Author Topic: I'm tellin ya.. I'm cursed.  (Read 2003 times)

Offline Kitya

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I'm tellin ya.. I'm cursed.
« on: April 01, 2006, 04:06:00 PM »
Ok. bad things come in three's right?? I sure hope so because then I've had my three. First was the new SUV we bought making a scary clanging noise whenever it was in idle. THat got solved today thank the gods. Turned out the heat shield on my catalytic converter was loose. My wonderful neighbour tightened it up for me. yay! free! very good.

Next, my wireless router dying. We THINK it's overheating, but it amounts to the same thing. No net access while it's fried. So... for now the cable is plugged into my computer. Which wouldn't be a HUGE deal right now while hubby's gone since I dont use his computer and until I get a new router his puter has no access. BUT, we have one of those nifty cable phone things... and when my computeris off, I don't think I can make a call since one of the lights is out. With the router, since it was always on, this was never a problem. So... not so good.

and NOW, today, the final straw. Before Roy left, the dogs had managed to cause a leak in our water pipe again... they like being inthe crawl space, and when they go in and out, they knock into the pipe, which someone in his infinate wisdom 45 years ago, decided to use copper tubing. Over time, they manage to knock something loose, and water starts spraying into the crawl space, which we don't ever hear in the house. He fixed it right before he left, and put some boards up thinking that he had blocked the entrance well enough that they couldn't get in. He was wrong. there was ONE hole that was BARELY big enough.. when I saw barely, I mean, they manage to get in, but they can't seem to always get out again. While they're stuck under there, they are constantly knocking into the pipe, and low and behold, today I dosciver over a foot and a half of water in the crawl space, and I can actually hear the hissing of the water pipe. Now, I have no idea how to fix things like this. Sooooo... I called many many places in my local yellow pages, but no one seems to answer their phones on saturdays... except Roto Rooter. They were booked for today already, but they are sending a guy out right away tomorrow morning. Since I'm a nice chic and everything, I went off to the rental store and I've rented one of those sump pumps that attach to a garden hose and I am draining the darn space sothe guy won't have to swim thru 34 degree water. The problem is, it's really hard for me to get the sump into the correct places and well... it hasn't been a good day. After roto rooter is done I'm taking a BIG boad and nailing it over the whole entraceway... no more of this!!!

So.. the money I saved not needing to take my SUV to the mechanic, I get to spend on plumbing issues! yaay! *lol* And the dogs wonder why I'm ticked at them.

Dunno if I'll be in tonight... they're sayin they'll be here between 8am and 10am.. whcih means *horrified gasp* I'll actually have to get UP in the morning!!

Anyway.. wish me luck.. and spare a prayer for the poor guy who's gonna have to go under my house in the icky wet cold mud.

Kitya aka Kiersten


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Re: I'm tellin ya.. I'm cursed.
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2006, 04:29:10 PM »
test and see first if its the 'splitter'
as they go out more frequently than wireless routers do....

theyre generally hooked close to the tv, and, then to the other cable heading into the wall, to split the you get better levels for internet....if youre usin it in the same room as the tv...if not, dont need a splitter...

can that be the case?

*L* sorry to hear about yer new swimmin pool!

Offline Kitya

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Re: I'm tellin ya.. I'm cursed.
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2006, 06:21:58 PM »
We dn't have a splitter. The tv is in a different room from the computers. The router works for a couple hours after it's been unplugged for a few hours. So we know it's the router.. just gotta find 70 bucks to get a new one.

the crawl space is no longer a swimming pool, now it's a cave of slimy watersoaked mud.. the kind that you sink into... I feel sorryfor the poor guy.


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Re: I'm tellin ya.. I'm cursed.
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2006, 06:50:39 PM »
Hey, at least it saved ya a bill!

*ponders*....can you run the cable direct? Ya must be doing something right, Yer online!

(trades in the stupid blonde that possessed by typist)
yah..what ya just said....!

Offline Thalia

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Re: I'm tellin ya.. I'm cursed.
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2006, 09:15:43 PM »
So, um... you thought you saved yourself a bill, but --- APRIL FOOLS!  *ducks and prepares to take a beating*  I love you!

Living in the land of sun, sand, and Thassa breezes, where the only rule is common sense.  What's not to love?

Offline Ayelen

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Re: I'm tellin ya.. I'm cursed.
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2006, 03:26:31 PM »
That's coz you wanna wuss out on the participation thing... ~sage node~

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Offline Kitya

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Re: I'm tellin ya.. I'm cursed.
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2006, 03:57:27 PM »
Okeedokee... I have now discovered the downside of calling a name brand plumber... $257 later, I have a fixed water line and most of that was just the by the hour charge!! I will say this tho.. the guy was really nice... even helped me chase down my dogs when they escaped the yard when he thought he had latched the gate and had actually missed. He felt really bad... could see I was in pain from the chase, and took over nailing the crawl space shut for me.

Don't worry Rags... I'm not in pain like last time. No hospital trips is needed for this, just.. a little sore.

Anyway, if the dogs get thru what we created I'm buying a metal panel and installing THAT over the entrance! dumb dogs.

I may be in tonight.. depends on how I'm feeling. If I'm still aching I'm probably just going to go to bed early with some tylonol and sleep it off since i havne't slept well the last two nights, worrying I'd oversleep and not get the crawl space drained before the plumber got here.

Yeesh.. what a week! *lol* I'm so glad that this is all over.


I'm not wussing out talena! I'm just not wanting to do the fear factor.. especially since I didn't freak out LAST year!! *lol*

and dee? WELCOME TO MY LIFE!!! *lol*

Offline Ayelen

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Re: I'm tellin ya.. I'm cursed.
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2006, 04:19:33 PM »
I'm not wussing out talena! I'm just not wanting to do the fear factor.. especially since I didn't freak out LAST year!! *lol*

Yeah I know... ~lol~ i think we were about the only two... i'm trying to get out of it on the same premise... nothing can make me go all squeamish.... (raising three kids, i can safely say i have slithered through enough shit to qualify)... besides.. i wanna watch all the faces that DO get squeamish.... coz of feta cheese..... ~grins~
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Re: I'm tellin ya.. I'm cursed.
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2006, 04:21:48 PM »
this year.....


muhahahahahahaha *wringing hands evilly and scramming*
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

'Oh shit....she's awake!!'
