Author Topic: What brings you to Gor?  (Read 13269 times)

Offline Terran

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2008, 06:22:11 PM »
Why I came to Gor, let me count the ways...

I came to Gor actually 10 years ago...I was underage and playing a thrall. I spent quite a bit of time just developing a personality for the character...which I grew into something akin to my own actual personality. This character was apart of me, that wasn't something I could deny. I spent the following couple of years under the control of a woman whose name I cant really remember, but I do remember the day she freed me. After being freed, I wandered gor for a couple of years before finally shelving. About six years ago I dusted off my character, Forcewind, and went into Kataii.

Since Kataii was so small at the time, it didnt take me long to work my way through the ranks and become the Ubar's second. Then I got Amber involved as a slave. We spent a year in Kataii before the whole place fell to shambles and no one came around anymore. So we shelved the characters and went about to our lives in Vamp.

About four years ago, Amber was asked to play in Tuchuk so I watched her and I had a slight longing to return but...I didn't feel like dusting off Forcewind. Originally I started off as Amber's first thrall, tai. That was rather short-lived. I spent too much time being a free that I couldnt bring myself to be Amber talked to Ubar and it was decided that I would play the Second Son. That was about 3.5 years ago.

Of Course, through this little stroll down memory lane I never really mentioned why I came to Gor. I was looking for a place to belong. At the time, I wasn't doing the Vamp thing so I needed somewhere to fit I came to Gor and adapted rather quickly.

Now for the reason I stay....I stay because I belong. The search I had when I initially came to Gor  has finally came to fruition. I have found a place I actually fit in, discovered a great family and made lifetime friends.
Opinions are like assholes...everyone has one just some are louder than others.

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #16 on: November 21, 2008, 01:08:53 AM »
you know... I keep looking at this topic and just never found the time to reply.

I first heard about Gor a few years ago, like maybe four or five years ago, I had a friend whos mom was into it, and she had a bad experience with it and it totally had him jaded, I think it was second life that had just come out, and I was at his house... He being Dark Angel, the same friend that eventually dragged me to webmaze, but anyways, we were at his house and he was showing me the game, and there were diffrent places that you could go... like little towns I guess, but he was upset as so many of them were Gor worlds, I didnt know what Gor was so he explained that it was this world based on this series of books, his mom even showed me one of them, I almost asked to read it but since he seemed so negtive about it I didnt.

I was still curious, and when I got back into roleplay when I bought my laptop, I was role playing with him alot on another site... taintedwhispers, and when it went down durning a rp we just got tired of it and moved over to DWbN, well it was all webmaze in the end... but whatever... we used to play up in the Manor... Ambers room actuaccly... but he wasent always available to roleplay so I started looking elsewhere, draging poor little shoko all over the place to where ever there were people, and the room that always had people there when I was on... I had weird hours at that time was the Dust Legs, so I would go in and observe learing things here and there, it was fun, I liked alot of the people there and I wanted in, so after speaking to a bunch of people there I was told that it was best to go in as a slave if I didnt know anything, there were traning sheets and all that kind of stuff as barbarians knew nothing of the world, so I was toroko a slave that was very familar to shoko in a sence. during that time I had learned alot about gor... and I was kinda getting hooked... I found a site that had the books and read the first one of the set, and I liked it, later I ended up changing characters and fell in love with Gor all over again once I came to Tuchuk.

What keeps me comming back?

Ive made so many friends througth Gor, people that I talk to on a daily basis, like Amber, shes always been there to lean on when Ive needed it, Rags has always had good advice for me, and I talk to Taryn on the phone several times a week. I am so alone sometimes its not funny, Ive had a rough life and dont talk to any of the family that I have here in San Diego. the only family that I do talk to is across the country. so my tuchuk family here really means alot to me. Tuchuk is my escape, when Ive had a long day at work, I want little more then to hunker down in front of the computer and just relax playing in camp. for me it is a release, soemthing that I come back for over and over again, I enjoy my time in camp, no matter if Im cussing at the screen, laughing, or even a few times crying. I have a creative release and I feel that I am able to release pent up fustrations that I have no outlet for my real life.

so Curiousity bordom and disobeying a friends wants brought me there

Family. Friends. and Love! keep me comming back

Offline razz|n.o.i.r

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2009, 12:23:40 PM »
If that wasn't a loaded question! Where in the world could I possibly begin? -pops a knuckle, n thinks a moment-. This is a long one. Don't expect anyone to truly take the time to read this monster out. If you do? Then understanding a bit more on whos behind "Sara" would definitely be here. I've never typed out something like this before. So this is definitely the only time I actually took a moment(or 20) to really type

Lets see....

