If you have something to say, then say it, but do not drag crap to the boards. Tuchuk is not the only ones that read this. All you end up doing is making Tuchuk look like simple slime dragging trash. If you have issues and it cannot be handled through board pms, then take it up to a member of Council. If you feel the member of Council is not doing enough then, speak with the Ubar upon it.
Understand something, everyone has stresses or tensions or issues, whatever you will call it but to become so slanderous that not only do you disrespect another individual, you disrespect yourself by stooping so low to get your point across. I do not care for the he said she said, quote this, reply this, bosk shit.
You come home for a reason, not to start this dramatic BS. You got something to say, dont hijack a thread. Everyone will need to learn this lesson apparently; You are grown, act like it.
I will deal with everyone individually.
Next time no one bothers to listen to Council, ie any Council, when they tell you to cease will be dealt with in either fashion, ooc or not. The words from Council is to be considered the words from the Ubar and law in the absence of our Ubar. Council speaks on his behalf. Heed them.
This is me being nice.