Author Topic: Winter Migration Log  (Read 6922 times)

Offline Taryn

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Re: Winter Migration Log
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2010, 05:38:35 PM »
**Healer Report**

The medical wagon and surgical wagons in camp are filled to capacity, and it seems that the injured have started to slow down. Those who are injured, but able to sit or walk about are being treated on the porches of the wagons, while those who are more badly injured are being treated inside.

Raziel was brought in last night by Sarant and Leticia, he had arrows to his right thigh, another in his left shoulder and various cuts and bruises. Taryn was able to remove the arrows and suture both inside and out of the wounds on his thigh and shoulder, while Leticia worked on the one that was in his hand. An IV was started, and a bottle of antibiotics were added to it once surgery was finish, and orders of pain medication have been set to a small dose every 6 ahns, to keep him comfortable.

RAGNAR came in on his own when he realized he was injured, an IV was started on him by another healer in the medical wagon, also antibiotics were piggybacked onto it, as there was a lot of mud, blood and grime inside his wounds and this will keep the infections at bay, hopefully. When Taryn finished caring for Raziel, she came over and worked on removing the lancetip that had embedded itself in his abdominal cavity through the right side. It barely missed any of his vital organs and intestines, but she worked long and with care to insure that everything was intact and in working order before removing any splinters that were floating around, before she stitched him back up and began work on right thigh, which had been sliced open by either a lancetip or a quiva. It took 15 stitches to sew up the wound, but it was nothing compared to his forehead, which had been split open by either another helmet or something hard, but that took 25 to stitch up, and he will have a nice scar to show off to all the slaves when it heals.

Wapike came in later when he was finally urged by Boris to have himself seen to, Leticia took him to a cot, where she started an IV mainly so he could receive a dose of antibiotics, while she removed the arrow from the calf of his left leg, and the arrow wound left by the arrow which he removed on the battle field. He also received 15 stitches to his right forearm where a quiva had sliced the flesh open and another 20 stitches to his left shoulder where another wound had been found from a quiva that had been removed by one of the men, there was a bit of muscle damage, but that has been seen to and treated. He is resting comfortably, and if he is in any pain, he can have willow bark to chew on, but no more than 3 doses a day, as that is the one thing we are really low on.

Terran and others were taken care of either outside or in the surgical wagon, and will get an update on them when one of the healers make their rounds, when they are able.

Inventory is really low, the 3 bolts of cloth that Taryn had grabbed from the supplies given to our clan by Leda came in handy last night, but everything else is getting to critically low.

Willow bark and lavenia are low, but if rationed they will last for a while longer.

We have enough valerian to keep the injured comfortable for another hand, but we do not think it will be needed that long, except for those who were severely injured.

There is no estimate able to be given on the amount of injured at this present time, but the hope is to have something by the end of tonight.

**End Report**
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 06:13:13 PM by Taryn »

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Winter Migration Log
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2010, 05:50:23 PM »
Entry Seventeen


Kassar were holding the high ground and demanded two thirds of our herd  to allow us to pass. Needless to say this would not happen. The slope could be taken by stock but not at speed. It was assaulted in Oralu waves. Casualties were heaviest in the first wave and lessened with each consecutive wave. Survivors of the first wave did reach the high ground and hit the Kassar line allowing the second and third waves to also reach the ground. Fierce fighting ensued and at the end Kassar was defeated with many taking flight.

The remainder of the day and night was spent dealing with casualties and clearing the ground so the wagons can pass.

No full reports are yet available in regards to losses as figures are expected to change.

All Oraluman of the first three waves suffer wounds. No Orluman of the first wave survived and only one Orman survived.

697 Kassar have been taken, killed, or wounded. The rest of the thousand had to withdraw.

None of our herd was surrendered or taken. No combat damage to any wagons was sustained.

(RP will being this night with it being morning.)


Tend the wounded and clear the field of all bodies and gear as to cause no harm to the stock or wagons.

The dead are being collected and held in the medical freight wagon for proper disposal or claim by family members.

