Author Topic: summin' it up as short as possible.  (Read 990 times)

Offline Karanis

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summin' it up as short as possible.
« on: August 05, 2009, 07:34:23 AM »
the last five years for Me have been FUCKED.


seriously, as happy as I am rt, My health has only recently come back.

some know about the cervical cancer, it is still fine, well, because quite frankly, soon after I had that treated I had more surgery to have a complete hysterectomy, bladder attachment to my abdominal wall, and umbilical hernia patched.

come to find out, all the surgeries and complications I've been having since I was 15 were all do to complications of celiac disease, or allergy to gluten found in wheat, barley and rye.

it affected EVERYTHING, including my mind. it destroyed me from the inside out over a long period of time. last year I nearly did not recover, very very very very nearly.

I spent a considerable amount of time in the hospital, was diagnosed with celiac, and since, I have dropped ALL of my meds, and am on no meds, am back down to a nice healthy 140lbs, and loving life because I'm healthy and I have my mind and body back, its fantastic.

every part of my life has been affected by this disease, it sucks, and is not curable, but it is tolerable, and I am learning as I go.

I am no longer at the pharamcy, and I work at Ruger ((yes, the gun factory, and I LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT))

more later, I need to make a phone call LOL
Walk softly and carry a big Gun.

Offline ke'tharn

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Re: summin' it up as short as possible.
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2009, 07:42:59 AM »
they did tell You that You're not allowed to shoot the working thralls, though, didn't they?

well, it's good to hear that You are mending and healthy *smiles* keep it that way!

and welcome home, even if i said that on other threads already.
