I have access to a few of the over 2000 pictures that were taken by the professional photographer, there are others that were taken from the disposable cameras that were set out on the tables at the reception... Here are a few that I would like to share with you all, these are the photos that show the fun of the entire wedding and reception, and then the beauty of it as well...
My nephew Russell saying his vows to his soon to be wife:
The girls (Bridesmaids & Maid of Honor) holding the Groom (Russell):
The boys (Best Man & Groomsmen) holding the Bride (Karen):
Karen (the bride) reflecting before walking down the aisle:
Karen throwing the bouquet to the single women:
Rags, the Best Man spoke these words to his best friend, Russell... "Karen place your hand upon the table, Russell now place your hand on top of her's, now gaze deeply and soulfully into her eyes and relish this moment... For this is the last time you will ever have the upper hand."