I began the irc rp a frelling long time ago. I sort of got into it? But it just did not seem to be enough for me. I craved more from rp, and needed more. I was in a boarding school in *cough1994cough*. When I tried the irc. Then in the computer lab, a friend of mine had discovered a chat site. We marveled at it. It was L 'Hotel Chat, and it was on a hosting site we all now know as Geo shitties.

Anyways. I gathered up the persona ~*Capricorn(f)*~/and/~*Black Diamond*~. Obviously I was underage, as my age corresponds with the year. (14). Though I mostly went in for conversation. Then I'd found in one of the rooms. People were making up names, and playing characters? Curiosity got the best of me. Mainly because of the aspect of having "av's", and "typing out actions" along with the text? So. I created a name ~*Laedy Chaos*~, and the ball began to roll from there. ((I wound up moving back to Hong Kong, so I got away with being underage. Cause I played 'late at night' in everyone else's

The room that the ones were playing in? I lost interest because it became all about their cybering. So I looked around the elevator buttons in HC, and looked for a quiet spot to be. Yeaaa. I jumped into the Couplet with a group of like 4 others, and stuck to the room like glue. Mainly because our characters had a wicked laugh at killing off the Butlers. -laughs-. (ahh memory lane). The character Chaos grew into something much larger than I'd expected. Memory's of the rp's I had with that char, and still to this day have from time to time? Was and will always be wicked ones, for the lack of better words..

Online role play became an escape for me. From the trials, tribulations, and general bullshit of real life. Acting out a character who could very sufficiently vent out her anger. In turn it helped me deal pretty much.

So. My computer got hacked, and I was offline for awhile. Came back briefly, and it just wasn't the same. Mayjor aspect in the rp with this one char had dramaticly changed. It not only broke my own heart, but the heart that adored and loved to just simply Role Play. So I stopped. Couldn't handle it at all. I just simply dropped off the Radar from friends and everyone online in an instant..

Then my life had mayjor changes hit all at once. Things I'm so not boring anyone with here. It involves the death of one I considered to be my soul mate, and best friend ever... (as if this long post wasn't enough to read). So I made a new ooc name for myself, and pretty much hid. When and if I did rp. It was usually always a new room every week. I kept searching for a place to belong. I decided to try and locate old friends (because most didn't use icq anymore, and i was gone when the big Msn switch happened). I'd dropped into a room or two in maze hearing that's were some of the othe rplayers had gone to... Club Kindred briefly, and Vampire Renegades even briefer. It was like I couldn't find people who I really could mesh with in rp, and then began to feel like some weird outsider who no one knew or gave a shit about. Not like my old friends had anyways..

tick tock tick tock. Time passed again. I'd gone into a room on maze(which will so not be mentioned here. ugh). It filled up quickly with players, and was actually really fun at first. But shit hit the fan because I refused to be treated like shit period. the char was Chaos' daughter. One of a set of twins. The absolute horrific shit I had to endure from that experience forever changed me as a player.

So I went to Mydnight Dreamz. I absolutely, wholeheartedly, and completely re-fell-in-love with online rp all over again. Every time I played in there was an absolute blast! Though I needed to get away from ooc shit starters from other unnamed room. I was being harassed, and badly. So. I opened my own room. It remained open for a few years. Unfortunately, it just got very very screwed up. By the time I had closed the room. I'd shed far far too many tears, and felt so much heartache. My dream had failed, and I lost one of the best friends I'll have ever had online. -wipes eyes, coughs-. So no details on this, or i'm going to start cryin again.

So I went underground again((touched base with 'secondlife' and luv it)), tick tock tick tock. My r/t life exploded in a cluster fuck frenzy. I wound up befriending Amber((we are the most unlikely 2 people to wind up friends. But that's another story luffs ya -hug-)) and I started a chat site design for a contest(which was another dream of mine since I first started in Hotel Chat). During the design. I had a long long time friend who I love to death? Begin to bug me about Gor. Oh, I thought I knew 'everything' about it and I Hated even the thought of it. Threw shit fit's when friends even tried to mention it to me. Would even go into rants about it along with other rants I used to be pretty well known for..lolz.

