Per Ubar Ragnar
kettles and thrall-tp's will no longer need to left align their name and tags. They may now be centered. the Restrictions for avs remain in effect and are restated below:
All slaves in Tuchuk may wear an av, including newly collared slaves.
Newly collared slaves may have one day to work on an av and submit it for approval. Once approved the slave may wear only that av until they test up and are permitted to useadditional avs.
It is hoped this will allow the newer slaves to more visible and appreciated by our home in general as well as let them know they are a member of our family and they do fit in.
Leniency on the single day rule will be granted to any who are av illiterate. There are many in our home that can assist in the graphics department and it is understood this takes time, especially if several avs are being researched and done at any one time.
This shall not be construed as meaning any slave may slack off their duties or their studies while waiting on an av.
These avs will have a size limit of 140 wide by 200 high. These avs may also be used as board avs on the message board, but is not manditory. The av will be of simply design and beauty.