Author Topic: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When  (Read 4970 times)

Offline Taureg

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You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« on: February 12, 2009, 03:45:25 PM »
1) You go out to a resturant for dinner and beckon the waitress by calling "to me, girl".

2) You beat your secretary because she forgot to sweeten the rim of your coffee mug with her lush lips.

3) Your favorite place to sit and watch tv is on the velvet "fur"
bean bag.

4) You try to carry your wife to the bedroom while balancing a bowl of paga in one hand.

5) Your child brings home a report card with straight "A's".
You ::Smile softly and slowly look down upon him:: "you have pleased me well this day little one."

6) You sign your checks XVmrkjonesVX.

7) You spend three months trying to find an architect who will agree to design a fur pit in front of the fireplace in your new home.  You come home at the end of the day and are disappointed to find your wife in blue jeans instead of in nadu.

9) You threaten the manager of the local grocery store because he refuses to carry larma in the produce section.

10) Your child gets an "F" on his science project because he has an extra planet labled Gor and one labled Urth........

11) You note the waitress leaving your table and think ... her
garment, though brown and of synthetic material would be muchly improved were the hem raised perhaps three to three and a half horts. Too, would her feet not be more pleasing to look upon were they bared, her ankle belled? You then call out Har-Ta!

12) The waitress then returns, setting your dinner down, instructing you to "Enjoy your meal." You wonder why it is she is now taking the order of another and not kneeling thighs parted sinfully wide (as she is so obviously a redsilk) at your side while you dine. You did not, afterall, excuse the very *friendly* person.

13) You drive-thru the local Taco Bell and are taken aback at the completely unnatural construction of a drive-thru window which has the kajira..err, female employee, handing food down to you. You can not help but think the Builder must have been on a kanda chewing binge when he handed in these designs. You then, of course, buy a Truck, a large, 4 wheel drive model, to compensate for the Builder's stupidity.

14) You nearly cuff the BlockBuster Video kajira..err..female
employee when she, without any grace at all, hands you your video as you leave. Kings, she isn't even on her knees begging you to enjoy the video and praying that she has pleased you?! Further, she is instructing you when you MUST return the d**ned thing.

15) You find yourself face down on the pavement outside a local drinking establishment with a fellow telling you in no uncertain terms. "NO, the waitress does not come with the price of the drink." He then kicks you in the side in anger continuining on with, "And I will not tell you again, this is three *&$****& nights in a row!"

16) When your teacher tells you to do something your response
is "Yes, Master!"

17) When called up to your teacher's desk, you find yourself lowering in nadu to much of his and your fellow classmates suprise. Their startlement baffles you for that brief moment before embarassment sets in when you realize where you are.

18) When asking your teacher for an extension on a project, you find
yourself slipping into third person and shamelessly begging....
Stopping short of dropping to your knees and kissing his feet
thankfully when he agrees... just to shut
you up.

19) While watching Jeapordy, Alex asks you to name a certain large desert... and you blurt out "What is the Tahari!?"

20) You are questioned by police who found you crawling on hands and knees behind the local tavern looking for the "slaves entrance."

21) You speak in third person and no longer wonder why people are looking at you strangely. "Yes, mom ... this girl had a wonderful day today."

22) The waitress asks if "everything is all right" and you
respond "yes, little one, your serve was beautiful. You are an honor to your Master."

23) You are discussing birth control methods with your doctor and ask him about slave wine.

24) The woman you are interviewing for a job opening asks what the duties are and you respond "exquisite beauty and absolute obedience."

25) You don't understand your fiancee's confusion when you introduce her to her new "chain sisters" and tell her she is "en girl". The situation only worsens when you inform her that the "joining ceremony" is off. You tell her you don't need a free companion because your kajirae will serve your needs.

26) When you are playing Scrabble with your Mother (who, incidentally has NO clue what Gor is), and you lay your letter tiles to form the word nadu. When questioned, you look at her in wonderment and say, "But, it's in the Gorean dictionary." From that point on, the only words you seem able to form are kajira, vartbat, tarn, tarsk.. finally getting away with placing "Silks" on the board.