 Though this friend approached me differently. I was so against it, wont lie. But I was curious.... What drove them to *gag* play in Gor? I would jump in Tuchuk and watch in my regular ooc name(I hate nonys...a lot). I would talk to Ragnar in pm. Cause well. He knows first hand some of the events that happened, was a target of my rage at one point....and still hearts me anyways!?

((Which I am sooo grateful for, thanks bro!!..-snug snug-))

So Terran,Wapike,Ragnar......All three of those guys pestered me. Beat me down, and dragged me in kicking and screaming about how lame Gor was, and that I hated it and etc etc. But after some time? I thought "Oh fine. This will shut them up when I try it, hate it, and will leave anyways.".....BOY WAS I WRONG!!. I not only could play a FW, and avoid being a slave to be killed in record time?...I got help bringing out the idea for this char, which is so easy for me to play...

I love it. Playing in Tuchuk? I believe was the kind of rp family type situation I had been looking for............................For a very long time. It's healing the rp wound in my heart, and breathed life back into an old, and broken down Rp'er.

What keeps me coming back? Simple. I have friends who I know, and absolutely ADORE here. Meeting others within the room who are so funny, and creative....Everything. This room has a heart, and a closeness that I have not seen anywhere else online. This is what I'd always wanted in rp. -wipes eyes again-..

So I love this new experience.

Thank you to those who brought me in from the bottom of my heart. Then more thank you's to the ones I didn't know, who have been so very welcoming and funny..

To sum up my answer? "whee Tuchuck ROCKS!"...

((If you took the time to actually read this? Thank you, -nods-. First 2 people to pm me get av's, just for taking the moment from their life to read it. I feel honored, truly.... :-*  ;D :-*))
« Last Edit: April 18, 2009, 12:32:31 PM by Sarant »
S I l v e r . & . C o l d
Sarant'satsral Onyxbane

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-In Mourning-

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2009, 02:28:19 PM »
If that wasn't a loaded question! Where in the world could I possibly begin? -pops a knuckle, n thinks a moment-. This is a long one. Don't expect anyone to truly take the time to read this monster out. If you do? Then understanding a bit more on whos behind "Sara" would definitely be here. I've never typed out something like this before. So this is definitely the only time I actually took a moment(or 20) to really type

Lets see....

I began the irc rp a frelling long time ago. I sort of got into it? But it just did not seem to be enough for me. I craved more from rp, and needed more. I was in a boarding school in *cough1994cough*. When I tried the irc. Then in the computer lab, a friend of mine had discovered a chat site. We marveled at it. It was L 'Hotel Chat, and it was on a hosting site we all now know as Geo shitties.

Anyways. I gathered up the persona ~*Capricorn(f)*~/and/~*Black Diamond*~. Obviously I was underage, as my age corresponds with the year. (14). Though I mostly went in for conversation. Then I'd found in one of the rooms. People were making up names, and playing characters? Curiosity got the best of me. Mainly because of the aspect of having "av's", and "typing out actions" along with the text? So. I created a name ~*Laedy Chaos*~, and the ball began to roll from there. ((I wound up moving back to Hong Kong, so I got away with being underage. Cause I played 'late at night' in everyone else's

The room that the ones were playing in? I lost interest because it became all about their cybering. So I looked around the elevator buttons in HC, and looked for a quiet spot to be. Yeaaa. I jumped into the Couplet with a group of like 4 others, and stuck to the room like glue. Mainly because our characters had a wicked laugh at killing off the Butlers. -laughs-. (ahh memory lane). The character Chaos grew into something much larger than I'd expected. Memory's of the rp's I had with that char, and still to this day have from time to time? Was and will always be wicked ones, for the lack of better words..

Online role play became an escape for me. From the trials, tribulations, and general bullshit of real life. Acting out a character who could very sufficiently vent out her anger. In turn it helped me deal pretty much.

So. My computer got hacked, and I was offline for awhile. Came back briefly, and it just wasn't the same. Mayjor aspect in the rp with this one char had dramaticly changed. It not only broke my own heart, but the heart that adored and loved to just simply Role Play. So I stopped. Couldn't handle it at all. I just simply dropped off the Radar from friends and everyone online in an instant..

