In case it was not read in the report on the IC thread.
All juices and alcohol is hereby and forthwith to be used ONLY for those who are injured. There is not alot of juices left, and alcohol is to be used to medicinal purposes (i.e. pain relivers) ONLY. What fruit and tea we have left in the commissary wagon is to also be given to the wounded. Bread from here on out when it is made is to be given to those injured who can only have soft diets. Blackwine and black pepper are to be used for only the Healers (blackwine to keep em going and black pepper used during the course of Healing).
Milking is to be done as frequently as possible as Water and Milk are about the only things that Tuchuk as a whole will be drinking until we can resupply. Gathering eggs will also be needed to be done as we only have one basket of eggs currently and most likely that will be used quickly.
In regards to water - The river at the center mass of Camp and south from there, cannot be used for ANY reason, this includes bathing yourself, or using the water to fill troughs/buckets/kettles. There is a spring near the main Camp stock pens, that also cannot be used for ANY reason. Further, go a passang or two North from center mass of Camp and you may use that water or the water from the other four springs in Camp. ALL water meant for consumption is to be BOILED first for ten ehn.
There is a freight wagon that needs it's contents dispersed to other freight wagons as it has been damaged beyong all repair and can no longer be used. At the next available opportunity for any slave who is not currently already in service are to report to this freight wagon and move whatever is inside to other freight wagons for storage. A large freighter in the outer wagons also needs to be cleaned out, its contents removed and dispersed so that the wagon can be used during a pyre.