Author Topic: Attention slaves!!  (Read 9844 times)

Offline familure{TD}

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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2009, 03:14:27 PM »
well...ummm...-points up to the amended list-

~face scrunchies before turning and searching out your firey chain sister~

ohhhhh flaaammmmeeeee!!!!!

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. - Steve Prefontaine

Offline flame{NS}

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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2009, 03:17:23 PM »
flame{NS} ooc: *** rolls dice ***
[1] 10 sided dice (6) = 6
total = 6
I won't promise to be your friend forever, because I won't live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.

Offline familure{TD}

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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2009, 03:29:48 PM »
and now that all the fruits are assigned......let the fun begin!!

come on everyone, strut your stuff and show us what you're working with!!

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. - Steve Prefontaine

Offline aisling{MTC}

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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2009, 06:27:47 PM »
~The boisterous announcement from our Master Ubar that the lowly slaves of camp may enjoy treats and goodies as long as supplies remained. Shrieks and hollers of glee echoed in unison throughout the Camp and the sounds of groaning Free were soon to follow as they stepped free from the stampede of slaves heading to the Commissary wagon. The noisy grumbellies bemoaning their hungry need spurned booted feet to scurry with haste. Shouldering my way into position a furrowed brow creased as I noticed I was only mid-line of the succession slowly ascending the slight incline leading me into the Commissary wagon.  It felt like several ahn had passed before I was finally at the wash basin dipping my hands into the tepid water, soapy water.  As I dried each hand, I again was waiting listening to the deafening sounds of catty slaves and thralls vying for a place for the best fruit that Camp would have to offer.~

~Though the air out of wagon was chilled, inside it was heated with the hundreds of beasts clamoring within. It was not overlong before the leathers I wore began to cling uncomfortably to the ivory limbs they shielded from view so it was no difficult decision to raise my arms, tug the leathers free  and stand around the throng of sluts and thralls in half naked splendor as all beasts should be.  I heard the whispers, the comments and ignored them all as I tilted a proud chin upwards just a bit while continuing to inch forward every few ehn.  “Bare breasts won’t get you better treats than the rest of us!” “Oh you think you’re all that do you?” The twinkling ring of my laughter echoed as I continued onward, bare breasts and all.  The “accidental” nudges to try to knock me out of line were matched with seething glares from sapphire orbs before they softened to the usual twinkling lazuline that I usually displayed. ~

~ Alas my turn had arrived and I proudly strutted up to the table to await my offering. Tiny palms cupped together as I offered a beaming smile to the Free Woman who distributed the Ubar’s goodies.  She rested a tiny red sphere into my palms, then using Her kitchen knife scored it carefully. Curiously I tilted my head as I examined it.  A shiny crimson ball with flecks of yellow rolled around in my hand as I brought it to my nose and inhaled gently.  The faint tangy scent emanating from the fruit peaked my curiosity and my mouth watered anxiously for its potent juices to flow over my tongue.  I ached to savor the fruit in private so as I clutched my palms together at my breast I hurried out of the wagon to enjoy it. ~

~Bathed in the soft glow of torchlight, I brought the fruit to my mouth and slowly let the fruit glide against the each lush lip before I opened my mouth just so and so tantalizingly slow ran my tongue along its slick surface.  Impatiently now I opened wide as sharp, pearly whites pierced the vulnerable skin of the fruit and instantly sweet, delectable juice ran free over my tongue, out the corners of my mouth, flowing like blood upon each bare breast.  There were tiny spheres inside and I gasped aloud in delightful pleasure at the surprise treat awaiting me. Several of the tiny balls slide against my tongue at once and I moaned softly at the pure ecstasy I was in at the heavenly taste. Flushing a heated crimson as I devoured the morsel, avaricious in my hunger I slowly chewed each tiny ball that erupted with flavor before it slide down the slender column of my throat. It was not long before my feast had ended and as I licked my fingertips and swiped at a few crimson droplets that had made their retreat over my chin.  To my Master, my Ubar I would be sure to thank Him profusely for such an exquisite treat. As I pondered just how I could properly thank Him, the corners of my scarlet stained mouth curved upward in wicked intent. ~  
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 06:31:25 PM by aisling{MTC} »

