Author Topic: For those who long for uncensored Gorean conversation  (Read 5432 times)

Offline RickBulow74

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For those who long for uncensored Gorean conversation
« on: March 28, 2010, 01:29:27 PM »
Announcing the Gorean Uncensored Board.

This board is NOT affiliated in ANY WAY with any of the sites. This is the work of one individual who longs for a good discussion without any personal attacks which had been prevalent on many of the boards nowadays. If you long for good Gorean discussion without any personal attacks or derailment of threads we welcome you to sign up for this board.

If you do not want to, that is fine as well. We are just making others aware of one board where people can agree to disagree and be civil about it. Discussions will for the most part be uncensored and unmoderated but any ad hominem attacks will not be tolerated.
OOC - Rick

Offline Kimba~

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Re: For those who long for uncensored Gorean conversation
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2010, 06:38:06 PM »
I don't think anything shows the need for this Uncensored Board more than the way some people are trying to censor knowledge of the Uncensored Board's existance.

If moderating their own boards is as big a burden as they make out, then I'd think other sites would be glad to have another board offer to be the place to allow the kind of debate these sites prohibit on their boards.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Fishy!

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Re: For those who long for uncensored Gorean conversation
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2010, 06:51:56 PM »
I thank you for the invite... but I have to be honest... I dont think Ive ever been censored in any way here...

I do however understand how it could be said that this is promoting another site.

Offline RickBulow74

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Re: For those who long for uncensored Gorean conversation
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2010, 09:54:20 PM »
I had not seen any censoring of posts or anything since I had started looking at this board, Shoko. I was more or less referring to the censoring that I had seen on other boards and some of it coming about a day or two AFTER the fact on occasion.
OOC - Rick

Offline Kimba~

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Re: For those who long for uncensored Gorean conversation
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2010, 01:46:41 AM »
I thank you for the invite... but I have to be honest... I dont think Ive ever been censored in any way here...

What I see as the purpose of the other board is to discuss things that cross site lines.  Things that are about Gor as a whole, not MazeGor, or the other sites.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline RickBulow74

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Re: For those who long for uncensored Gorean conversation
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2010, 07:12:34 AM »
I thank you for the invite... but I have to be honest... I dont think Ive ever been censored in any way here...

What I see as the purpose of the other board is to discuss things that cross site lines.  Things that are about Gor as a whole, not MazeGor, or the other sites.

And that is why I worded my post as such, not to promote any particular site as the owner of one board had claimed or even to promote you as a Mod of another board claimed, but rather to try to bring many people together regardless of the site they are on.
OOC - Rick

Offline Kimba~

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Re: For those who long for uncensored Gorean conversation
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2010, 03:14:54 PM »
A great example of why we need this the Uncensored Board is the change in Prodigy Rules, proposed by Titus, and being discussed on boards that Titus moderates, from which Titus' strongest critics are banned.

Everybody who posts on any board is promoting their Home, and their view of Gor.  Yes, I am good at using Boards to advance my view of Gor, and promote the idea that PTJ is the best Home on Gor, because of what we believe, what we stand for, and how we roleplay.  If I was not so effective in making me look good, and others bad by comparison; nobody would object to me posting.  If my every post screamed, "Here's a dumb slut who doesn't know Gor", they would be glad to let me post.  But because my posts are persuasive, well reasoned, and based on a profound knowledge of Gor; when I disagree with people, they don't like it.

There was a time when Boards were truly a service to the Gorean community, and some still are.  But other boards have just become propaganda tools for the most influential members on that site.  That is why we need a truly open board.

Of course people will say I will moderate the Uncensored Board as my own propaganda tool.  If that happens, people will be free to say so.  But it won't happen.  I am more dedicated to the proposition that we NEED a real discussion board, than I am to my personal agenda to build PTJ.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Taryn

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Re: For those who long for uncensored Gorean conversation
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2010, 04:43:51 PM »
Why don't you use these boards, or your own home boards for such discussions... To make another board to do discussions is to me, odd... These are my home boards, and I will continue to post here the discussions I would like to discuss, or maybe others would like to join in as well...

If you want to discuss Prodigy rules, do so here, just post the topic and ask for opinions, it's really that simple, at least to me it is...

Offline Kimba~

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Reply to Taryn about the Uncensored Board
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2010, 07:25:56 PM »
Why don't you use these boards, or your own home boards for such discussions... To make another board to do discussions is to me, odd...

If you want to discuss Prodigy rules, do so here, just post the topic and ask for opinions, it's really that simple, at least to me it is...

There are actually a couple answers to these questions.

Boardhost offered a free beta-test of their new software, and I wanted to try it.  I really like some of the features.  I can set different levels of users, different levels of permissions for groups, post announcements, change the headers and footers.  And I don't have to negotiate with Ragnar or Buddha or Qris or Carole about how to run the Uncensored Board.

Rags and I had lengthy discussions about what kind of stuff could go on the WM Boards.  Some of my writing, and the kinds of arguments I think are productive do not fit with Rags’ vision of what he wants these boards to be.  I can be very provocative in my writing, using colorful metaphors, sarcasm, irony, ridiculing people’s flawed reasoning….  I also think a ten page thread, of people passionately arguing back and forth, can be a productive discussion.  Ragnar wants a more sedate tone on these boards, dispassionate discussion.

Prodigy Rules are a very touchy subject.  At some point, there will be a statement on this Board, explaining why WM Gor does not use Prodigy, and why we are going a different direction with Gorean combat.

Since we in PClaw roleplay on the other sites too, we have a stake in what happens with Prodigy.  But technically, since nobody on WM uses Prodigy, discussion of it doesn’t belong on the WM Boards, especially contentious discussion.

To put it simply, if I started a thread here, “Hey, what do people think of Prodigy Rules?”, Rags would have my hide made into slippers.
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Re: For those who long for uncensored Gorean conversation
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2010, 07:39:35 PM »
The only problem with combat rules, not just Prodigy or Any other system, is that it limits the fighter.

Such is why it is called rules. 

Rules of engagement limit soldiers ability to do their job but also keep the brass clean of fault for that "just in case".

And just in case, I know the rules of Prodigy and every system out there, I have to just in case, that way I can defend my home in whatever means "others" deem is acceptable.

If people feel the need to post such provocative threads and feel ours are lacking in passion, then that is their choice Taryn.  Whatever floats their boat.  We each traverse the various boards for our own reasons.

I tend to stick to these boards simply because I dont need to see the drama unfolding everywhere else on Gor.

Fifteen to fity page threads full of arguments only help remind me why our society is full of the over dramatic and tend to show the "ass" of those that simply post to see their ownselves talk so to speak.

I hope everyone finds what they seek for whatever reasons they search various boards.

I neither condemn nor condone.  Everyone has their own preferences.


Offline Kimba~

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Re: For those who long for uncensored Gorean conversation
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2010, 06:31:33 AM »
*kicks this up because I think some people will be looking for the link*
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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