Then my life had mayjor changes hit all at once. Things I'm so not boring anyone with here. It involves the death of one I considered to be my soul mate, and best friend ever... (as if this long post wasn't enough to read). So I made a new ooc name for myself, and pretty much hid. When and if I did rp. It was usually always a new room every week. I kept searching for a place to belong. I decided to try and locate old friends (because most didn't use icq anymore, and i was gone when the big Msn switch happened). I'd dropped into a room or two in maze hearing that's were some of the othe rplayers had gone to... Club Kindred briefly, and Vampire Renegades even briefer. It was like I couldn't find people who I really could mesh with in rp, and then began to feel like some weird outsider who no one knew or gave a shit about. Not like my old friends had anyways..

tick tock tick tock. Time passed again. I'd gone into a room on maze(which will so not be mentioned here. ugh). It filled up quickly with players, and was actually really fun at first. But shit hit the fan because I refused to be treated like shit period. the char was Chaos' daughter. One of a set of twins. The absolute horrific shit I had to endure from that experience forever changed me as a player.

So I went to Mydnight Dreamz. I absolutely, wholeheartedly, and completely re-fell-in-love with online rp all over again. Every time I played in there was an absolute blast! Though I needed to get away from ooc shit starters from other unnamed room. I was being harassed, and badly. So. I opened my own room. It remained open for a few years. Unfortunately, it just got very very screwed up. By the time I had closed the room. I'd shed far far too many tears, and felt so much heartache. My dream had failed, and I lost one of the best friends I'll have ever had online. -wipes eyes, coughs-. So no details on this, or i'm going to start cryin again.

So I went underground again((touched base with 'secondlife' and luv it)), tick tock tick tock. My r/t life exploded in a cluster fuck frenzy. I wound up befriending Amber((we are the most unlikely 2 people to wind up friends. But that's another story luffs ya -hug-)) and I started a chat site design for a contest(which was another dream of mine since I first started in Hotel Chat). During the design. I had a long long time friend who I love to death? Begin to bug me about Gor. Oh, I thought I knew 'everything' about it and I Hated even the thought of it. Threw shit fit's when friends even tried to mention it to me. Would even go into rants about it along with other rants I used to be pretty well known for..lolz.

 Though this friend approached me differently. I was so against it, wont lie. But I was curious.... What drove them to *gag* play in Gor? I would jump in Tuchuk and watch in my regular ooc name(I hate nonys...a lot). I would talk to Ragnar in pm. Cause well. He knows first hand some of the events that happened, was a target of my rage at one point....and still hearts me anyways!?

((Which I am sooo grateful for, thanks bro!!..-snug snug-))

So Terran,Wapike,Ragnar......All three of those guys pestered me. Beat me down, and dragged me in kicking and screaming about how lame Gor was, and that I hated it and etc etc. But after some time? I thought "Oh fine. This will shut them up when I try it, hate it, and will leave anyways.".....BOY WAS I WRONG!!. I not only could play a FW, and avoid being a slave to be killed in record time?...I got help bringing out the idea for this char, which is so easy for me to play...

I love it. Playing in Tuchuk? I believe was the kind of rp family type situation I had been looking for............................For a very long time. It's healing the rp wound in my heart, and breathed life back into an old, and broken down Rp'er.

What keeps me coming back? Simple. I have friends who I know, and absolutely ADORE here. Meeting others within the room who are so funny, and creative....Everything. This room has a heart, and a closeness that I have not seen anywhere else online. This is what I'd always wanted in rp. -wipes eyes again-..

So I love this new experience.

Thank you to those who brought me in from the bottom of my heart. Then more thank you's to the ones I didn't know, who have been so very welcoming and funny..

To sum up my answer? "whee Tuchuck ROCKS!"...

((If you took the time to actually read this? Thank you, -nods-. First 2 people to pm me get av's, just for taking the moment from their life to read it. I feel honored, truly.... :-*  ;D :-*))

 :-* ;)

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2009, 07:23:02 PM »
thank You for sharing, Mistress...and You are very much loved here.