Make ready to move out as soon as possible. Tuchuk will attempt to cross the River of Tears as to not meet potential Kassar interaction while crossing.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Winter Migration Log
« Reply #32 on: March 01, 2010, 11:24:12 PM »
Entry Eighteen


Wishes are nice but actuality is harsh. It was not possible to move on to the RoT and make the crossing. There was too many details to tend to and exhaustion played a dominant factor. The wagons will roll tomorrow and try to make the high ground and stop at the RoT crossing... rest... and cross the following day (Wed).

Many of the dead have been claimed and the sorting of Kassar from Tuchuk dead has been completed. The process of cleaning the dead is almost finished and dressing them in their finest and arming them is well underway.

Hundreds of Kassar kaiila have been taken in and are being dealt with by Lilac, Wapike, and their Clans.

Tomar was found by Wapike wandering through the wagons in a total daze... his helmet dented to his head to the point removal under normal means was impossible. In his mind he was still in battle from his shouts of encouragement to keep going and attack. Wapike... in all of his infinite wisdom borrowed an iron skillet from his Mother Lilac and smacked the helmet from Tomar's head and took him to the med wagon for treatment of his head wound.

Bosk were slaughtered and whole sides set to roasting for food. Weak stew was made available for those unable to eat solid red meat.

All Healers and Surgeons worked, including those retired Clan members to tend to the wounded. Kelsey and Amber both have reported there are no more materials suited for bandages. Used bandages will have to be cleaned, boiled, and reused. There is no more valerian, and the willowbark is down to only fifty doses give or take. The salve is down to ten tins.

I have sought Ubar's permission to release what limited kanda we have for medical use. He has granted it only for the worst cases... only under close supervision... and only with Healer approval if no other pain relief is available. I leave it to the Healers discretion to allow medical rations of our remaining paga supplies to the wounded only if they may ingest it safely.

Kassar saddlebags are being searched for medical supplies. There is not much to offer from those except for basic suture kits and some sort of pliers I have seen used for arrow tip removal or pulling of teeth. I imagine the Kassar were intentionally travelling light except for weaponry and extra arrows.

Some spices were obtained such as salt and pepper were gained from personal stores in the saddle bags. These were added to our stews and to the roasting bosk until it ran out.

I spoke with Ubar and Commander Raziel in the medical wagon. Both have determined they will vacate the med wagon come the morrow to tend to their duties.  Commander Terran was sleeping restlessly and was not disturbed. Cassius still sleeps recovering from his wound. Wapike has removed himself from the wagon to make room for others in greater need than himself. I personally feel he just hates the med wagon.

Tend the stock and the wagons. Tuchuk moves come the morrow. Rest as bet possible and eat well. It is unknown when we may get to dine this well again.

Healer reports still pending.

(RP (Tue) will begin with daylight Ubar Standard Time. LOL)

Offline Taryn

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Re: Winter Migration Log
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2010, 12:49:49 PM »
**Healer Report by Taryn**

I have received word about the kanda and paga and though those are the one things I am not very happy about using, I know that there comes a time when they must be used, or let any who are still in much pain from severe wounds, suffer needlessly. Leticia and I will be supervising the dosages to those who are in such pain in the medical wagon and at the surgical wagon Amber and Kelsey will supervise the dosages there.

Now that all the wounded have been tended to, we are beginning to return to normal duties ahns, though with the amount of wounded in all the medical wagons, healers will be doubling up and making rounds of the wounded.

Tomar was seen by Leticia, he's got a concussion and when he woke up late late last night, he was a bit more orientated then when he was when found by Wapike. He also received a couple of stitches to the cut caused by his helmet when whatever hit it to cause the injury. Leticia expects him to fully recover, but for now, he's getting some much needed sleep, though both she and I expect him to be up and out of the wagon by the time the call comes to begin the crossing of the RoT. His stitches were also removed by Leticia after she finished tending to him, as he hadn't brought himself back to the wagon to have them removed when he was supposed to.

