Author Topic: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section  (Read 1728 times)

Offline Tira

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Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« on: August 30, 2009, 05:48:32 PM »
My property hasn't been online because he was instructed to take a hiatus from Gor as I have taken Myself. Many of the happenings in camp of the last month or so have bothered him in RT, as they have and do bother Me. Its obvious to Me as well as to My property that there is little if no repect given Me, even in regards to My Ownership of him...or even in any way as a FW, let alone part of MTC. Its obvious to Me that My presence, as sporadic as it has been, would not missed by many and his probably only as one to critisize and abuse, so, I can't see that there will be many if any that object to our leaving.

Just for the record, I have not recently had another stroke, I just stopped making shad go into camp and quit forcing Myself to go in now and then, since it has been a long long time since I really enjoyed My whole time RPing in camp. I wish all well and those who care know that I will miss them.


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Re: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2009, 06:01:06 PM »
No respect for you? -raises a brow- Not one did you come into Camp and speak to a Coordinator or Trainer about what you wanted your property to do, and what restrictions you were placing on him.  Not once did you come to us with questions about his training.  Instead, what you do, is tell him not to come into Camp, without leaving a message for anyone as to why he isn't in Camp.  So that's not us disrespecting you, that's you disrespecting us.  I can't say that I am surprised that you or he are leaving (again I might add for you).  Obviously you have issues conforming to the way we do things here.  In that case.  Be well, adios.  Go join the rest of the people who have left Tuchuk in the same cowardly fashion in which you just left.

Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2009, 06:08:24 PM »
Its obvious to Me as well as to My property that there is little if no repect given Me, even in regards to My Ownership of him...or even in any way as a FW, let alone part of MTC.

You have to give respect in order to recieve it. PERIOD.

Run along now. I have nothing polite to say, to someone who would pull that crap. Instead of um. Talking to others about it? -waves you off-. You are the weakest link, goodbye.

-Whips chalk across the room and leaves-

((-censor censor censor censor censor censor censor censor censor censor censor censor-))
« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 06:28:20 PM by Sarant »
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
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Offline Raziel

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Re: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2009, 06:23:29 PM »
A heads up to those concerned in the matter would have sufficed.  Be that as it may, your "rumor" about your stroke was from Vala herself, so you can direct that part of the post to her as she resides in Jotunheim Landfall.

Respect is not given, do remember, it is earned.  From the times that you are in camp in an In Character sense, yes, you have earned respect but if you have to "force" yourself into camp, well, is the problem within camp itself or your actual interaction with others.  If you are there, and you are roleplaying, then perhaps I could understand where your point is about the respect, but honestly, you are doing to MTC just as you did in Shadow Talon camp two years ago.  You leave your slave there to roleplay while you are away and all he can do is report his version of what is going on.  He abides by the rules of camp but gets in trouble because the rules you give him contradicts the rules of camp.  As an owner and a former slave yourself, you should at least be up to date on the slave rules that way, there is no contradiction, no confusion and no need or wants of people wanting to kill/reprimand dilshad with you running in to rescue him by telling him to not go into camp. 

It takes interaction for people to know you and come to know you.  Not if you walk into camp and people are supposed to recognize you and automatically pull you into roleplay.  

Sharon/Tira...not saying you dont have a hectic life because we all do.  Not saying you dont have issues, because there are many that do including the Ubar who is there putting forth alot of effort for the home, what Im saying is you get from a room, what YOU put into it.

Plain and simple.


« Last Edit: August 30, 2009, 06:25:08 PM by Raziel »

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2009, 08:25:56 PM »
*Looks at this... is not really surprised.*


You have come and gone so many times its like a revolving door.

This is your failure. Not ours. One cannot own a slave... leave them unattended for weeks at a time... tell them they need not obey anyone but you.... tell them they may decide what they will do or not do... and then get pissed off when they are actually told what must be done for the home.

Seeing the story of your health came from the one we once knew as Vala... one of the biggest gossipping, lying, loudmouthed, backstabbing, problem causing cunts ever associated with Gor... none of this is a surprise at all.

Enough is enough. Keep yourself and your miserable sack of shit boytoy far from Tuchuk hands.