Izee' Greyeagle
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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2009, 12:57:26 AM »
what brought Me to gor.... hmmm let Me try to remember... I have been in gor off and on for.... hell.... not sure I can recall how many years anymore.... but then again.... Anyone that knows Me, knows that My memory totally and completely sucks.... *chuckles looking to Amber and Terran* (I know them from Vamp)... I first started out in one of the rooms on Chatro when they had a gor section some years ago... I tried going in as a slave thinking that I do better.... boy was I wrong.... did something to piss off one of the Men and ended up getting my ass killed... so I left it alone for a while... a friend told Me about a room on Pairs Palace ( yeah... remember that POS *rMe* ) that lasted for a little while then I made a stupid move. saw a friend in a room on another site so I went in with the tags I had to make sure she was ok... HUGE mistake... I was captured, shackled to... something... raped (yes I went with it... bit the ass on the cheek and drew blood too!!)... after that... I left again... for a long time... I had rp'ed in other rooms on PP... met Amber in one of them. we went to another room here on WM *convienently leaves out a paticular name* and rp'ed there for a while... still not going back to GOR...

then I went into this one room that always seemed to have the most people in it... I watched for a bit. and thought I would try again. so I come in while some are at a camp at the top of a cliff after a storm which kills My Father and takes His ship...I was accepted without question. *looks to Rags* how long ago was that? hell I cant remember anymore... so... anyway. here I am. a FW. and hopefully doing good at it...

so You ask what brings Me to GOR... it was something new... a different venue of rp outside of vamp and what I originally started in...

what keeps Me in GOR ..... its the constant challenge of having to think of what to say and do to keep Myself in check. but first and foremost is that the Family I have found here aside from the rt family I have. each time I know of the posibility that I may not be able to return for a while due to what ever reason, it tears My heart to know that I will not be able to come in. to see all that I know and care about and consider as much of My family as My own flesh and blood. of all the rooms I have rp'ed in over 9 or 10 years time, I have only been in one room that I felt anything close to what I feel in all of MTC. that was the very first room I ever rp'ed in...

that is what brings Me here... and what keeps Me here...
"born on the waters of the Thassa but My life is on the plains of Tuchuk"

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2009, 02:24:11 AM »
 :-* ;) :)

Offline Mercilayne

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2009, 05:35:32 PM »
What brought me here..........Is a very long story.  Took me a while to even decide to answer this, but here goes.  And this is the shortened version.  -lol-

It was Feb. of 1996, I was just starting college when one of my best friends told me of a place he found.  He said it was just so neat, you could talk to people online that aren't near you.  ((yeah easily amused, but look at the date  -lol-))  I don't even remember the name of the first chatroom I ever went into, the thing that stands out most in my mind looking back was that nothing had color to it.  The room background was white and our names in black.  It wasn't long til my friends and I ended up in Hotel L'Chat in a room called the Dialouge.  I made...Very good friends there.  Eventually that particular room was dropped from the Hotel.  We all scattered then.  A few of us ended up in the Articulate room.  Made some new friends, found some old ones and continued on.  But the room was never as full as it once was.

It was during one of these times that no one was there, I went exploring into the other rooms in the Hotel.  I'd say I wandered in and out of most of them over the weeks.  Then, well then I hit the Couplet.  And OhMyGod.  I was shocked.  These people had images above their names, 3 and 4 lines under the names..  King this, Queen that, Lord this, Lady that..  Never in my life had I seen something like that.  And it wasn't the Hello, how are you, am fine, etcetc..  They did the whole "I raise my hand and lightning smote you and am laughing".  I'm like...what the devil have I walked into.  But DAMN if it wasn't addictive the more you watched it.  I'll bet I was asked a hundred times when I first came in  "who are you, What are you, what powers do you have, do you swordfight".  I really thought they were insane.  Then I tried it.  See previous statement of addicting.  I was young, very very very new and screwed up a helluva lot..  I did things that I'd never do now.  Looking back I can mumble to myself 'I wasn't that stupid was I?  um..yeah I was'. 

At this time I had a name in the Couplet and another for the Articulate.  The ones who actually knew me and not just the person I played..  Knew that other name.  Oddly enough, if you have me on msn or ICQ, it's the same name I go by now.  Faile.  I've had that same name since around 1997.  I flipped back and forth between the rooms depending on my mood.  One day I was in the Articulate and one of my acquaintances followed me in there to talk.  Well, you all know that an rp'er's idea of talk isn't quite the same as a normal chat room's idea of it.  One of the women in there got mad and told us, Get out...take your roleplay friends with you, we don't want your kind in here.  So I left.  The next time I stepped foot in the Articulate, it was on Webmaze and I was in there for a very short time. 

I wandered chat sites, stayed in rooms from time to time, nothing serious.  Tried vamp, medieval, fantasy, general..  Never stayed long in any.  I evenutally wound up in Maze once more and settled into both Dracon castle and DDM.  I ended up leaving Dracon after a while and moved around.  I ended up in a place called Kielder Highlands.  I loved that place and it's people.  Easily as much as I loved DDM.  Those two rooms were for years my constants in the rp world.  I weathered a lot of changes in both rooms, but eventaully ended up leaving. 