I took time away from tending to wounded yesterday to help sort the fallen Tuchuk and Kassar Warriors in the empty medical freight wagon and with a lot of help from Merci, Leda, Sarant and Melanie we were able to get this done. Merci, Leda and Melanie learned how to clean and re-dress the men of Tuchuk who didn't have families to claim them, as well as the Kassar, for their pyre.

Leticia gave me a report of a meeting between Soong, Raziel and RAGNAR that took place in the medical wagon and informed me of their intent of leaving the medical wagon, I told her that wild kaiila couldn't keep them there long, and I was content with how long they have stayed so far, so when she returned to the med wagon, she was to remove the IVs from them, except Terran, who will be on a wait and see basis, and give them my blessings to leave the wagon, and tell them I was happy they stayed as long as they did.

Cassius' wounds are healing nicely and if things keep going as they have, I see no reason he can not be released later today to tend to his duties, as he has been restless and saying he's taking up space in the medical wagon, which could be used for someone more injured than he. But I have been able to talk him into staying a little bit longer, and as he's eating much more than he did the first night he was given a bosk steak, I don't see anyway of keeping him there for much longer.

Also I have sent orders out to those roasting the bosk, that the men who do not have injuries that keep them from eating fully solid food, to be given two servings of the bosk. The injured who are eating weak bosk stew, if they are able to handle it, they too will be allowed two servings. Only those who are on broth are not to have seconds, as I know there have been some not able to even hold down the little bit of broth they have been able to drink.

I have not been given word if the bosk or verr have been able to be milked since the battle two days ago, though I am hoping enough time has passed and that the fright I am sure the had with that has now passed, they might be able to give milk, though with the low quanities of feed and grain might have also taken it's toll and they might be too weak to milk.

**End Report**
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 04:45:55 PM by Taryn »

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Winter Migration Log
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2010, 07:48:55 AM »
Entry Nineteen


The Dead were Honored with a Pyre this Night as Many young and Old, seen and Unseen paid there respects to the Fallen Warriors that had given so Much.. The BlueSky Song was heard throughout the land, it was an Honor to see a sight and a fitting Honor to let all our Brethren and Fallen Brothers Know they will always Be Tuchuk and We thank them for what they have done....

After the Respects and the Pyre was completed, Tuchuk made haste and headed out towards the bank of the River tears.. the Incline was steep leaving our Bosk straining to pull the wagons and our Kaiila staining against the smell of blood.

We made it to the Banks of the River Tears

Camp was set up and Preparations were started....


Tend and care for the stock.

Go over the wagons well for damage and repair as best as possible.

An oil and grease wagon will make the rounds through the wagons to ensure each wagon has axle grease. Those who still have their own stock should use it before taking from the general stores. Take only what you will need. Anyone taking more than necessary will face serious consequences.

If In doubt Double and Triple check the wagons, Bosk, and Kaiila. The Ground can be forgiving, A wagon Can be mended but the River Is Merciless.. Do not take anything For Granted

**End Report**

((Side Note the room and site went down as a result of Ariakas and his stinky socks infesting the  net. the fumigator was called and the net was cleared with industrial strength Febreeze))

(RP Wed will begin with daylight Ubar Standard Time.)

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Re: Winter Migration Log
« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2010, 10:10:49 PM »
Entry Twenty

Watch Commander


At first light, Tuchuk made ready to cross the River of Tears.  Ubar ordered the lightened freight wagons to maintain their position in the column rather than risk their potential danger due to such a light load.  The river betrayed a beast under the murky surface as its undercurrent forced most of Tuchuk off their line and teams were struggling to maintain.

Reaching the North Shore, I have set the perimeter and marked where the wagons will be encamped.  As is expected we are all exhausted and needing rest.  Most of the morning was spent as the wagons forded the River of Tears.  By afternoon security is set and a working patrol has perimeter watch.

Ubar rests where he made shore, more like, passed out like I feel like doing as did his mount.  I have set 2 Askari on watch over him to not be bothered while he rests.

