Author Topic: Tech problem: Can't get to bottom in the rooms  (Read 4270 times)

Offline Kimba~

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Tech problem: Can't get to bottom in the rooms
« on: March 16, 2011, 09:20:08 PM »
I just got my comp back after a reinstall, and I couldn't RP if I wanted.  I can read the rooms up to a point, but not the most recent posts.  It's not just here, I tried Donar's site too.  It takes 5 or 6 posts before I can see my entrance, with FFox or IE; and I can't find a setting to fix it.

Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Taryn

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Re: Tech problem: Can't get to bottom in the rooms
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 10:16:10 PM »
I was having an issue just like that and I found that turning off my Avast (anti-virus program) for 10 minutes did the trick. After the 10 minutes is up and the program resumes running as if I still had the program on pause, though it will automatically kick Windows Firewall up, that shouldn't be an issue. I do this every time I go into any of the rooms on WM, haven't tried it elsewhere, since I am not allowed anywhere else, and I don't play in other realms off this site, so I don't know if it will fix the lag problem on other sites, though I would think it would.

Am not sure if there is a conflict between the anti-virus programs, as I am thinking the solution to the problem will be solved using other anti-virus programs, but I was at my wits end, having to post to all in the room that I was having huge lag issues, and I would have to PM to myself posts, just to get a post that was just sent to me by someone else, or to get the number to my dice roll for an event tossed at me by ST during our migration. I would suggest, that if that fails to work, I am sure someone else will come along with a suggestion or possibly a solution.

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Re: Tech problem: Can't get to bottom in the rooms
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 11:38:35 PM »
Get a 'Mac', my True...

*Heads for the deepest reaches of the Jungle...erasing tracks...*
Izee' Greyeagle
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Offline Raziel

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Re: Tech problem: Can't get to bottom in the rooms
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2011, 06:05:03 AM »
Gonna need a lil more information than that.  What IE explorer are you using, what Windows are you using, and what anti-virus are you using.


Offline Kimba~

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Re: Tech problem: Can't get to bottom in the rooms
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2011, 04:10:55 PM »
I was having an issue just like that and I found that turning off my Avast (anti-virus program) for 10 minutes did the trick.

Thanks Taryn.  I have Avast, and it's definitely the culprit here.  Turn off the shield and the room works fine.

Raz, it's all new stuff, since I had to reinstall.  Firefox 3.6.15, IE 8.0.6001.19019.  Avast 6.0.1000.  Windows Vista I don't know what, because there is no original disc.  It's my GF's comp, and she didn't know better before she knew me.

So I probably gotta figure out how to make some kind of exclusion of WMaze in Avast.  If I figger it out, I'll post it for Taryn (and others).

Update: It's the Script Shield.  You can turn off just that one Shield, and leave the other shields running.  But it doesn't look like there are any settings for the Script Shield but on/off.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 04:45:12 PM by Kimba~ »
Kimba, PantherClaw Taluna Jungle, WM

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Offline Taryn

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Re: Tech problem: Can't get to bottom in the rooms
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2011, 08:17:27 PM »
I don't have Script Shield, so I will just keep shutting it down for 10 minutes, and not run around the net while it's down. Once it comes back up, it works just fine.


I am using Windows XP SP3, Firefox 3.6.13, Avast 5.1.364. Been using these setting for over a year now, even the new Avast set up, only until I switched from the laptop to the desktop, the only difference between the two was the old Avast interface on the laptop, and the new interface that was on the desktop, as it used to be Ray's before he got his Christmas present from my parents. If you need anything else, or if anything changes between tonight and tomorrow, and with Avast, that might happen, I will post the changes.

Thanks Bro for all the help you can give.

Offline Taryn

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Re: Tech problem: Can't get to bottom in the rooms
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2011, 08:30:05 PM »
Now I have Script Shield, but as that is a new shield introduced in version 6.0.1000. So I know that isn't the issue. I realized when I looked at latest update that it needed to be downloaded and installed. There were a few new extras, but I didn't install them, as they are mostly noise, at least to me. Again, if I need them let me know and I will install them, I just go with what I had before and leave it at that.

Offline RickBulow74

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Re: Tech problem: Can't get to bottom in the rooms
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2011, 05:32:13 AM »
As far as browsers are concerned, I recommend one which someone had turned me on to and I had not looked back since. In fact, I do not mess with IE which had always locked up on me in the rooms to the point I had to reload 20 times during chat once.

The name of the browser is Maxthon. I have version 2.5.15 which works wonders for me in chat
OOC - Rick