It was sometime during that general time that a friend of mine talked me into first coming into Gor.  I can't even recall the name of the room now, but I was immediately stripped, collared, and told to learn a page full of things.  I was talked down to, treated badly, and made to feel about an inch tall if that even.  I lasted 9 days.  Long enough for one of the Masters in there to tell me that I wasn't learning quickly enough, wasn't good enough, and needed to apply myself more.  Forget the fact I was (and still am) raising a daughter, had 2 part time jobs, and dealing with my own life.  I said a few very bad things and X'd out.  Told the RC I didn't care what he said, what he npc'd happening to my character, I was not and would never walk into Gor again.  I do believe that they killed her as an escaping slave.  Oh well.  I worked up my courage a couple years down the road and peeked into another Home.  I was a little smarter this time and looked for a room that honored the ~o~ tag, which the first room hadn't.  Walked in with an ~o~ on.  Stripped, collared, chained, and caged.  I complained LOUDLY about it due to the ~o~ to the council member and the RC that was in there at the time.  They told me, "Oh, we keep forgetting to change that on the entry page, we no longer honor the observer tag.  Guess you'll have to deal with it".  I had one post after that which was a very nonpolite one telling them where to shove the room, their rules, their nonupdated pages, and how dishonorable, stupid, and childish they all were.  I X'd out then. 

Time went by and I meet Rags.  Shocked me that he was Gorean!  I guess because that wasn't the setting I meet him in.  He invited me down into Gor.  I kept politely refusing, at least I hope it was politely!!  Eventually I worked up the courage to peek in and say hello from time to time.  And I know some of you have seen me under the initials JD.  Even during those time, I was greeted, people were ohso very nice..  It wasn't like any experience I ever had.  But still I was wary and still kept refusing to offically come in.

Recently, a very good friend of mine whom I've known for a long time went into Gor, Sarant's player.  I was floored when she told me that.  Even more floored when she kept on about how nice it was, how well she liked it.  I know I looked at her words going  "Okay who are you and what have you done with my friend?".  Kept listening to her, listening.....and it eventaully made me wonder, What If.  My wondering got me talking more, asking questions.  For those of you who dont know me, I am extremely curious, almost to a fault, especially when it concerns things IC'ly.  They say curiousity killed the cat, yes it has more than once, but satisfaction brought her back.  (They also say that curiousity was framed, stupidity killed the cat.   But that's another story)  All the time building up my courage.  And eventually the character Mercilayne came out of that.  And here I am.

What keeps me coming back?.......Well..  The fact I was ohso very happily proven wrong in my assumptions of how Gor is run.  The fact that this place is friendly, open, more than willing to help out in anyway possible.  The fact that I keep meeting new, nice, creative people that don't look down on me because I'm new or I can't get to things "Right then", they give time and understanding.  I think Sarant said it best in her post..  This room has a Heart, something that is so very often overlooked and few people know what they are missing if the room they play in doesn't have that.  And I hope to continue to come back as long as MTC will have me. 

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2009, 07:21:28 PM »
 :-* ;) :)

Offline Melanie

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #24 on: September 27, 2009, 02:32:55 PM »
What brings me to Gor, you ask?...

My first adventures with online chat began under age, but I was almost 18!

I was actually living in KY with my sister on the edge of 17, turning 18, and they are all computer geeks in that respect, so that was when I was truly exposed to the internet and the things that could be done on it.

My ex brother-in-law was Ubar of a Tuchuk home on Chateau Whisper, and my sister, was his slave, later turned Ubara...and I'm sure most of you know what comes from a couple, jealousy very much alive, who run their own room in certain perspectives...They wouldn't let me play, or even let me in on the things they were doing, one, I wasn't 18, and two...well...that is more an r/t issue than anything...heh....anyway...when I finally became of age, I asked again...curiousity killed this cat, but satisfaction would always bring me back!!! So, they had the series, and I read all of them, fascinated and shocked learning about a world that could never exist with the corruption and twists and turns that Earthen societies wrought upon helpless people who are force-fed such bullshit...and I would soon create my first character...a barbarian slave alena....

alena was nieve, just as I was, to how this world would work...I won't lie, I was trapped in the terrifying world, and would spend countless days and nights trying to satisfy that fire that would consume my r/t life for a year on Gor...And of course, since starting in Tuchuk, it was quite close to the trueness of the books, and I have been stuck on Tuchuk ever since being in that room...

