Author Topic: Unfortunate Situation  (Read 4087 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Unfortunate Situation
« on: August 25, 2007, 03:08:37 AM »
A newer person to Gor was found to be dualling and genderbending in MTC.

The subject admitted being a female and playing both a free woman and a free man.

I explained about WEBMAZE Gorean Role Play policy regarding dualling and genderbending... and that such is not only against Maze policy but the majority of Gorean Sections across the web.

They were given a choice... since they claimed they were new... to continue with the free woman character and never again use the male character again or play more than one character unless clearly marked as a TRC or an NPC persona.

They opted to leave the room accusing me of interrogating instead of accepting what I felt was a rather generous offer considering such actions usually entail the death of all characters and banning from Maze GRP. So much for trying to cut a newbie slack. Lesson learned on my part I guess.

All they had to do was give their word on the matter and they could have been free to remain in MTC.... move on to wherever they might wish... etc.

No strings attached other than their word of no more dualling or cross gendering.

In light of their response, in good conscience to the Gorean Community...

Jade Sinclair and Dax are both played by the same female.

Use good sense if you encounter these names in your rooms. Both Jade and Dax are common chat names. Do not auto-assume dualling or cross gendering is taking place based solely upon the names. Just use caution.

We all were newbies at some time to Gor. Perhaps this will turn out to be a lesson learned and she will become an asset to whatever home she ventures to in the future... or not.

Time will tell.