Hey Fams,
I read this thread and I know its time to say something.
I dont r/p whatsoever anymore. I'm just not into it right now, could give a fuck less about rp actually.... However, I DO care a lot about the people behind the screen and I surely dont keep in touch as often as I should with most all of you.... But I'm not coming back into MTC for r/p for a long while. My life is not conducive for it right now... And i still have no want or energy for it... I'm going through the longest burnt spell in my life... And to be perfectly honest? I dont know when, or even if I will come back for role play. Im turning 30 this year. Haha. I know. But days are strange nd I've always got a mound of shit to deal with on my plate on a daily basis... I dont see life slowing down... Only speeding by... Futuristically, if I can keep myself sustained, theres possibility of promotional kinda stuff.... I dun wanna talk about it.. It seems forever away...
MTC is not my heart, but the people that bring MTC to life are my heart... And Brother, if u must strip me of my membership tags, it does not change my love for you and yours... But Im not pretending, I'm not playing anywhere else, and those occasional places i used to play in... Dont know shit about what happened to me... Though they prolly will now... Besides the point...
Thats where it is... But ya'll can bet yer bottom dollar that my face will be at an upcoming gathering... Whether u want this hellion to show up or not!
Do what you must with Melanie... Nikki is all that exists as of now. And Your decisions do not affect my mind or heart. Any that care to get ahold of me, there's pms here at the very least.
Lotsa Love