It seems some may be at a disadvantage when it comes to coding. Hopefully this will solve that for you. Below you will find a few codes that will be sufficient to get you up and chatting in no time.Free Men...<center><img src="Avatar url goes here"></center><center><h2><font color=#ff0000>| </font><font color=#9900cc>|</font><font color=#ffff00>| </font><font color=#0000ff>| </font><font color=#339900>| </font><font color=#c0c0c0>| </font><font color=#33ffff>| </font><font color=#990000>| </font><font color=#66ff00>| </font><font color=#name color> Name <br>MTC<br>Name of Clan<br></font><font color=#66ff00> |</font><font color=#990000> |</font><font color=#33ffff> |</font><font color=#c0c0c0> |</font><font color=#339900> |</font><font color=#0000ff> |</font><font color=#ffff00> |</font><font color=#9900cc> |</font><font color=#ff0000> |</font></h2></center><center><font color=#text color><h3>
**Note... these are complete scar codes. In order, they are red, purple, yellow, blue, green, gray, light blue, brown, bright green. In order to use this code, add your avatar URL where indicated, choose your name color, use your character name where indicated, remove all the scar codes that you HAVE NOT been awarded. Remember, the scars are reversed following your name!!! The very last color is your text color.Free Women...<center><img src="Avatar url goes here"></center><center><h2><font color=#name color> Name <br></font><font color=#66ff00> o</font><font color=#990000> o</font><font color=#33ffff> o</font><font color=#c0c0c0> o</font><font color=#339900> o</font><font color=#0000ff> o</font><font color=#ffff00> o</font><font color=#9900cc> o</font><font color=#ff0000> o</font><br><font color=#choice of color hex code>Name of Clan<br></font><font color=ffffff>MTC</font></h2></center><center><font color=#text color><h3>
**Note... these are complete bead codes. In order, they are red, purple, yellow, blue, green, gray, light blue, brown, bright green. Remove the beads, ~ o~ that you have not been awarded. In order to use this code, add your avatar URL where indicated, choose your name color, use your character name where indicated, remove all the bead codes that you HAVE NOT been awarded. Add your other color choices. The very last color is your text color.Kajira...<center><img src="Avatar url goes here"></center><center><h2><font color=#name color> Name <br><font color=#collar color>Personal collar</font><br><br><font color=#rank color>Ranking</font><font color=#FFFFFF>MTC</font></h2></center><center><font color=#text color><h3>
**Note... Add the URL to your avatar, then your name color choice, collar color choice, rank color, then your text color. Kajira of higher rankings will likely already have enough HTML experience to add what may be needed to their codes.These should be enough to get you started. In our rooms here, sometimes quotes cause issues depending on your system and browser I have come to find out. Normally the hex colors are also in quotes, but this can create some strange malfunctions depending on browser and operating system. These codes seem to be the friendliest I have found. It is also older HTML, which also seems to work best in general.For additional color options for names, text, titles, collars, etc, here is a URL of hex color codes to choose from on a black background so you can judge which will show up the best for use. are all center aligned. There is also left align, right align, a combination, etc. These may come later if desired. What is shown are the basics to get you started.