Author Topic: Rags - See!? Told ya..-grin-  (Read 1062 times)

Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Rags - See!? Told ya..-grin-
« on: October 02, 2009, 09:47:43 PM »
See Rags? I return-ded!

(21:18:43 ) ~~|~*Sarant'satstral*~|~~
arrives at the destination...

(21:19:28 ) ~~|~*Sarant'satstral*~|~~

||Sarant'satstral Onyxbane||
||Hunters Clan Elder||
: [-kicks travel crap in the BEEEP-]

(21:27:12 )

||Sarant'satstral Onyxbane||
||Hunters Clan Elder||

[ Approaches ]
approaches the camp as Outriders demand you state your purpose and intent or be killed
says to ALL
: "What. Is that supposed to be another 'words of wisdom by Trist' moment?"...She says between breaths as both Vember and Axe keep besting one another, to be overtaken by the other only a few moments later. The new graduated group of apprentices straggling behind them both, but not too far that it would be hard for them to dismount and defend them if the need did arise for such. The sky was dark, and she silently was glad that they had left the flatbed behind, to be divided at the encampment, instead of risking bring it back to the main camp while it was dark. Trists voice nearly snorts out as he spoke..."~Just stating a fact. You already knew that one Sarant.~"...He'd laugh as they slowed their mounts as they neared the main camp. The torches lighting the way, as the rays from the moon, if seen, would no longer be required to see. She'd blink her eyes though. As even from this distance they seemed bright.."Fine fine. Alright, I'll go my way, you go yours..."...She'd always head to the north side of the camp, then filter down the wide column, and he would always enter from the East. Though neither would argue which way was best. To each their own. The group of 7 split roughly into two groups. Choosing who they would follow into the main camp..

(21:27:28 )

||Sarant'satstral Onyxbane||
||Hunters Clan Elder||

[ Approaches ]
on the main route connecting the outer perimeter to the main camp
says to ALL
: [[oops]]

(21:41:07 )

||Sarant'satstral Onyxbane||
||Hunters Clan Elder||

[ Approaches ]
on the main route connecting the outer perimeter to the main camp
says to ALL
: they would pass the outer rim's torches. All 7 of the mounts slowing down as they got even closer to the main camp. She would ease up in her saddle, unseen hands concealed within the large black cloak, tugging out the last of her dried meat. She would tear off a piece and glance over to the newly made members..."You have all done very well. Some of your surpassed what I had expected. Enjoy tonight as a night of reflection, and rest. Just as the others will surely do."..She would offer a shortlived smile, allowing it to ebb away a little slower than her usual flicker of a smile would be...."~Will you join us at the main camp Sarant?~"...One of the women would ask. She would keep her pale steel greys locked to the path ahead, nodding gently.."Aye. I think that is a good idea. So far the camp seems to be quieter than usual tonight. Once we are all cleansed, we shall meet in the main camp, perhaps for a drink"...She would take another bite off the dried meat, chewing it slowly as they began to talk amoungst themselves. A deep gentle intake of the cool night air, to exhale it slowly. being mindful to clamp her teeth down onto the meat in the process, to be sure she didnt accidently choke herself...

(21:41:18 )

||Sarant'satstral Onyxbane||
||Hunters Clan Elder||

[ Main Locations ]
in the main camp area
says to ALL
: [-facepalms-]

(21:57:50 )

||Sarant'satstral Onyxbane||
||Hunters Clan Elder||

[ Main Locations ]
in the main camp area
says to ALL
: As she approached the main camp on the back of Vember. She would gently draw her left hand down his neck. Letting him make his own choice of the direction he would take towards the kaiila area. The sounds of camp filtered to the new arrivals. The sound of the bosk moving about, the voices of others talking as they moved about the camp. All the way down to the burning flicker sound coming from the torches would be within the air. With the unnamed children all holed up in their wagons with their family's. It would be quiet on that aspect. She would go into her own little world as she looked over the sights, and soaked in the sounds of the main camp. Almost reluctant as she dismounted Vember. She would unstrap Silvara, and then further instruct the Thrall on where to have the rest of the effects delivered. On a last moment thought. She grabbed the leather pack from the back of her mount, and patted his neck as she took off towards her wagon. Her form quickly swallowed up within the shadows..

