(00:22:37 )
Amorette Crois
Clan of Cooks
[ Main Locations ]
standing at the main fire
says to ALL
: ~Setting off from the fires and furs to the cook fires~
(00:26:03 )
Amorette Crois
Clan of Cooks
[ Main Locations ]
in the commissary area
says to ALL
: ~Wandering into the comm area, the second busyest place in camp. I check the pots simmering and smile pleases at kiah's contrabution. I head to the comm wagon to wash up~
(00:32:05 )
Amorette Crois
Clan of Cooks
[ Main Locations ]
in the commissary wagon
says to ALL
: ~accfending into the wagon, brushing past the slave girls as they chatter happily. I step to the wash basin and slip my hands into the soapy water. letting the soap froth up I wash up my browning arms. I take a clean rep cloth and dry my hands and arms down, then tuck the cloth into my belt~
(00:37:20 )
Amorette Crois
Clan of Cooks
[ Main Locations ]
in the commissary wagon
says to ALL
: ~i take a large bowl and set it on the counter then gather many citrus fruits from the baskets, cutting them in half and juiceihng them into the bowl. When I have about 1/2 talu I add kalana wine and some secreat seasonings before mixing the marinade~
(00:38:06 )
Amorette Crois
Clan of Cooks
[ Main Locations ]
in the commissary wagon
says to ALL
: ~I pick up the bowl, careful not to slosh and carry it out to the comm area and the prepping tables~
(00:40:16 )
Amorette Crois
Clan of Cooks
[ Main Locations ]
in the commissary area
says to ALL
: ~I set the bowl down and order two thralls to bring a pan filled with prepped vulo, ~
(00:45:14 )
Amorette Crois
Clan of Cooks
[ Main Locations ]
in the commissary area
says to ALL
: ~The thralls return hauling a long flat pan the de feathered and headless little birds line the pan. I smile as they set it on the table and withdraw. I lift the bowl and pour the mariande over the little birds, covering them. I set the bowl down and cover the pan with a cloth, hoisting it in my hands twords the fires~
(00:49:05 )
Amorette Crois
Clan of Cooks
[ Main Locations ]
at the cookfires
says to ALL
: ~Reaching the fires I set the pan over a low flame of dung fires and let the little birds boil and bubble in the wine and citrus with spices until the marinade is absorbed and cooked off~
(00:51:04 )
Amorette Crois
Clan of Cooks
[ Main Locations ]
at the cookfires
says to ALL
: I deglaze the pan with more kalana and let the vulo brown on both sides. the flesh plumb and juicey moist and so tender the bones were showing. I set the pan off the fire and set them out to keep warm.~