I wish I knew a way to make wav's out of my voicemail messages..
Last night, I got a voicemail message that went something like this..
"rattleslurpgarblebangstaticmuffleslurprattlegarblegarblebreakingupstaticslurpslurprattlegarblestaticbang.. then late into this, a distant male voice.. "
it went on so long, that my voicemail timed out on the message and hung up.
My phone tells me when I have missed a call, and who it was if they are programmed in my phone book.
My phone says it was Amber and Beau.
From the sound of the voicemail message, I get the feeling it was Bubby.. LOL.. Once I figured out he must have been playing with/ eating the phone.. and somehow managed to call my cell.. I had to smile..
see, even he knows.. when ya gotta share the slurpy loves, you call woobie..
I love you too, Bubby, call anytime...