Author Topic: DANCE CLASSES  (Read 2938 times)


  • Guest
« on: March 24, 2017, 09:42:08 AM »
Because i'd had several people (offsite) ask about the dance classes which i'd taught many, many years ago, and have had about 74  graduates from, (in fact i've noticed that the dance instructions listed on the webpage are those of my class, but one. *L*), i'm going to be starting the classes again.

They cost nothing, and i do them during the day, so not to interrupt the room at night. Master Ubar said He'd make a room just for the classes, and all Owners are always invited to watch if they'd like.
The classes run 8 weeks and cover a variety of things to make your dances come alive. The classes are as follows, and yes there is homework for the first 4 classes.

Class 1 is the basics, then 2 is emotions/feelings, 3 is technicalities, 4 if use of the body, 5 is how to do an outline and linking for photos, music, etc., 6 is the white silk class (basically a girl who is restricted), 7 is scroll dances, and 8 is polishing the dance..the final is the actual dance itself.

i help each one in the class, individually if they wish, and the classes can be taken via email if one cannot make the class. 

If any are interested, please let me know, i'll wait 2 weeks before starting the classes.

This tells just a little about the classes and lists those who've graduated, click the "Dance Class" button.

Have a beautiful day.