Author Topic: Ozzy and his latest idiocy  (Read 1751 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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Ozzy and his latest idiocy
« on: September 25, 2007, 10:40:41 PM »
I shall make this as brief as possible.

Ozzy is no longer of Tuchuk in any way. Look upon him with disfavor and beneath even our contempt.

How quickly the young and foolish flipflop and claim loyalty.

It has been brought to my attention this one of low maturity is attempting to recruit to his new room, the Isle of Hunjer. If you are wise... you will avoid he and his room like the plague. He is unable to separate real time from virtual time and as experienced with him first hand, this does place chatters in a very precarious position. This is not intended to necessarily put down he nor his room... but rather a warning to those who may consider chatting there. For your own safety... give this matter of choice serious consideration.

When/if asked to register to his site or page... do bear in mind he will have access to whatever information is required to register.

He has displayed a disturbing negativity towards those with disabilities... and for some reason a negativity towards those who have not served in the Armed Forces... and even more strange... towards some who have. Indeed this is difficult to fathom.

So in a nutshell... for your sake... if you are considering falling for his line of recruitment crap, please think long and hard before joining this guy. If you do... I can only with you well and the best of luck as you will certainly need it.

Offline Raziel

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Re: Ozzy and his latest idiocy
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2007, 10:46:27 PM »
And how odd about the Armed Forces when he didnt serve.

There is a strong inability to distinguish rt from vt.

As the old adage goes, buyer beware!


Offline TheBear

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Re: Ozzy and his latest idiocy
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2007, 04:42:05 PM »
True Disability is one thing and I have no problem with those who are truly disabled.  It is the ones that are defrauding it and bragging about it I have a problem with.

So ragnar go back to your buddy deathshadow and have fun with him.

raziel you know nothing about Me.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Ozzy and his latest idiocy
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2007, 06:25:18 PM »
True Disability is one thing and I have no problem with those who are truly disabled.  It is the ones that are defrauding it and bragging about it I have a problem with.

So ragnar go back to your buddy deathshadow and have fun with him.

raziel you know nothing about Me.


The idiocy rises to a new level.

Offline Fishy!

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Re: Ozzy and his latest idiocy
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2007, 07:27:55 PM »
Ok I know that I dont belong to Tuchuk, but I was reading the boards anyways to get the news, and I saw this,

I think that ANYONE should be very careful of who they are chatting with, and what they are registering for, because Y/you may think Y/you know someone, but really Y/you have little to no clue about the typist on the other end. So please everyone of Tuchuk and hell, all the people of the entire internet....... just be safe, just because Y/you have chatted or im'ed someone for forever-and -a-day does'nt mean Y/you know them at all.

Shoko's typist- Lizzie

Offline Raziel

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Re: Ozzy and his latest idiocy
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2007, 08:59:07 PM »
Actually, I do.  This is not my only character, and I have been on Gor before you even thought of getting a driver's license.  I knew your past character as well, but you dont remember me.  I know everything you claim to be and to act.  It's stay in your new site, have fun, enjoy.



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Re: Ozzy and his latest idiocy
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2007, 03:17:29 PM »
ok now my feathers are sorely ruffled man......
first off Ozzy...or whoever....( iknow  you rt and have dealt with ya)
afte readin the board and hearing from people that are disabled including myself

wanna know what? boy u dont know the meanin of "disability" i have what is known is heart disease
yeah my arteries are clogged and i had to have stents placed in my heart, im on  about 9 medications most for my heart and blood pressure, to top that off....yes im a abit fuckin slow (paron my english but am pissed.
I dont bitch about what i have or dont have..but when someone claims this an that like u did here and at marvel and wherever else ya got booted from..i think its time u put on some brain power..u freakin yelled at me that no one fuckin cares? what happens in a room with people that are mostly disabled, or even Military for that fact? get it right Mister..step in the wrong place and you will find yourself in one small corner...i do wish u the best of luck in yer ahem room(s)....cuz u claim to be Gorean while true Goreans are in front of you? you gripe and groan cuz of this an that....grow up Ozzy...this is an adult room not a child's playroom..nuff said
« Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 10:02:59 PM by Titus »