alena became dirty nose *sheepish grin*, as per her new Master's order...mainly because of a r/p during a chore that I had done...but long story short...dirty nose was perhaps my most cherished character on the planet, as she was my first ever, and when I got lost somewhere in the mix of showing too much heat, though I couldn't ever imagine that being possible at that point and time, etc, dirty nose was killed and fed to the sleens...and I believed that she could've been saved, but that her Owner took the easy way out...I was still young, and still learning, and all that learning and growing got me nothing but a slap in the face in r/t...and that actually pushed me out of Gor for years...because I had worked very hard to get that char to be who she was...though I was great friends with the man, behind the screen, that had owned my char...

That's when I got hooked on anitaverse....and was hooked on anitaverse for years to come...and I mean like...five years....and even that lost it's sparkle from time to time, and when that happened, nessa was created. I don't even remember how, but after losing touch with Dor (owner), I had come across him again somehow, somewhere, honestly can't remember, and that's when nessa became a bondmaid of Hunjer. I had grown and changed as a person in r/t, and my perspectives changed a lot when it came to Gor, it was perhaps when I truly delved and indulged in nessa, and she was a great slave....gifted to a Mistress who would soon start traveling as Hunjer died...and then I was left pissing in the wind as the Mistress disappeared, for reasons unbeknownst to me...this was roughly after 6 months of enveloping myself, yet again, in the world of Gor...Again...something inside me died, because it seemed that I couldn't find a place to make me happy to be there, or an Owner I could count on. For the next few years, I would try different homes, Kassar, Turia, Paravaci, Port Kar, etc, etc ...and I was never a 'gamer' of Gor, if I didn't like a place, I would let them know that I was leaving and turn my tags in, or in a couple of cases where the owner's were COMPLETE assholes and said they would kill my slave before doing such, blah, blah, I had said to the last person...get off your fuckin' high horse, and go fuck yourself, you don't deserve my time...of course, that's paraphrasing...heh...but then I would walk out of the room and not acknowledge any post they would throw my way...

Back to the point....this is my most recent return to Gor, after perhaps another 2+ year absence...Prolly around....July of '09, actually..and I brought back with me a a Kassar camp. I will not mention names on here, or where it was at, because again, that is not the kind of person I am...all I will say, after informing the Ubar of my r/t situations, and being told it was no problem, I disappear for a week or so, and when I come back...I'm banned from the MB and on another proby assignment...I did not lie when I told him I would come back...and you know what the sack of shit had the balls to say to me? I am Ubar...I know how people are...I been around for over ten years...Pfft...If you know people, then when someone tells you they'll come back, AND they actually do, what SHOULD that tell someone? Told me I was wasting my time....and my r/p time is very precious to me. Again...gone...walked out after letting that piece of shit know that HE WAS the piece of shit...and that's all I had been coming across, for years and years, only being able to say there was only one true home I had been in on html Gor, and it was...killing me....because I love the world of Gor...because all of you know that if we had a world like that HERE, we'd be so much better off as a species...*LOL*...and I FIRMLY believe that.

I put my slave on the shelf. Tired of the games, and quite honestly? I was tired of being forced to learn things I already knew over and over....and over and over.....and over and OVER...again. I don't have the time to keep wasting on re-learning the same shit with little to no results for my benefit, only to be shit on and have to start all over yet again. This was the last time, I was ready to completely give up on r/p period...because I'm just so fuckin' tired of pouring my heart into something that doesn't give me what I need back...tired of trying so hard, when there was still only one place I could truly call home...Tuchuk...and yet I could never find that world again...And thus, Melanie was born...

It has not been an easy transition into this position for me. Honestly, it's been downright painful at times. There is such a thin line to walk, and most of you see that I challenge that line just about any chance I get. And it started out really rough for me, as there was a certain someone that I teamed up with...and I ain't gonna lie...I am a manipulator, but most know who I speak of, and know that I was still miserable as all hell....*LOL*...but I gave him what he needed to get what I needed, which was time to transition and work on keeping my ass out of a collar. Excellent r/p. If you all give me the chance to type out my monster posts, and put as much 'effort' *meaning a little more than one line* in your reply to me...I'll give ya a thrill!....*LOL*'s what I do, it's why I am in the r/p world, it's what I am for - in the r/p world...because I wanna show people why -I- enjoy it so much, and why my heart and mind have always been captive to roleplay, and I hope I can keep that ability alive, for ALWAYS, and be able to share it with deserving others. It's always just been about finding the right place.