Do not pass go... do not collect 200 gold tarn.

I wish you well in your future.

Offline One Eye

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Re: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2009, 09:53:34 PM »
you may wish to  change your tag line.. since your head is that far up your own ass.

 I really didn't want to come here.. I preferred to leave things peacefully... and with out animosity. but  ragnar...   please..  do  the rest of the on line community a favour and  contain your venomous hatred to your own  small room.  to those in there that still will put up with it and not leave. 

 you still have some  good members.. some good people..  I would  politely suggest that you   take stock of how you are talking..  how you are representing yourself.  before you drive any more of them away.

 peaceful travel.

 OE's typist.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2009, 10:19:42 PM »
you may wish to  change your tag line.. since your head is that far up your own ass.

 I really didn't want to come here.. I preferred to leave things peacefully... and with out animosity. but  ragnar...   please..  do  the rest of the on line community a favour and  contain your venomous hatred to your own  small room.  to those in there that still will put up with it and not leave. 

 you still have some  good members.. some good people..  I would  politely suggest that you   take stock of how you are talking..  how you are representing yourself.  before you drive any more of them away.

 peaceful travel.

 OE's typist.

What takes place in Tuchuk is none of your business nor do you have any say here.

Now go run along and play whatever it is you think you are doing. I have no time to pity you for your pathetic failings.

Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2009, 01:49:04 PM »
you may wish to  change your tag line.. since your head is that far up your own ass.

 I really didn't want to come here.. I preferred to leave things peacefully... and with out animosity. but  ragnar...   please..  do  the rest of the on line community a favour and  contain your venomous hatred to your own  small room.  to those in there that still will put up with it and not leave.  

 you still have some  good members.. some good people..  I would  politely suggest that you   take stock of how you are talking..  how you are representing yourself.  before you drive any more of them away.

 peaceful travel.

 OE's typist.

-face palms, crax knuckles-..
First? It's not "favour" its "favor".
Second? Its not ragnar. It's RAGNAR. (learn to use that SHIFT key asshole).
Third? ..... Is not the way to end, and begin simple sentences. Effort wouldn't kill you, (or would it).

You really should not have come to this message board. Not only with horrific grammar, but with absolutely NO right? Pretty pathetic coming from someone with such a high oppinion of himself.

RAGNAR? Just so happens to be the root of the busiest Tuchuk room online. He does plenty for this room, and its members. More than your stupid ass would do. We (as members, new players) are more Family. RAGNAR? Cares about each and every person that plays within Tuchuk. Gives them way more chances, and leeway than any other. Though everyone online ONLY has so much length to the rope. Everyone has their fucking limit, and now it's been reached.

It really bites my ass. To have MORONS such as yourself rear their ugly heads, and spew out such bullshit. All for the name of this 'Online Community'. I do not give a rats ass WHO you believe you are speaking for. By 'Online community' do you mean the Trash you have acquired from Tuchuk? With the pathetic attempts at having people come here, just to pit members against one another. To try and draw them out to your pathetic excuse of a Gorean Rp room? It's laughable. For all you have acquired? Are a handful of lamer's who Gamed Out to leave. They left without HONOR, and will be treated as the DIS-honorable people they truly are.

There is a wickedly strong base of players for this room. People who actually put the EFFORT into this room, and it makes it great. RAGNAR and the other's put so much into the little details.  If 'anyone' has been driven from Tuchuk? They drove 'themselves' away. Instead of taking frustrations to one of the others. To perhaps seeking out a solution, or taking a step back? Nothing is done. Except a tantrum even my four year old does not pull, and has more maturity than to do that.

"take stock of how you are talking.. how you are representing yourself".

You seriously need to be saying that to yourself. You come to the message board of a room you know JACK SHIT about. Flipping off at the mouth with absolutely NO reason. Sticking your face into business that is not your own. Instead of leaving it be? You just had to make your little badly typed out post. With absolutely no true issues to back your ass up with. If that is the most thought provoking post/argument you are going to bring? What does that say for your own room? Not much.

Last but not least? To the little 'group' that have high tailed it, gamed out, and lamed it up? Enjoy yourselves, and know that you acted less mature than children in a playground. Tuchuk thrives, and always will. You know why???

