-for those of you not here last night, I roleplayed everything out as per a respectful way of doing things-
-note left for Raziel-
dearest Raziel, I only wish you to know I will always love you as a Brother and Friend, may the orad rise up to meet you and the sun forever at your back, goodbye.
-note for Ariakas-
though we have not know eachother for very long, I felt a kinship with you, I look forward to returning in time and getting to knwo more about you. Malefic
-Lilac, Sidona and Nightstorm-
please know that the three of you have been my rocks at one time or another and I thank you for that. I will see you all again
gods know I always thought you were cute but you ave grown to be a man I can be proud of to call family. please do not take my leaving the wrong way but it had to be. loves you forever Brother
you will be loved forever, I wish there was more time but there isnt and I can only pray you understand. I am never far from you.[msn] you only need ot call and I will answer..loves you Sister
-to prizm. aisling,familure,and kadi.-
know that I love you all, that I h ave never been so rpoud of a slave as I am when you all are about. ou made me smile when I didnt have the courage to, you made me cry when I needed to, you made me laugh cause you've always known how to lighten my spirits. you are loved and never forgotten. promises the bringing of prezzies when i come back to visit
to t hose I have forgotten or misse din my farewells. you rare all still my family and noting will ever change that..knwo you are loved and will be heavily misss