Author Topic: WILD CARD Standings 2013 (Season)  (Read 1899 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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WILD CARD Standings 2013 (Season)
« on: January 05, 2014, 06:19:23 PM »
WILD CARD Standings 2013 (Season)

prism {*RgR*1*}...........1-3.........163-97
spi brat.........................0-0...........93-69
Shylina Marie..................0-0............8-8

WEEKLY................. prism {*RgR*1*} & RAGNAR

« Last Edit: January 07, 2014, 02:01:33 AM by RAGNAR »

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: WILD CARD Standings 2013 (Season)
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2014, 06:45:35 PM »
I usually pick my division champs to win at lest one post season game.

This year, I picked the Bengals, even though I knew, and told everyone I spoke to halfway through the season they would be there only through the bad fortune of the other three teams in the division.

The Browns showed a great deal of improvement that their record does not reflect. Instead of a bunch of individuals running around on the field, this season they finally learned to play as a team. Too bad the upper management want an instant Bowl victory instead of grasping the concept that it takes time under the same coach to actually build a team.

The Ravens, through retirement and trades, the defending champs lost their spirit. They really didn't develop any on-field leadership to carry them through the tough times. Simply put... they languished. Maybe they will find that someone who will step up and become a leader on the field and will feed their fighting spirit when things look bad.

My Steelers... plagued by stupidity on the coaching staff except for Dick... an incredible year for injuries early in the season left the offensive line filled with inexperienced rookies that got on the job training. Some piss-poor trades and walking papers topped off the bad luck. When they finally began getting their starters back from the list of injured, they managed to win six of their last eight games. That is damn good in any ballplayers book. Too bad it took so long for injuries to heal.

Which brings us to the Bengals. They never earned their spot in the post season. They pretty much got it by default. I picked them more out of tradition on my end, but I knew in my heart, and my football brain... they would blow it.... and they did. I kept hearing the phrase, "Visions of Boomer". Uh huh... riiiiiiight. Bullshit. In a nutshell, the entire division was extremely sad this season as far as being strong competitors. The Steelers did make a roaring comeback the second half of the season, but it was too late to do them alot of good. When the Bengals beat us in the first meeting, they were all excited and felt they were just the shit. When they faced the Steelers "regulars"... they certainly were the shit. They looked like shit, played like shit, and were stomped like shit. So much for the division champs... and still my Steelers were not fully up to strength yet. We were still missing standouts. Oh well... I guess they can say they made it post season this year, and take whatever pride they can in it. It may be the last time for another twenty years or so If the Steelers get and stay healthy, and the Ravens once again find leadership and spirit.

So Bengals and fans... enjoy the post season from your couches. You didn't even do our division proud. One game... ONE MORE WIN and we could have been proud of you. A post season victory is not the SHOW... but its a fair showing.

Offline RickBulow74

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Re: WILD CARD Standings 2013 (Season)
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2014, 01:55:02 AM »
I cannot believe how close I was to my final score in the 49ers-PAckers game. I did predict it would come down to a last second field goal to win, but predicted the top score would be 20-17.
OOC - Rick

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Re: WILD CARD Standings 2013 (Season)
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2014, 01:04:44 PM »
I believe I was 3-1 this week, not 2-2.

Offline RAGNAR

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Re: WILD CARD Standings 2013 (Season)
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2014, 02:02:07 AM »
My bad. Corrected.