this was in the room when I went in tonight for a little while...
(19:42:45 ) pleasure~ooc~ slips out of character and says to ALL: greetings to A/all, i know were not supposed to do that, but, i burned my hand really bad today and am not going to be able to make it into camp for a while. as it is this little sentence took me five minutes to peck out on the keyboard with a pencil. *shakes her head* when it rains it pours...
(19:44:19 ) pleasure~ooc~ slips out of character and says to ALL: ive typed these messages in notepad so i hope i dont upset anyone by not greeting properly. i havent been on as much as i usually am and for that im sorry, but ive been sick and now i tried to burn my hand off lol
(19:59:48 ) pleasure~ooc~ slips out of character and says to ALL: farewell and well wishes all