Well... Here's a staring point for you...
Like Sarant who was Tuchuk born, you may have had a Wagon in the Outer Wagons (these wagons are still part of Tuchuk, but not of the main "player characters" wagons where most of us roleplay). SO coming into camp from the OUter Wagons is probably your best bet. Where are your parents? Did they die in the last raid or during migration? Are you just starting out as a Woman (18 years of age or around there) on her own for the first time? Since you are good friends with Sarant behind the screen, perhaps your characters knew each other while in the Outer Wagons and you've come to visit her, and then one thing leads to another and you move your wagon into the Inner Wagons? Like you, I started with absolutely no information of Gor beyond what Rags had told me (which was very little at the time), it's a learning experience, and all of us ICly and OOCly will work with you.