Offline flame{NS}

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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2009, 11:39:43 AM »
thralls...everyone pushing there way trying to get to Mistress that is passing out the goodies...there is laughter and arguring going on between slaves..

  flame moves up the line as it is her turn to get her goodies. she smiles at the Mistress.. waiting as she holds out her hands cupped togather.. The Mistress places a pretty purple fruit in her hands as she smiles up to flame...*thank You Mistress for the wonderful fruit .*

 flame moves out of the line and moves out of the way of the others.. she looks at the fruit thinking that it is to pretty to eat..she turns it around and around in her plam just looking at it..she brings it up to her lips as she kisses it feeling the smoothe skin up on her lips.. she smells the sweet smell of the fruit..she takes a small bit of the fruit.. tasting the juices from the friut she shivers..she moves it around in her mouth savering the flavor...flame swallows the fruit..feeling to slowly slide down her throat,down into her stomach.flame takes another bite of the fruit as the juices run down her mouth..she chews it. taking her finger and wiping the sides of her mouth,,, she swallows the fruit and then takes her finger into her mouth as she starts sucking on it getting all the juices off..knowing this could lead into something spaticlar with the right person...

 flame moves the last bit of fruit up to her mouth as she wraps her ruby red lips around it.. she begains to suck it pulling out all the juices from the friut.she looks around as the other slaves are looking at her,and laughing as they hear the sucking sounds.. she just smiles around her fruit and goes back to sucking even harder.she takes the last bite. chewing it slowly not wanting to finish it..she feels some of the juices run down her chin as she takes her fingers and wipes it.. she swallows the fruit and then cleans her fingers off.. shivering as the last of the fruit is eaten.. she takes her hands and runs them down over her full breast with nipples standing at attention .. she keeps them moving down her stomach as if she is tracing the path of the friut..she shivers and looks around.. flame is looking for a Master or Mistress that might need her service this day.......
I won't promise to be your friend forever, because I won't live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.


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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2009, 06:49:48 PM »
kiah held the gifted apricot in the clean palm of her little hand, born long ago into the fragile flowers of virgin white and pale pink, it was tested early in its short life, needing both the heat of the sun and the air of coolness to prepare it for full ripeness, too much or not enough would not make it flourish, the fruit not unlike the girl whom held it, they would need both extremes to reach a state of perfection, one already found and the second in deepening search, stood and knelt in union, thanks to Master Ubar's gift. the stem remains unbroken from its birth, though it long lost its ‘greenness’ of heart shaped leaves, left behind when plucked from its long known home. akin to the girl’s arrival at Tuchuk, fairy tales of those leaf shaped memories discarded for a more fulfilling fate, both now bonded thru this experience, the only one would live to tell, kiah stared in almost reverence from a distance at the daintily scented globe, the short lived ripe roundness spoke to her in its unvoiced call, beckoning her to come closer and curious kiah cannot help but comply.

with slow moving hand bringing the carefully studied fruit closer towards her pink cheeked face, kiah slowly closes her eyes and gently inhales, drinking in the sweet smelling scent until it becomes intoxicating to the point of turning her head. palm unmoving but for its little quiver, kiah instead brought her cheek forwards to the precious piece, silken skin making the lightest of contact as she nuzzled herself to the velvety soft outside, of the perfectly ripe apricot. her dark maned head moved with deliberate slowness, moving languidly up and down, drawing out the never to forget moment, before finally bringing the side of her nose and corner of her lips to make full contact, the touch tentative and stilled, her heartbeat the only noise heard as she breaths in again. heavy lids barely lift as she turns to face it head on, inexperienced lips giving into that first, ever remembered kiss before twisting herself away, the slow tease too much for the arouseable girl and again she finds herself just watching the tempting roundness still within her reach.