Because RAGNAR has given Tuchuk members, and new players? A great base to build upon. No one person makes Tuchuk the best place to play.
- adds their part to the room
- makes their mistakes
- gets pissed off, and SOLVES their issues.

There has been times where I myself was so incredibly PISSED OFF. That I wanted to just say 'fuck it' then leave. I didn't? Because the simple fact that the one dis-concerning situation?? Was not the ENTIRE revolving reason why I myself play, and remain within Tuchuk.
RAGNAR, and others? I love them as family. Some probably do not like me very much, but that is family. You cannot like everyone, but everyone works together regardless. Which says a LOT about their character as a person to me.

Whenever i have needed someone to talk to? To dry my eyes, and stop feeling so defeated and hurt in my own issues outside of camp? RAGNAR, and others were THERE. All I had to do, was reach out, and say 'help'.. It pains me to think people would so EASILY stab such an amazing man, and room full of equally amazing members so deeply in the back. -spits on the ground-. fuck you, seriously.

That is a hell of a lot more than I can say about yourself Mr. One Eye, and your new gathering of rp rejects.

Side note to my Ubar. Tuchuk Members, Council, and New Players?. My most sincere apologies if this reply of mine was not warranted. I simply feel that this is an IMPORTANT lesson to us all. Others wish to tear apart what we together have been building((plenty much more than myself, as I have not been here very long in comparison)). Tuchuk is our HOME, our FAMILY is here. We might argue, or not see eye to eye. But in the end?

I am done with this bullshit, and the people who are CONSTANTLY throwing it into the air. Who continue to try and tear a great group of people apart. It's pathetic, and I have officially had e-fucking-nough of it.

If this post is to be erased? So be it. I said what I needed to say, and I'm pretty sure others would have said basicly the same.

Love you, family.
~~Typist behind Sarant'satstral~~
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
Sarant'satsral Onyxbane

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Offline UTAR

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Re: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2009, 05:24:33 PM »
"your pathetic excuse of a Gorean Rp room"

Sarant...... if You are referring to Jotunheim Landfall in this comment.
Please come talk with Me... and LEARN how to be Gorean.

I respect Ragnar and His Home.... YOU dont ever refer to JL in such a manner,
for somewhere down the line.... You will learn what to be a Gorean means.

I expect an apology from You if Your reference was to Jotunheim.

Your quarrel with One Eye... is Yours.. He is well able to take care of Himself,
and does not need My interference.

My concern is simply a reference in Your post.


Sub note... it is good that after some 8 years My membership of this board is still
recognised by it.... now that is Gorean *smiles*...

Me........ Gorean without effort.

Offline Raziel

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Re: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2009, 05:34:35 PM »
There will be no public bashing of other Gorean homes/rooms/sites if you are not affiliated with said home/room/site.

No further posts need be done on this thread.


Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2009, 05:36:22 PM »
"your pathetic excuse of a Gorean Rp room"

Sarant...... if You are referring to Jotunheim Landfall in this comment.
Please come talk with Me... and LEARN how to be Gorean.

I respect Ragnar and His Home.... YOU dont ever refer to JL in such a manner,
for somewhere down the line.... You will learn what to be a Gorean means.

I expect an apology from You if Your reference was to Jotunheim.

Your quarrel with One Eye... is Yours.. He is well able to take care of Himself,
and does not need My interference.

My concern is simply a reference in Your post.


Sub note... it is good that after some 8 years My membership of this board is still
recognised by it.... now that is Gorean *smiles*...

Me........ Gorean without effort.

There is only one Ubar I will willingly learn from. Respectully? That is RAGNAR.

I apologise for the insult to YOUR room, from myself OOC to the Ubar to an owned room. My knowledge on such a fact was limited at the time of the post.

-waves-....Gorean by choice.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 05:40:58 PM by Sarant »
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
Sarant'satsral Onyxbane

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Offline UTAR

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Re: Regarding the post to Tira in the IC section
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2009, 05:45:38 PM »
Thank You Raziel... *s*

Your apology is accepted Sarant.. *nods*...