Offline Salem

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Re: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2009, 06:35:08 PM »
LMAO Pure brilliance.
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Offline Medi

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Re: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2009, 01:48:06 PM »
two days ago i played cello in a quartet for a wedding in Yosemite.  for some reason, we didn't get fed, usually getting dinner is part of the gig.  i had an amazing urge to kneel by the nearest table and say 'if this girl has offended You, she is very sorry.  in the meantime, may this girl please have a slice of the roast bosk?'  <they were having medallions of beef as the main course>.


Izee' Greyeagle
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Re: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2009, 03:25:25 PM »

Offline Medi

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Re: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2009, 10:52:27 PM »
as you are washing dishes at the sink, you look out the window and see that the neighbors have just acquired a large, watusi bull, and have released him into their pasture.  you exclaim in delight, and let the dishes go to hell.  you run back into your bedroom, and throw off the bathrobe you are wearing.  you quickly fashion a curla and chatka out of a shower cord, and a bath towel, and put your hair back with a sweatband.  after pulling on a vest, from a new outfit, and leaving the buttons unfastened, you scamper away.  you cover the distance with a 'slave run', feet close to the ground, and your hands, high up, hold a newly opened tin of 'crisco' and an empty plastic bucket with your hairbrush and a roll of 'viva' towels, and enter the pasture.  30 minutes later, as you are strapped onto a gurney, for treatment of minor injuries from the trampling, but mostly for a 72 hour observation, you hear an attendant say, 'why does she keep cooing, 'oh Berat, you big Ubar of the Bosk'.'

Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Re: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2009, 11:18:18 PM »
i had another wedding this evening.  we got fed, not intentionally.  the cute young girl who was circulating with the canape tray apparently didn't know that we should not be offered food, usually musicians are ignored.  we didn't tell her to stop, and i ate everything she brought to us.  she did look perplexed when i would say things like...'thank you, chain sister'...'please excuse me, i am not a trainer, but you should raise your pretty chin higher, your Master would want you to show your collar, you have such a lovely neck'...'your last serve was so much better, you will soon be tested to move up from 'kettle', sister'.


<smiling> the food was really nice.  blue cheese with apples, on a cracker was the best of the canapes.  i will see if i can find the ingredients to serve them to all of You Free.
Izee' Greyeagle
Lancer's Woman
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Re: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2009, 01:19:45 AM »

Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2009, 06:01:40 PM »
you know that you have been Gor-ified. When

during your day, you CANT WAIT TO BE THERE!!   ;D ;D
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
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Re: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2009, 06:30:45 PM »

Offline RickBulow74

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Re: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2010, 05:38:53 AM »
You know you have roleplayed too long on Gor when ....

you refer to the local area Hooters restaurant as a paga tavern

(True story. I was visiting old Kurzon at Vanir's Fjord when it was here on WebMaze one Friday and I was a member of the Yellow Knives Red Savage Camp at the time. All of a sudden there was a call from the Raiders of Huraiva Falls Lair [the remaining members of the old Viktel Aquan Lair Raiders Camp headed up by Mahaljach Spirit Rider] to raid. In PM I asked Kurzon if he needed any help on defense though I was a mere guest there and he yelled in public that I could, so I jumped in and lent an assist, giving Hrothgar a massive headache with my ridged forehead [I played a Klingon Warrior named Kharog at the time] and then when they exited stage left I had a visiting healer patch me up and then told them that I was going to head to Hooters [aka the RT paga tavern] and as I was riding the bus I was thinking and then made the correlation to Hooters and a Gorean paga tavern. It makes perfect sense if you men think about it. Compare the way the Hooters' girls are dressed and compare it to what the kajirae wear.)
OOC - Rick

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Re: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2010, 04:18:00 PM »
When I find myself narrating my thought process and actions in realtime, as if I were roleplaying.

*As I make my morning coffee, I ponder if I can squeeze in a stop at the post office between the grocery store and the bank, or if that might take too long and the bank will be closed...*
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 05:33:59 PM by Forest Bird »
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: You Know You Have RP'd on Gor WAY TOO LONG When
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2010, 04:38:19 PM »