Dear Family, my heart is full, to overflowing, and this message will be difficult to write, please bear with me. (Wiping tears, but face calm and composed). You have all seen me struggle here to learn what it was to r/p as a Tuchuk. I tried as 'amanda', but didn't succeed. To my sisters who remain, I will always love you, and will pray that you always will be as pleasing as I have seen, and that your slave bellies will burn hot, and that you will continue to be a credit to your collars, and your owners. To the Ubar, what can I say? You picked me up so many times, in both my characters, and as I often sang to you, I felt strong when I was on your shoulders. To the Masters, you all showed bravery, courage, and sacrifice that often left me thinking of you for long periods in R/T. The FW are amazing, the strength, support, and wisdom that you give to MTC is to be cherished by all, and the Men are blessed to have you. I did try to r/p as 'Leda', but, the character didn't resonate within me, and Leda did not add anything to the richness of the r/p that exists here. During the Forest Event, I did experience what it was to be a Panther. It stuck a chord within me, a chord that soon created a song within my very being, and I felt that I had finally found a character that would help me in r/t, and also be an asset to r/p. I have decided to leave MTC, and will go with a Panther band. I have nothing but love, and positive thoughts to the members of MTC, and wish everyone well. Our paths may very well cross again, and I will be delighted to meet any one of you, again. Also, and this will be my last comment. The 'Prayers and Thoughts' thread tonight made me sit back and reflect. R/t has so many challenges, and there is so much love and support here...please continue to love and support each other...and all of the members of MTC will remain in my prayers for as long as this typist is alive.
Pauline, the Typist behind 'amanda/Leda/Medi'