(22:11:02 )

||Sarant'satstral Onyxbane||
||Hunters Clan Elder||

[ Secondary Locations ]
in/at my wagon
says to ALL
: She wouldnt waste anymore time being stuck in the dried, mud ridden leathers. She'd sported a new tear in the seam on the right thigh, just below the quiva sheath. She'd notice it as she reached over to unstrap the blade. Softly muttering as she unstrapped the sheath, tossing it unceremoniously to the floor beside her. Then off came the bracers, thunking to the floor as she just let them drop. The borrowed old bow, she would take from her shoulders. effectively the long dirty, once black cloak would fall into a heap behind her. Then once she peeled off the rest of her quiva's, and garments. She'd snag the thin black top and pants. Then would scoot back outside, as she called out to a slave to take her dirty effects to have them cleaned. To then leave the blades, and sheaths behind. No one touched those, especially her bow..

(22:28:03 )

||Sarant'satstral Onyxbane||
||Hunters Clan Elder||

[ Main Locations ]
in/at the lake
says to ALL
: She bounds across the front porch of her wagon. Leaping off of one of the steps, she'd land into a crouch, roll on the ground, and push on her legs to near seamlessly continue her run to the lake. As she reached the edge she'd thrust her hands above her head, hands poised together as she launched her slender form from the edge, and bearly 'smudged' the surface of the spring fed lake. As her form was instantly coated in cold! She shivers under the water, and swims beneath the surface for long moments. Then allows herself to languidly backstroke to the other side. pausing before turning and swimming, while idly rubbing the mud off of her form, as her braid untwists within the water with every movement she makes. Pale eyes staring up to the tri-moon sky, as its slightly obscured by the clouds high above where she was. And once again, her mind was set free as she slowly headed back to the edge she'd lept from not too long ago..

(22:40:01 )

||Sarant'satstral Onyxbane||
||Hunters Clan Elder||

[ Main Locations ]
in/at the lake
says to ALL
: She'd reach the edge of the lake. Wading through the last leg of the water, as it'd easily match the height of her waist. As her body pulled from the water. The black material top would sluck, and stick to her lithe, yet fit form. She shivered as she pushed herself up, pulling her legs from the water, as she eased herself from the cool grasp of it. Did not take long for the water to cool off. As the water cascades down her clothing, and dripping like rain onto the ground for a few moments, beofre easing off into a trickle. She'd slop her way back to her wagon. her long hair unbraided, and looking glued to the back of her body, as the ends met her achilles heel on both legs. Bounding up the steps as she shivered slightly. Disappearing once again within her wagon. She'd instantly slip out of the cold wet clothes. Throwing them at the doorway of her wagon. Grabbing the oversized cloth to dry herself off. She would stand closer to the firebowl. Though was glad to be within the safety of her wagon. Unseen from everything and everyone as she dried off. She felt at peace being completely alone, but she never allowed herself to remain for long. As it would be too easy for her to recoil even further from people, if she had. A soft rapping comming from underneath her wagon. She would laugh softly.."I know, almost done. See you at the main camp"...If anyone could have her more back to her old self, being more open. It would be her clan. She'd then dig into a chest. Tugging out the clensed deep red leathers. Quickly easing into them, and drying her hair as best she could. Grabbing her brush, and hair pin. She would head back out of her wagon, and sprint to catch up. She wouldnt be out all night within the main camp. But enough time to relax, and talk with the others...
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
Sarant'satsral Onyxbane

- P o r t a l . o f . D r e a m s -
-In Mourning-

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Rags - See!? Told ya..-grin-
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2009, 10:42:06 PM »
 :-* ;) :)