she rose on her knees, hips finally allowed to say their peace, as she lifted up to a full kneel, no longer able to remain still as her breath begins to quicken, too long she has kept herself from experiencing the gift of her Master and she didn’t dare ask him to wait anymore, kiah took a quick blush and look around in one last moment of hesitation before giving into the allowance and soon shyly begin to explore. no longer impressed with the pretty colors, delicious scent and storied history, as there were more intimate knowledge to be gained, kiah curls her palms at it’s sides, the gentle touch growing more firm, knowing the risk of bruising the delicate skin but not caring, cruelly she brought her second hand up, pinching tight at the little stem and plucking the lifeline from the top of the globe, the tiniest of sounds bringing an less than nice curl to her lips, eyes dark and sparkling bright as she tosses the little piece aside and sends her attentions to the little groove that ran from the top of the apricot downwards and without further delay darts out the warm wetness of her tongue, sending the tip to toy at the bottom side of the light ridge, head tilted back and eyes slitting as she makes amateur laps at each side.

light giggles running around in her head but different sounds emitted out loud, as she completes that initial run from bottom to top and begins again., this time her oral attention turns a bit more assertive as it toys slowly upwards, pressing more firmly against the little line, nervous as well as excited in her efforts she feels her hold grow more firm, as the short worshiped apricot bobs beneath her earnest efforts, she lets her soft lips repeat the same path, this time quietly sucking at the well wet fruit but feeling her lips slide to one side then the other, trying to be tender but getting frustrated to pop her head up, furrowed brows risen above gleaming orbs watching the little eye at the top, made when the fruit was pronounced ripe enough to eat, kiah smiled a never before seen smile before lowering just the tip of her tongue to tease at the tiniest center before lifting herself away yet again, unsuccessful in her attempts to steal away a seeping sample of the juices and looking with growing impatience, in her lack of understanding how best to extract the hidden away deliciousness inside.

with fingers curling to add more pressure, the veiled threat of growing aggressive to the most velvety soft skin, the light trail of wetness a reminder of where her mouth was though the lucky fruit would never forget. kiah lets out a low sounding laugh as she feels the downy flesh move beneath her learning fingers, the surface remaining where held but the slide beneath surely felt, she thinks of ripping off the almost hairless skin but can’t decide if she should use her fingers, mouth or look for a knife, the last the first to be discarded as it would take too much time, and the second slated to be first as she brings the ready to be ravished globe back to her eager mouth. luscious lips parting and tongue standing by, as she lets her sharp teeth just run over the tender fruit, enjoying the light touch against her teeth, delicate scent still surrounding her nose but knowing something even better would be found deep inside, kiah couldn’t wait much longer for such and with one last graze of teeth she closes her dreamy eyes and makes that memorable penetration and is met with her own moan, as she gets rewarded with the first full taste and intensely sweet scent of the awarded apricot.

the wanton one whimpered as she shoved her face back to the tantalizing treat, tongue now urgent in its search and stabbing into the tiny slit, attempting to press deeper and growling in frustration she jerks her head away and takes a necessary breath. having buried herself in her desperate attempt and finding herself in need of air after all, she brings her thumbs to the little folds and slowly pulls them apart, dark browns beginning to light up again as she watches the reluctant skin slide over juicy fingers, kiah trying to be gentle but in her lack of experience or mere impatience turns a bit rough. pinching at the uncooperative edges before growling and giving up, kiah turns her attentions to her glistening fingers and eagerly laps each length clean. with little whimpers an obvious reminder of just how memorable the gift would be, kiah took trembling thumbs take over and pressed deep into the freshly bitten and now bruised skin.

with unrelenting force the fruit’s crease is surely spread, making the newly initiated girl giddy with excitement as she wiggles in anticipation of getting better acquainted with the once forbidden treat. kiah continues stretching until the globe gives up and finally parts wide, exposing to her widening eyes the most unfamiliar core. cramming her puffy lips to the mouth watering wetness, her radiant face now coated beyond just the lips, the fragrant juices finding their way down to her little chin and to her delighted nose, kiah drinks in the luscious offering in both scent and sweet-tart taste, before her frantic tongue searches and finds the bitter pit. With quick twist of her welcoming mouth kiah eyes the unexpected change, before snaking her tongue back out to retry the first disliked fare, never one to give up at first try, kiah laps over the little nub once again. With the juices of the apricot already sweetening up the bitter taste, kiah lets her mouth dance over the softer flesh before returning over and again to the hardness found there.

