Sis, I know what you're going thru as I'm going thru the same problem. In my case, I have a roomate who claims to be my best friend, but then doesn't payme rent for 4 months and uses my vehicles and never helps out with food costs and expects me to buy his beer and to go to the bar with him whenever he's bored. In short, my patience finally expired. We told him that if he doesn't have a FULL month's rent to us by the end of this month (we only ask 300 a month, and that includes EVERYTHING), then he needs to find a new place to stay. Since he's only given us 100 so far, we're getting ready to kick him out. he's had a whole month of warning and enough is enough.
The same goes for you. Give him a time frame. tell him that by X date, if he doesn't have a job, and is paying so much a month to help out, that he obviously is NOT being a friend and that you have no need to help someone who isn't a friend to you. if that means he is out on the streets, so be it because he is taking advantage of you and that is NOT being a good friend. Maybe being kicked out will finally wake him up to the realities of life and he'll stop taking advantage of people. If he thinks you're not serious, make sure that you ARE serious before you give that ultimatum, and if he doesn't do it, stick to your guns and kick him out, no matter what.
I don't know if Donnie has a place lined up for him to go at the end of htis month or not, and frankly? I'm not worrying. He has had his warning, if he thinks we're not serious, and that we won't actually kick him out, he's in for a rude awakening. If he has chosen not to find alternate living accomadation, that is his problem, not mine, and you need to think the same way about your roomate. he is NOT being a friend toyou if he is treating you this way and you need to stop thinking of him as one. Kick his ass out.