Author Topic: Stupid is as stupid does  (Read 2333 times)

Offline Amber

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Stupid is as stupid does
« on: October 04, 2007, 09:03:49 AM »
Women should be warned, that when pregnant, the virus that is thriving in their abdomen, can and will make them completely and utterly stupid.  I have never felt so brain dead in my entire life.  The simplest of tasks, like taking my vitamin, remembering to refill that ladies diet coke at table 5 within 20 minutes, or remembering to post things on the message board so people don't worry, is just beyond my mental capacity as of late.  I don't know exactly when my last two brain cells had their argument and decided to part ways and leave my cranium all together, but it has happened.

So, both baby and I are fine.  Beau is fine.  We're both alive and kicking.  At this stage in the pregnancy I am  almost 18 weeks.  Will be 18 weeks on Friday actually.  I have had several doctors appointments, all of which we have had a wonderful little heartbeat (when the baby doesn't hide from the microphone thingy).  My next sonogram appointment is on the 16th of this month, and hopefully those wonderful little pictures will determine whether I'm having a girl lump or a boy  lump.

I am really freaking fat.  Well not fat, it's all baby and organs and stuff, but it is still quite a big difference between what I am used to, and what I am now.  Every day it seems my belly juts further and further out, and it's almost depressing, until my wonderful loving husband just comes up to me and starts rubbing said extended belly like it's lucky, or I'm the Buddha.  I haven't felt the baby move yet, but I am assured that within the next few weeks, I will start to feel it.  I am waiting for revenge, in the middle of the night, pressing a rather rambunctious baby belly up against Beau's back and letting it kick kick kick away for all his tossing and turning that nearly punts me out of bed.

I can't sleep worth a damn anymore.  I'll get a few hours of solid sleep, and then I'll wake up every half an hour or so.  Part of this is due to wrestling with Beau for the covers/room on the bed, fighting with the cat because she insists on sleeping between my legs when I need to move and change positions, living on the a busy street, living across from a gas station, and last, but not least, my favorite, not being able to get comfortable because this lump presses on everything!!!

Work so far is okay, it still however, puts a lot of strain on that pulled rib muscle of mine (which still hasn't gotten any better).  My feet have begun to hurt a bit more (I would guess because I'm about ten pounds heavier than what I am used to).  Lots of changes at work, and each time they change something, they piss me off, but I only have to last three and a half more months before I can go on maternity leave. sucks.

We've been spending a lot of time with our closest friends as of late.  Dinner every Wednesday, and we spend on average about 2 or 3 other nights over at their house, because lets face it, after March 7th (due date by the way) we won't have a lot of hanging out time left over to spend, so we're trying to get it all in as much as possible now, while the getting is good.

Any other time not requisitioned by work, sleep, and friend time, is spent together between the two of us, which translates to, we both sit on our respective computers, have conversations, and play neopets together.  We're addicted, which also explains why neither of us have been seen for some time.  I'm sure we'll get bored and be back soon to regular online and rp times, we shall see.  The slots on neopets require little brain power, and that seems to be all the brain power I have left in me.

Let's see, what else?  Oh, my dad's dog died. -sad look- She was a bull mastiff named Lucy.  She had just had surgery to fix a twisted stomach, and after the surgery, had developed a blood clot which the vet didn't catch because it had already moved to her legs.  My dad brought her home, she moved in the middle of the night, and the blood clot shifted, going straight to her heart.  The vet was magnaminous enough to say he wouldn't charge my dad for the cremation, but my dad still owes for the surgery.  What...a jack ass.  My dad has the worst luck with pets.  It's not his fault, it just happens to be his fate and misfortune.  So kudos to Marty, his 11 year old german shepherd/rottweiler mix for lasting 11 years in my fathers care without getting hit by a car or contracting some strange disease.

Uhmmm, my brother has asked his boyfriend to marry him.  And he said yes, so there will be some strange wedding thing going on on October 31st 2009.  I don't know exactly how that's going to work, because Iowa still hasn't passed the whole gay marriage thing as of yet, so...I guess I'll know more details when the time gets closer.

Other than that, I think I'm doing okay, despite my disappearing, and I apologize for disappearing, I didn't mean to, it's just that, quite literally I would mean to post, and I would forget to do so.  Hopefully, I can remember to check the boards everyday and make a post once a week as to what is going on, if not make it into some rp rooms at some point in the near future.  I miss all of you and hope to see everyone soon!

« Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 09:16:05 AM by Amber »

Offline flame{NS}

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Re: Stupid is as stupid does
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2007, 09:33:21 AM »
 kneels down and rubs your feet for you...brings you things so that you dont have to get up.. just  layback and relax...
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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Stupid is as stupid does
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2007, 01:16:43 PM »

Offline Shylina Marie

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Re: Stupid is as stupid does
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2007, 04:20:34 PM »
sends much love.... and all the phone numbers for take out and delivery...  thinks Beau should be living in the ice cream isle at walmart.( sage nods)...... and hopes its a girl lump....
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Offline Huntress

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Re: Stupid is as stupid does
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2007, 05:37:21 PM »
* Hugs*
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Outlaw of Gor, p. 37

Offline Taryn

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Re: Stupid is as stupid does
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2007, 06:19:07 PM »
~chuckles~ Neopets are evil... ~huggles~ I am glad to hear that you are doing well, and well I would lend you some of my brain cells, but ummmmmmm... I don't have any to spare... ~flips my blonde hair and poses in that dumb blonde look and busts up laughing~ soon you will be out of that first trimester and into the second and you will find your second wind... it's the third trimester that will make Beau want to move to the couch because that's when things get odd...

Love you lots, miss you tons, Sistah... and you better remember to post pics of your next sonogram... ~hugggggggggggggggggles and kissssssssses to you and Beau~

Offline Kitya

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Re: Stupid is as stupid does
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2007, 10:26:26 AM »
*chuckles* Believe me sis, I know exactly how you feel, and yes, while you're pregnant your memory takes a flying leap out a window. It totally sucks, I agree. I'm glad you're doing good otherwise tho, and I'm excited to see your next pics!!

A suggestion that was given to me for sleeping, sleep on your side... you're going to have to anyways once baby gets a bit heavier, and get a body pillow. Put the bottom part between your legs to support your back, and tuck the top part under your tummy for baby support. They make special pillows for that, but body pillows are so much cheaper. I'm close to buying a second one since I've used mine for so long that it's kind of gone flat where my legs go.

I always cried every time I heard the heatbeat. *grin* And I cried the first time I felt her kick. I'm glad you're getting to experience these wonderful things too. *hugs*

Offline -Alice-

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Re: Stupid is as stupid does
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2007, 01:04:11 PM »
*Blinks tons and laughs a bit after reads all what You said*

OK, since this it's the first post i write in like what? 1 months since i become a member of this Home? *shrugs* First of all, sorry A/all because of that... My RT sucks and I've been searching for another job, i found it and in like 1 month I'll be working at a hospital, which means that I'll be offline for another month, but I'm not here to write about me, this it's because i know exactly how you feel... And trust me when i say that you will get better soon... The first 4 months are the worst, morning sickness, tiredness, memory goes all blind and stuff like that, but you will be fine Hon, i wish i could had the same that you have with B... I mean the belly rub and tenderness... I think that it's a good thing than the two of you  are spend more time with friends and with eachother...

About the weight... What can i say, i gained like 20 pounds over my weight, and after 3 months i can't get ride of them... *L* But that's me... *G* Hang in there, this will be over before you notice, just relax and enjoy the pregnancy and the things that you can say to B that he has to do because you are pregnant and you can't do it, that's the best part of this... *LMAO* I support Kitya's suggestion, and i have one on my own, try to put your feet upper when you are sitting or in bed... That helps to blood circulation and relax you in some way, and be careful with your pressure, that's what my doctor said, same with the sugar levels, most of women use to get diabetes when are pregnant...

Beside of that, I'm so happy you are getting this experience... This it's unique... Trust me... *Huggles*

Offline Sati

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Re: Stupid is as stupid does
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2007, 02:18:02 PM »
My dear sweet niece,

 Try to be grateful for all that is happening to you right now, because in the future you will be sad its all over. Being pregnant takes its toll on our bodies but it is the most special time of your life and you will remember all of it fondly, believe me when I say this is the most blessed event that will ever happen in your entire life. Take good care of the lil one and remember they grow up so bloody fast it will break your heart with missing the whole preggers then infant then toddler stuff. So try with all of your heart to enjoy it.

Love ya tons hon !

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Offline Arlon

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Re: Stupid is as stupid does
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2007, 10:29:21 PM »
 If it makes you feel any better, Sis ... it happens to the daddy too, the lack of memory thingy. At least it is to me (not that my memory was all that great to begin with, but now it's like ... POOF...). Some days I have to think to remember my oen name it seems like......
 Anyhoo, I'm happy as hell for you and Beau. Enjoy each other and your new family, and be sure to post LOTS of baby pics! *G*


Offline Amber

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Re: Stupid is as stupid does
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2007, 10:18:25 AM »
I now have a body pillow.  I've only slept with it one night (since I spent the night at Shelleys house last night and the couch isn't big enough for a body pillow AND me).  I slept with it Saturday night, and I do have to say, it helped enormously.  I didn't wake up as often, and the only times I did wake up, was to switch positions and move the gigantic thing so I could get comfortable.  My belly isn't big enough yet to slide the pillow underneath it, but just propping it in between my legs helped muchly.  So thank you very much Kitya for the advice!  Now if only there was some miracle solution to my brain not working. Heh.  By the way.. I love belly rubs.  I'm not protective of my belly at all...unless it's strangers or weird family members (I married into some really odd weirdos)  But other than that...belly rubs are free.  They make me all warm and fuzzy and remind me that especially at this point in my life, I am special!