with the universal tap on her shoulder, signaling the no longer apricot virgin she should stop, kiah ducked further over herself and the enchanting, well eaten gift, gorging more on the intoxicating offering before reluctantly looking up to find the intruder’s intentions. the finally used face painted with the reward of her efforts and gives a now-knowing smile, as she watches where those eyes move and smiles a smug and almost satisfied smile. the voyeur of the once virgin apricot eater watches as she lazily laps herself clean, the remnants of the slow raped reward remaining limp in her well used fingers, devoid of all its juiciness as the famished girl had drunk it almost completely dry, before asking the first question, best asked when in the almost sated state, did the girl enjoy her Master's generous present?, to which the husky answer with unapologetic ease, ‘yes kiah enjoyed the sticky sweetness’, just about bragging as she begins to laugh, before finally blushing as she looks at the once perfect apricot reduced to the shell and stone found in the palm of her hand, making her look around in embarassed wonderment and finally whisper 'did she do that?'
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 09:13:44 AM by kiah{MTC} »

Offline aisling{MTC}

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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2009, 08:17:10 PM »
~squirms and tries not to puddle at the posts thus far and eagerly awaits the rest~


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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2009, 09:47:49 PM »
*fans myself before heading to bed*.... The Peach

*i finished cleaning up from the day, the grease from the axles cleaned carefully from fingers and nails well tended to and clean.  i had set the peach i'd been allowed in the back of the commissary wagon in a hidden spot to ripen a bit more.  It was ripe, but i knew the juices and flesh of the treat would only get sweeter if left to the point of almost being over ripe.  i also enjoyed the thought of the forbidden fruit throughout my days and nights, tormenting myself with the denial of the sweet flesh, until i could no longer deny myself.  Dark eyes intense, the gold flecks in their depths vital and alive, my mouth watering just at the thought of the hidden fruit.  i wet my full lips in anticipation and almost ran over one of those tiny kettle girls as i stalked through the camp and up the ramp into the wagon.  she fled before me at one glance to my face and the ferocious need seen my eyes as i growled in annoyance at her slowing me down in my quest as i side-stepped her and continued on into the wagon, stalking to the back of the wagon and directly to where i'd hidden the treasured flesh.  my hips shifted side to side as my weight shifted from one foot to the other in unhidden excitement as trembling fingers reached to the golden beauty.  my lips parted in a soft sigh as long elegant fingers closed around the velvet skin, lightly pressing and finding the peach almost over ripe, the skin could almost slip from the flesh with just a touch.  Like dance silks from an overripe and ready kajira*

*i didn't immediately pick it up, fingers gliding over the soft smooth skin as hips wedged in between the casks to get closer, hips bumping the shelf as i just let tactile function of sensitive fingertips brush over the soft velvety skin of the fruit.  Nail of my index finger barely brushes along the line of the cleft of the lucious fruit, dipping into the hole where the stem had held it to the tree.  The flat plane of my belly quivered as finally fingers closed around the golden fruit and lifted it free, feeling the flesh beneath the skin already bruise as i brought it out and then cupped it in one palm.  Dark eyes drinking in the perfection of the fruit, turning it and seeing the small fingerprint indents in the skin brings a soft hitch to my breath, lean flanks rippling as if it were my flesh and other fingers leaving dents and bruised flesh.  A heated flame runs through my blood veins, at the thought as i squeeze my hips through the casks, bringing a soft panting groan at the pressure on sensitized flesh, fingers curl and nails break the skin of the peach in my hand, the sweet juice readily dripping from the crescent holes left.  i bring the fruit to my nose, turning it as i walk out of the back, dark eyes feral with a glassy sheen as i avoid eye contact with the other slaves and hurry out of the wagon, padding down the ramp and turning to the right, quickly ducking under the wagon, the fruit pressed to my nose, nostrils flaring as i inhale the scent of the skin and the juices dripping and pooling in my cupped hand.  i disappear into the gloom and find a spot amidst the various jungle of crates stored here.  i drop to my knees, muscles of those long legs quivering as i settle with the fruit.  Surprised at the low animal noise i hear, glancing around, clutching the fruit to my chest protectively before realizing the noise came from my throat and i laugh shakily at how i was ready to do battle over the juicy morsel of flesh*

