that time.. an an an.. all the fun with out the interuptions... no more cramps ** but still get the**.. as to the tuck up of the bladder that won't be a big deal wait an see what the doc says..

just wanted to say this an tell you that you are remember to take time for yu between the busy schedual you have... remember to breathe lots.. huggles  ((ps remember to do as your momma says.. cause she knows ya better than you know yourself.. an she brought ya into this world so no one but her can take ya out... *smile*))

duckie rules

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Re: life in general
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2006, 04:10:46 PM »
kadi was 28 when they took hers away she was upset to start with but like chanz says, no monthlys, no pain, it was great, didnt have to worry about making sure i had things in or about taking the pill,

hugs Ya tight and kisses Ya cheek

May love and laughter light your days..And warm your heart and home..May good and faithful friends be yours..Wherever you may roam..May peace and joy bless your world.. And may all life's passing seasons..Bring the best to you and yours..

Offline chiana {M}

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Re: life in general
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2006, 05:04:34 PM »
i can completely understand hating the hurry up and wait game.  unfortunately, in life that is the only thing we can do sometimes. you are in my thoughts and prayers, and i'm sure that when the time is right everything will smoothe out just fine.  until then, we'll hurry up and wait to see you. =)  whether as Gretchen or Karanis - both would be welcome for a hidey ho.
chiana {M}


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Re: life in general
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2006, 07:26:37 PM »
you guys are great and thank you so much for the never ending support, it is appreciated more than you will ever know

I spoke to Rags and woobie on the phone, and as much bitching and moaning and behind swatting I recieved for not saying anything sooner, everything is fine *chuckles*

Just know that I love you all so very much and will in fact be in the right frame of mind, sooner than I thought to bring Kar back in......

much thanks and mounds and mounds of hugs and appreciation for T/those that understand....

I will be fine, just have to go through the motions of what needs to be taken care of....

you're all always in my thoughts and prayers....

I love Y/you A/all,

Kar aka Gretchen

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Re: life in general
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2006, 08:26:06 PM »
We luvsssssssssss you too Gretchen. ~hugs~
chanz and kadi are right, I was thrilled when I realized I wouldn't have to deal with the pain and the monthly stuff anymore. Nothing to hold you back anymore! Just be sure and rest after the surgery!

Take care, You're in many many thoughts and prayers!

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Re: life in general
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2006, 09:44:25 PM »
-hugggggggggggggggggs tight- loves and misses You Mistress and as chanz and them said, its great not havin to run out to buy stuffers and things LOL,  i had mine removed after findin out i had cancer when i started to have fertility tests done,  so i can kind of understand the blow it is to find out that its needed, and just kick the do in the cojonies and tell him to get it done and over with -grins- youll be happier, no interuptions, no hunnies i cant, its a mess tonight, LOL,  just get better and come home, we all need and miss You very much