Anitaverse is dead to me right now, as it goes through its' re-vamping just as I watched and experienced with Gor, but Gor is on my mind, and it's stickin' there. By the time I got to MTC, I was just as ready to leave it, because quite honestly, I was getting stifled and smothered as I was trying to break free from the madness. I did break finally, I finally called it quits and just about walked outta MTC, and away from r/p, for good. But I stayed, I lingered, because I wanted to watch it unfold right in front of my eyes, and it did, and I wasn't the fool. I believe I owe Daigon Steele a little more than a simple thank you. Not only did he literally fight back in forth with me in PM to keep me there, also letting me know that he wasn't the only one...but don't names were shared beyond his own, wanting me to stay. *winks*, but it still took A LOT of convincing, and I think it was perhaps his plight, his reasoning, and his attitude on the whole well as...he was the only one I had gotten to interact with beyond a hello, during my short trip to MTC...and perhas I was lucky to have atleast gotten to chit chat, even just a little, with him, because his interaction with me, and the representation of/within MTC was ultimately the deciding factor while he dealt with my pain in the ass in PM, not letting me leave, because I would not just walk out on someone speaking to me, unless given a reason to, and he had given me all the reasons to stay instead.

I'll tell ya, I probably spent more time as a guest than I ever would've in any home...because MTC was way too good to be true...I had to wait, watch it break, just like every other place I had been to. The best part, it didn't. MTC -IS- the best home I had ever come across for online GOR, it is everything it promises. Loving, caring, cruel, strict, and a fuckin' blast! You want a 'real life' piece of Gor? Ya gotta check out MTC!....*LOL as I hustle without meanin' to*...and even I'm still a newbie there, still getting familiar, still finding my niche, but I can feel it, from head to toe, that this is a place I will never tire of, and will never shit on me, unless I do it first, and I can always count on MTC! And that is the kinda place I've always wanted to call home, and luckily for me, I am tolerated...*slow grin*.

My R/T life...that's another Gorean's only the beginning!...Stay on your toes, MTC! The Tuchuk Hellion will always haunt you!!...*laughs warmly and leaves snugs for my new family*...

MTC is what keeps me here, on Gor.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2009, 02:37:20 PM by Melanie »

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2009, 05:30:19 PM »
 :) :-* ;)

Offline aisling{MTC}

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #26 on: November 01, 2009, 07:36:29 PM »
Hmm's....what brought me? Technically Master Blade Mettle's Tarn brought me... but before He ever did, I was in MSN Gor because of a lovely sister whose beauty and grace and heart touched me and I envied her and wished to emulate her if I possibly could by some small degree.

I stayed because... I needed this in my life. I had the D/s in my real life but this allowed me to dig deeper, to serve in a way that is not afforded in the world today and to take from it all that I could and interchange the worlds in ways that have given "submission" a new meaning to me.  Yet... as I's proven to be a curse as well as a blessing at times.  I never considered this a family until about a year or so ago... but I know now they accept me for what I am..the clumsy, bumbling aisling... and for that I love you all,all the more!

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2010, 08:04:52 AM »

I was a 14 year-old Star Trek nerd, who frequently browsed the SciFi section of the local bookstore.  There were only seven Gor books then.  That girl on that cover drew me in.

At first I was far too embarrassed to consider buying it.  But more and more, every trip, I wanted that book.  Finally, I decided that if I started with the first boring-looking book in the series and worked my way up to Captive, the man at the register wouldn’t know how badly I wanted to be that girl on the cover.

Two years later, I was no longer a nerd, and often to be found playing Backseat Kajira with my high school boyfriend.

Gor has been a big part of my inner-life, my sexual, romantic and fantasy experience since I had one.

How I came to be on ChatGor is a totally different story, long ago written and told, that I reposted on my Moldy Oldies thread on the PTJ Board.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline RAGNAR

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2010, 10:02:16 AM »
 :D :-*

Offline RickBulow74

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2010, 12:59:47 PM »
I had thought of this for some time since I first seen this topic, and started to write out my reply but then to know it might take up a lot of bandwidth and so decided to put it to a blog entry:

I might add more to it when I go along, and when I do it will be put in another entry with the link here.
OOC - Rick