*a quick glance around ensures that i'm alone and i release my grip on the fruit, plucking it up to the air to hover over my cupped palm, seeing the juices pooled there, not wanting any to escape.  i carefully cup the fruit in my other hand and my velvet tongue begins to lick at the juice in my palm, my eyes close as the sweet nectar fills my mouth with an explosion of flavor.  i had so long survived on slave gruel, this hedonistic delight overwhelms my senses!  How to describe this taste, this sweetness?  i almost cry out at the agony of this extacy and swallow the cry noisily as i lap at my flesh long past any remnant of a hint of the juice left.  Finally opening my eyes, turning my head, thick hair spilling into my lap as my hand drops and eyes focus on the fruit cupped in my other hand.  Unable to stop the impulse, i lean and press full lips against the skin, mouth open a bit so my tongue can lap at the skin, groaning against the velvety smoothness of the skin as it keeps me from the flesh inside.  It has only a hint of the taste of the flesh, or is it that i'm anticipating the taste?  There is no longer much rational thought behind my actions as my lips pull back and teeth gently scrape at the skin, feeling it loosen from the flesh beneath and then finally tear, releasing a trickle of juice, tugging the skin free, tossing my head back, tongue flicks out expertly to pull the skin into my mouth, making quick work of it in my eagerness to get to the ripe flesh beneath.*

*my kalmak was open and several drops of the juice dripped onto my dark velvet flesh as straight white teeth greedily tore at the skin of the golden peach to reveal the smooth flesh beneath, hips rocked as the drops of juice spattered onto my dark skin and  wound their way through the invisible hairs on my flesh bringing a rash of raised bumps to the sensitized skin of my breasts.  i cried out as dark nipples puckered almost painfully in response.  Fingers slipping on the revealed flesh beneath, almost dropping the peach, i cry out as nails hook it just before it hits the ground and both hands cling to it, eyes close as the sensation of the sticky juice mingles with the taste of the skin of the fruit.  i press my teeth against it, tormenting myself, holdig back a moment longer, holding the slick drippy fruit against them, lips pulled back in a snarl of lust as i slowly open my mouth, feeling teeth scrape against the slick meat and then with a low growl my head darts forward and teeth sink into the meat, snapping together to attack the first bite.  my head goes back as the explosion of taste is fully released, unknowing, unthinkingly crushing the peach to my chest, fingers biting deep into the soft flesh, mashing and bruising the fruit against me as i swirl and batter the bite against my teeth, the ridged roof of my mouth, tongue lashing and tearing apart the over ripe flesh in decadent greed*

*the sticky sweet juice dripping down between my full tits and down to pool briefly in my navel brings me back, eyes open and head drops as i look down at the mangled flesh of the peach, crying out as that first bite was nowhere near sating the ferocious need, dark eyes flashing with the stark need, helpless in it's grip as both hands clutching the peach and dragging it up against my flesh, over the column of my throat, a soft bump as the collar stands in it's path, bits of peach left behind, hanging from the collar as the mashed meat is brought up over my chin and i cry out, a feral animal feasting as another great gulping bite is taken, sending a shower of juice down my chin, my neck, rivulets stream around the full curves of my tits to drip helplessly down the lean plane of my belly.  i well knew in my thinking moments why offering a peach to a Master was a plea to be raped, to be used for His pleasure and this knowledge only further drove my pleasure in raping the succulent fruit, a bit of juice escapes and drips from the corner of my lush lips onto the rounded hill of my breast to drip down to the nipple.  Dark eyes snap open and head snaps forward as i eye the offending drop and nipple throbbed with painful need in response.  Thighs were quivering as i lost myself in the decadent fruit.  i trembled as i lifted the fruit to the air, hovering over the turgid nipple, squeezing and watching as drops spattered the sensitized flesh, one hanging from the end of the nipple, catching and refracting what little light there was.*