Casualties are not known at this time but I expect an accountability report soon of all things lost.  A healers report will give us an estimate of those missing, injured, or passed on.  I expect these by nightfall.

Standing Orders as as follows:

Wagon maintenance - go over needed repairs, cleaning and/or securing - lure needs axles apparently.  Female slave drivers.

Animal care - maintain health, and feeding

Tend the wounded - do not let hyperthermia set it.  Dry yourselves soon as possible

Fires - controlled fires for groups for warmth and dry what can be dried

Oil and grease wagon will make rounds.  Maintain, maintain, maintain.

Clan of Herders and Butchers will cull 100 bosk along with those lost to the River or wounded enough to be put down.  Eat and retain your strength Tuchuk.

Maintain Discipline and rest up.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2010, 10:15:18 PM by Raziel »

Offline Taryn

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Re: Winter Migration Log
« Reply #36 on: March 04, 2010, 07:03:29 PM »
**Healer Report**

As the first wagons got out of the river and onto dry land things were going well, then they started coming in, slowly at first and then at the end it was like a tidal wave of injuries. With most of the healers had rode in the medical wagon to be there to help the injured warriors inside and that came to be a good plan, as the water came through the door in waves, and soaked any and all who were confined to cots. Once we got onto dry land, the cleaning and green powder was put use to wounds that had been hit by the river water, as we have no idea what might have been churning through it, we also gave small boosters of antibiotics to them as well.

Raziel was tended to while he wrote his report, his wound was cleaned out as best as possible, torn stitches removed and the wound restitched and there should be enough green powder inside to kill off anything that might want to take root and form an infection. He was released back to duty as he wouldn't take time to rest, though Leticia said not to push him, he would do so when he was able to, and when the wagons where somewhere safe.

Silvina, one of the new First Healers of the outer circle wagons had rode with the first wagons medical wagon, having here with us was sky sent. As soon as the medical wagon stopped in it's position for the night, she was out of the wagon and out tending to those coming up the river bank, tending to wounds as best as she could and having them taken to the medical wagon to be fully seen and tended to. Though, when she saw Ubar asleep where he and his mount fell in exhaustion, she did check to see if he was breathing and when she determined he was alive, began to work on tending the pulled stitches in his side and abdomen, removing them, cleaning out the wound and then after applying green powder into the wound, she restitched it so when he woke up later, he would be ready to continue doing his duty to him home and family.

Sarant was brought in by Boris, who had Taryn in his arms, who apparently passed out from exhaustion even before she crested the northern river bank, she is still sleeping in one of the cots that Boris had deposited her at and Leticia looked her over for wounds or damage, but found nothing and left her to sleep, as she went to check on Sarant, and the baby boy she held in her arms, refusing to allow anyone take him. Boris and Leticia were able to get the story from her as Leticia repaired the damage to her big toe, which had been split open from the top and down through the nail to the bone from a plank of wood that caught it in the river.

Leticia also looked at the baby boy, who was soaked through with river water, she changed him into a clean outfit that she had, from the days of when her son was that age and this was the only time Sarant would let him out of her sight, and another healer saw to redressing both Sarant and Taryn into dry clothes as well, after Sarant's toe was bandaged, then some milk was brought to her so she could feed him, then she fell asleep shortly after burping the baby.

Reports of wounded, killed and missing are still being reported and either Taryn or Leticia will have the numbers either tonight or tomorrow morning.

**End Report**

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: Winter Migration Log
« Reply #37 on: March 05, 2010, 05:54:39 PM »
Entry Twenty-one


Migration has officially come to an end. It was the hardest move in my living memory but Tuchuk survived and displayed the courage and stamina I expected.

It may be days before the final figures and reports are in. These will be compiled and added.

Our wintering lands are green and beautiful. Abundant grass for our stock, abundant game seems to be available. Pack away the winter clothing and enjoy the warm weather.

Setting up camp is well underway.

Wagons and Warriors along with the inner circle are forming up for a resupply venture to The Point. Time for work and for some play.

Well Done Tuchuk!!!