*a predatory gleam in my eyes as i release what was left of the peach from one hand, not daring to breath as the droplet is joined by another, elongating and bulging from my nipple and then retracting, shaking a bit and then coming to rest as my sticky fingers with bits of peach flesh glides under the fullness of my breast, the sweat pooled there allowing it to glide easily as i gently lift the heavy breast, the droplet shimmering as my dark eyes glitter with lust, my mouth opening, expert tongue snaking out as my head drops, ever so slowly easing closer to my prey as it dangles from the puckered bud, claws of my fingertips used to keep the full flesh on it's upward pathway, pausing, feeling my heated breath on my nipple a brief ehn before my tongue reaches to collect the droplet and lips purse around the nipple sending shards of glass through the river of fire in my veins to the other turgid bud between now quaking thighs, the cry of lust smothered against my own flesh as hips jerk and i release the nipple, teeth scraping against it before my head arches back and i breath in great gulping draughts of air.  The peach forgotten momentarily, it's mangled remains in one hand still poised before me, dripping onto my heated flesh.  The slow drips of the fruit bring me back to myself and my head drops slowly, eyes opening.  Without warning i attack the sweet flesh again, crying out as teeth scrape against the ridges of the pit, my fingers and hand turning the fruit over and over as my head twists and turns as i devour the meat of the peach.  i almost sob in agony as the pit is revealed and i shove it into my mouth, determined to get every last bit*

*Unthinkingly, my hands wander over my sticky flesh, rubbing the juices over my breasts and belly, nails scraping the sensitive outter curves of my breast as my head goes back, the pit clicking against my teeth, soft sucking noises as i extract every bit of remaining flesh and juice from the corded pit, the ridges even searched by my velvety tongue for any lingering bits.  There were strands of the meaty parts of the peach on my hands and left to my flesh as i worked the stickiness against the chocolate skin.  i didn't realize my body was swaying until long past the time every bit of juice and flesh had left the pit, tongue flicking hopelessly over the hard ridges as i slowly recovered, eyes opening as my chin lowered and i pressed the pit to full lips, pressing it out of my mouth reluctantly to drop to a sticky palm.  i blinked and just breathed for a very long moment, recovering, full breasts heaving, one last shaky breath as my eyes cleared, the glassy glaze receding and i lowered my chin, looking down at the sticky mess of my flesh.  A slow grin appeared as i surveyed the damage wrought in the rape of the peach.  Swallowing noisily as i could feel the sweetness drying and pucker, tugging on my flesh, making it tighten, shreds of the meat of the peach interspersed and drying on my cocoa skin only heightening the sensation.  i heave another big breath, not caring about the mess i had made of my kalmak and leather pants, fingertips glide along the top, finding the curla wet and sticky too.  One last torment as i pulled the curla and waist of my leather pants out, the juice that had pooled there dripping down my slave cradle and i groan, letting it loose, feeling the wet stickiness beneath*

*full lips part, clutching the pit in one hand, determined to dry it out and keep it in the trunk and remember this treat for long to come, voice a husky whisper* Thank You Master for allowing Your slave this treat....

Offline kadi{MTC}

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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2009, 05:47:40 PM »
a tospit what the heck He had gave her a tospit for bringing Him some fresh water out to where He rode herd, what was she meant to do with a tospit, it was bitter nasty even the feel of it turned her, but what could she do but smile sweetly and say Thank You Master, when all she wanted to do was make Him eat it.

she turned and started the trek back to the main camp, could she get rid of the tospit, she could drop it in the grass no one would know, she turn to see what the outrider was doing, damn He was watching her, she waved to Him and carried on towards main camp she would have to think of something else

walking into the main area of camp she had already thought of what to do with the seeds this would be funny for her but not maybe for the targets, she would need a knife to cut the tospit in half to get to the seeds so off to the commissary area she walked her body swaying sexually as she passed by a group of Masters

she loved hearing the commits coming from Them and as she reached the commissary she turned raising fingers to lips and blowing slaves kisses to Them All, she went into the commissary area and sees tharn getting food for himself, she grins as seeing him has given her an idea she just hoped she could pull it off

greetings tharn she called to him as she walked towards the handsome thrall having anything nice to eat, he looked at her and smiled just some bosk stew and bosk milk he said how about you, oh kadi been given a tospit so she going to have that with some honey if she can get some, can kadi borrow your knife please tharn to cut the tospit

taking the knife from tharn she cuts the tospit in half and hands the knife back watching as tharn dishes himself some of the bosk stew into a bowl, she was busy taking the seeds from the tospit saying to tharn that she would dry them out and make a necklace with them, tharn nodded then swear as he had forgotten his mug of milk in the commissary wagon

now was her chance she watched tharn ran off up the ramp of the commissary wagon and inside, like a bolt of lightening she was over to where he had left his bowl of stew lifting the two halves of tospit she squeezed the juices from them into tharns stew, once done she mixed it in with his spoon which he had left in the bowl

turning away she picked up the seeds and was out of there before he came out of the wagon, laughing to herself she went to one of the large freight wagons and stepping under she hid behind one of the large wooden wheels, now for the seeds, peeking out she saw another thrall walking by and she slipped a seed into her mouth

spitting it as hard as she could she saw it hit the thrall on the leg and heard his yelp, holding in her laugh she hid behind the wheel and waited for a bit, she peeked out again and saw another pair of legs walk by, this pair she knew not who they belonged to but what the heck she grined to herself as she put the seed into her mouth

she spat the seed at the legs and heard the slight yelp, oh hell she knew that voice and quickly pulled back behind the wheel, why oh why did Master Raz have to come by just at that time, she thought He was out on His rounds, she knew He wouldn't stop till He found the one that did this, quickly she dug a little hole up against the wheel and buried the few seeds she had left

pushing the dirt back over them she pulled grass on top and slowly and quietly she made her way to the other side of the wagon and creeped out, quickly she made her way to the main area and lowered to knees on the furs as if she had been there all the time
May love and laughter light your days..And warm your heart and home..May good and faithful friends be yours..Wherever you may roam..May peace and joy bless your world.. And may all life's passing seasons..Bring the best to you and yours..

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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #24 on: November 26, 2009, 01:18:30 AM »
As the guards spoke between themselves bets were made and trades were offered.. the two slaves stood to the side of the large pool of water.. Ubar stood and looked about the men there. Once again he loudly spoke over the voices of those that dared to continue their wagering... at the drop of this stone *liftin his left hand* these two slaves will dive into the pool to fetch one or both of these objects.. a crooked grin flashes on his face as his right hand rolls open then tosses two small ta grapes into the darkening waters of the pool... looking from one girl to the other neither who had watched the drop of the grapes as their eyes were lowered as ordered till they were told to swim or ............  as the grapes hit the water small plops could be heard as a cascade of gaufauws and back slaps erupted amongst the guards.... Ubar once more looked to the men then he dropped the stone.. each girl received a slap to her nekid backside and they were off... chanz's long auburn hair held back with a small supple reed attached to her collar by her Mistress caused her hair to billow out behind her small five foot tall limber body.. well formed limbs stretched as she dug her toes into the well packed dirt.. she huffed and sped towards the pool of water... one two three leaps each pad of step causin small poofs of dried dirt to rise then a final leap as she dived into the water.. her sister almost identical in her movements followed .. breaking the surface the other girl lifts her hand holding one of the deep purple grapes.. a smile flashes across her lips just as a hand lifts to drag her below the water... churning water can be seen as the two graple and struggle to attain this elusive treasure.. the other grape floats in the waves cause by they two fighting slaves it slowly makes its way to the edge of the pond... the girl who first lifted the grape emerges once more her hand raised in what she thought was victory once again she is pulled beneath the water... as chanz breaks the surface her arms held straight below the water.. her eyes seem to glow with pure evil.. she holds her sisters head fast.. the grape held between her lips.. the tip of her tongue glides over its rounded side held with in her mouth.. as the struggles cease chanz releases the girl to let her lift her head coughin and sputterin then chanz moves away from her towards the edge of the pond.. spying the other ta grape she gathers this in her hand an turns towards her sister wading back she lifts her hand and lays it into her still sputtering sisters hand then returns once more to wade back to the pools edge.  folding down at the edge of the pool her head lifts proudly straightening her back strong limber thighs part wide as her butt hoovers over curved heel her toes dig into the ground once more .. she lays her palms flat to her water glistened thigh.. jade orbs lift towards Ubar as she displays the ta grape still clasped between two lushes red lips.. opening her mouth she allows the grape to be cuddled by the curve of her tongue rolling it between her tongu an her upper teeth back an forth.. gently cuttin small slits with her teeth into its skin.. the juices of the grape begin to seep out runnin over her lower lip and her chin.. her eyes never leave Ubars as she begins to sway her upper body.. as if guiding the juices of the grape along a well known path.. it rolles and weaves down her soft skin between two well perked breasts down more across a firm fire roasted belly towards the one centre of pleasure only a few Masters had desired to indulge in... a soft wind kissed the juices as they dripped along her skin causin small bumples of shivers to erupt in its wake.. rollin the grape once more along her teeth she then gently squeezes the last of the juice from it.. laying the now empty shell (skin) on the tip of her tongue she extends her tongue to show its treasure.. with a nod Master Ubar winks at chanz she tips back her head lettin the last of the grape slide deep into her mouth as she swallows this lushes offerin her throat expands and contracts visable to each and all that watch... as the last of the sweet juice begins to dry on her skin she feels a pat on her head openin her eyes to look straight up into her Mistresses eyes she is shooed off back into the pool to wash the sticky off before she is sent to offer serve..
duckie rules

Offline aisling{MTC}

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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2009, 03:14:14 PM »
oooooo these are good!

Are there any more?? ~jumps up and down~

Offline klarissa{NS}

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Re: Attention slaves!!
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2009, 07:06:43 PM »
pushing up from her kneel...slender fingers pressed down the cloak tenderly wrapped around her...browns raised as she looked to Him...a smile played across her lips as she repeated the order given...Larma, yes Master....with that she spun on the balls of her feet and scampered away...the only thing that followed besides her hair was the red tail (Chakta) that hung beneath the cloak...strands of chocolate flutter down to cover her already flush browns looked about the camp finding many were elsewhere she moved off towards the commissary wagon larma on her mind...

tiny kitten feet carried her down the path as she thought of Him...what was the meaning behind the larma...she knew of course its meaning and was really kinda glad Mistress removed the restrictions...for now she could be herself...and make pleasing just that....pleasing....the wagon barely moved when her weight was added...stepping within the dark confines she began the arduous task of finding that lil piece of heaven...but was that true...was she not the piece of heaven most talked of?...she stopped for a moment and regarded the man still sitting by the fire...the beard He sported reminded her so much of the Northmen that she'd grown to adore...without further thought she turned back to find herself looking at a shelf, to quick her steps to stop, before she met it head on with a thud!.....

jesszzz, with choice of words were to followed...good considering she could chew butt with the rest of them...and new many words not found in the Gorean language....reaching up she allowed herself the briefest of ihn to check for damage...happy that she found none she continued scanning the shelves for a bowl of fruit...albeit...closely......when the bowl was recovered she peaked beneath its cover to find every imaginable fruit...shifting the basket from side to side she watched as the fruits slid around the edges...frowning that her larma had not shown itself she replaced the basket to the shelf...this Master would not be pleased if she brought anything less so she looked around in the bags...when finally the fruit was found!...

Time wasting...she took to find a plate...she retrieved it with swift speed...wiping the platter down with a nearby rep...she noted its perfection before finding an ullo hung from a string...gentle she cut the fruit into many pieces sparing her fingers for which she was greatfull...the beauty that had started was not yet completed...looking to a jar of honey she poured a generous helping atop watching as the thick goo covered the fruit, making it even that much more yummy!....Pleasure was in her heart and on her mind...both His and hers as she thought of the possibilities...

When the platter was completed she slipped from the wagon ...taking great care to keep the platter in hand...her trek back was harder than the latter for she looked upon him with dreamy eyes...drinking in His masculinity as a lil pink tongue poked outward to graze the softness of her lips...A man of the north brought about the bond within...she moved to His feet where she gingerly slipped into the warmth of His lap...the smile He beheld showed her His pleasure as she took a bit of the fruit between her fingers and laid it upon her breast....

Teardrop breast heaved up toward His awaiting lips as further stirrings began to emerge...soft browns closing in the slightest wait...she breath ever so slowly....moments led into ehns...she waited for His heated breath...His touch....her joy poured forth ....Mistress kicked her foot jarring the youthfull slut awake...klarissa...get up, your wasting daylight...up.up.up!...She commanded...get up girl!...rubbing sleep from her eye she peered through wanton eyes...ok,ok,ok Mistress im up!!!
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 07:15:12 PM by klarissa{NS} »
chain to flame

"ein, deren Bauch liegt unter dem Schwert."